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The 75 best phrases of Antonio Machado

He belongs to the acclaimed and controversial generation of 98, which shaped great figures of Spanish literature and poetry while developed the military defeat derived from the Spanish-American War in 1898, Antonio Machado was best known for his work in literature modernist until reaching a lyrical and symbolic essence in his writings where he places in context not only themes of romance or tragedy, but also about the social reality that he was living and his extreme melancholy with the feeling of loneliness.

For this reason, we have brought in this article the best quotes from the romantic and symbolist poet Antonio Machado to delve a little deeper into his thoughts.

  • We recommend you read: "The 25 best poems of Federico García Lorca"

Great phrases by Antonio Machado

Melancholy, tragedy, love and a lot of passion is what we will see next in these sentences.

1. In his heart he had the thorn of a passion. I managed to rip it off one day: I no longer feel my heart.

Sometimes we feel empty when we manage to remove all that we have inside.

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2. To dialogue, ask first; later... listen.

More than talking, the important thing when talking is knowing how to listen.

3. Learn to doubt and you will end up doubting your own doubt; in this way God rewards the skeptic and the believer.

Ignorance is never beneficial. It is always better to seek knowledge than to remain in doubt.

4. Four principles to keep in mind: the opposite is also common. It is not enough to move to renew. It is not enough to renew to improve. There is nothing that is absolutely worse.

Principles that we must all bear in mind.

5. The truth is what it is, and it remains true even if you think backwards.

The truth can never be hidden despite trying to change.

6. Slow and good lyrics, that doing things well, matters more than doing them.

If you want to be successful, find your own rhythm and don't worry about someone else's journey.

7. All that is ignored, despised.

The things that we reject are the things that we do not know.

8. I talk to the man who always goes with me. Who speaks alone, hopes to talk to God one day.

Talking keeps our brain active, even if it is with ourselves.

9. The deepest words of the wise man teach us the same as the hiss of the wind when it blows or the sound of water when it flows.

The true meaning of something is acquired when we know how to listen to it.

10. Do you say that nothing is created? Do not care, with the clay of the earth, make a glass for your brother to drink.

Do things as your own tools allow you.

11. In matters of culture and knowledge, only what is saved is lost, only what is given is gained.

When we keep something we move away from the other. When we share, we grow.

12. The eyes because you sigh, know it well, the eyes in which you look at yourself are eyes because they see you.

They say that the eyes are the windows of the soul.

13. Pay attention: a lonely heart is not a heart.

Complete loneliness is never desired.

14. They say that a man is not a man as long as he does not hear his name from a woman's lips.

Could this phrase be true?

15. I have my friends in my solitude, when I am with them, how far they are.

Not always because we are surrounded by people means that we feel in company.

16. There are two kinds of men: those who live talking about virtues and those who limit themselves to having them.

Which of these two guys are you?

17. In my loneliness I have seen very clear things that are not true.

Loneliness tends to be peaceful and thoughtful. But it is also a trap where false thoughts nest.

18. Benevolence does not mean tolerance of the mean, or conformity with the inept, but a will for good.

Being kind does not mean being naive.

19. Today is always still.

Today is eternal.

20. Every fool confuses value and price.

Value is the quality that a person gives, price is the economic weight of it.

21. I discovered the secret of the sea by meditating on a drop of dew.

To understand something globally, you need to understand its parts.

22. Worse than seeing black reality is not seeing it.

Even if it hurts, it is always preferable to know the truth.

23. Those who are always back from everything are those who have never gone anywhere.

They are also known as the ones who stay in their comfort zone.

24. Some desperate people are only cured with a rope; others, with seven words: faith has become fashionable.

Everyone has a different way out that they choose from their problems.

25. Men of Spain, neither the past has died nor is tomorrow, nor yesterday, written.

Referring to the fact that Spain should not remain clinging to her history.

26. Never lose contact with the ground; because only then will you have an approximate idea of ​​your height.

You have to know all the time what your possibilities are.

27. Of what men call virtue, justice and goodness, one half is envy, and the other is not charity.

There are those who take advantage of good virtues as sources of personal satisfaction.

28. Help me understand what I am saying and I will explain it to you better.

Working to understand something is the best way to collaborate for growth.

29. Death is something that we should not fear because, while we are, death is not and when death is, we are not.

A great reflection on the stalking of death.

30. Beneath everything we think, everything we believe lives, like the last veil of our spirits.

The things we think derive from our beliefs.

31. I dreamed - wonderful mistake! - that I had a hive here inside my heart. And the golden bees were making white combs and sweet honey from my old failures.

You have to learn from failures in order to weave a successful future.

32. In case of life or death, one must be with the closest one.

Why dismiss life?

33. Blessed is he who forgets the reason for the trip and, in the star, in the flower, in the clouds, leaves his soul on fire.

Sometimes it is better to enjoy the journey without the pressure of reaching the finish line.

34. All uncertainty is fruitful... provided it is accompanied by the desire to understand.

The only doubt that is worth keeping is the one that arouses our curiosity to know.

35. In the psychological analysis of great betrayals you will always find the mindlessness of Judas Iscariot.

Reference to the most recorded betrayal in world and spiritual history.

36. Judging or correcting ourselves involves applying the measure other than one's own cloth.

Many people love to impose their ideologies as if they were absolute.

37. Beware of the community in which blasphemy does not exist: underneath, atheism is rampant.

Every community has its conflicts.

38. My soul is not asleep. She is awake, wide awake. He does not sleep or dream, but observes, with wide eyes, distant things, and listens on the shores of the great silence.

Perhaps this is why sometimes we must listen and heed our instincts.

39. It is typical of men with medium heads to attack everything that does not fit in their heads.

Only the ignorant find the growth that knowledge offers annoying.

40. After the truth, there is nothing as beautiful as fiction.

Well the saying goes "man also lives by illusions".

41. As much as a man is worth, he will never have a higher value than that of being a man.

The most valuable quality of humans is their humanity.

42. I thought my fire was out, and I stirred the ashes… I burned my fingers.

We can always give more, even in the darkest hours.

43. My childhood are memories of a patio in Seville, and a clear orchard where the lemon tree ripens; my youth, twenty years in the lands of Castile; my story, some cases that I don't want to remember.

Talking about his childhood memories.

44. In Spain, out of every ten heads, nine attack and one thinks.

Those were dark times in his Spain.

45. In politics, only those who put the candle where the air blows triumph; never who wants to blow the air where he puts the candle.

In politics, what counts are the solutions to problems or at least the belief in them.

46. Why call the furrows of chance roads? Everyone who walks walks, like Jesus, on the sea.

We can all walk different paths instead of getting stuck.

47. What the poet is looking for is not the fundamental self, but the deep self.

Poets are in constant connection with their deepest feelings.

48. Miserable Castilla, yesterday dominating, wrapped in its rags, despises everything it ignores.

Reference to the conflict in Castilla.

49. Not your truth; the truth and come with me to find it. Yours, keep it.

Everyone has their own vision of the truth, but few are willing to find a middle ground.

50. When we first saw each other, we just reminded each other. Although it may seem absurd, I have cried when I was aware of my love for you, for not having loved you all my life.

When we love someone, we regret not having found him much earlier because we did not know how missing he was.

51. It is the best of the good who knows that in this life everything is a matter of measure: a little more, a little less ...

It is important to know how to measure our attitudes and responses above all.

52. Walker, there is no path, the path is made by walking.

A phrase that reminds us that we can control our own destiny.

53. Do not trust words: In this life you will find many people who live badly and speak well.

Not everything that people say is true.

54. Does the spilled blood remember, when he had sword fever?

Armed conflicts leave only misery and pain in their wake.

55. Coin that is in hand, maybe it should be saved. The coin of the soul is lost if it is not given.

There are things that are better left to ourselves and others that are better to share with others.

56. The concepts belong to everyone and are imposed on us from outside; intuitions are always ours.

Everyone has something to teach us, not just in school, but in life.

57. Given the choice between the truth and the pleasure of seeking it, we would choose the latter.

The best knowledge is the one we want to know.

58. You will see warlike plains and ascetic moors - the biblical garden was not through these fields -: they are lands for the eagle, a piece of the planet where the shadow of Cain wanders.

Only ruthless men enjoy waging wars.

59. That two and two are necessarily four is an opinion that many of us share. But if someone sincerely thinks otherwise, let them say so. Here we are not surprised at anything.

If you have a different opinion, express it. Sometimes it is necessary to know another point of view.

60. Without time, that invention of Satan, the world would lose the anguish of waiting and the comfort of hope.

A great certainty, since time is seen as an atrocious enemy by many people.

61. Spring has come, no one knows how it has been.

Spring will always bloom after every winter.

62. What does a day matter! Yesterday is alert to tomorrow, tomorrow to infinity.

We cannot focus on the past or despair about the future.

63. And everywhere I have seen people who dance or play, when they can, and work their four spans of land. Never, if they get to a place, they ask where they come from.

There are those who enjoy life as a perpetual spontaneous moment, without worrying about what to expect next.

64. Did you say half true? They will say you lie twice if you tell the other half.

A lie will always be a lie even if it wants to disguise itself as benevolence.

65. The eye that you see is not an eye because you see it, it is an eye because it sees you.

People analyze us all the time.

66. The most rogue puts his hand to his heart, and the thickest brute is charged with reason.

There are people who claim to have the best of intentions and it is only a disguise for their interests.

67. The absence of vices adds little to virtue.

There are healthy people who have rotten souls.

68. Flee from stages, pulpits, platforms and pedestals.

Referring to the fact that fame can make us blind to reality.

69. Joy consists in being healthy and having an empty head.

Do you think this is true?

70. Our hours are minutes when we hope to know, and centuries when we know what can be learned.

The perception of time varies in quality to what we look for from it.

71. The richest area of ​​our souls, of course the most extensive, is the one that is usually forbidden to knowledge by our own love.

The most important love we should long to have is for ourselves.

72. In the hopelessness and melancholy of your memory, Soria, my heart opens.

Sad memories are sometimes caused by one person.

73. If it is good to live, it is still better to dream, and best of all, to wake up.

Dreams keep us motivated and waking up allows us the opportunity to make them come true.

74. Everything passes and everything remains, but our thing is to pass, to pass by making roads, roads over the sea.

Everything comes and goes, so we must always keep moving forward.

75. As you walk, the path is made, and when you look back you see the path that will never be trodden again.

It's okay to look back, but only if it's to remind yourself of what to avoid doing again.

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