The 100 best phrases of Pedagogy
Pedagogy is known as a social science that focuses on the research and dissemination of the various forms of education, not only at school, but in all areas of development, from infancy to adulthood. It makes us see that education is a complex phenomenon that encompasses the entire human culture and that it can help us take advantage of our learning potential.
In this article you will find a collection of the best phrases about Pedagogy, education and the art of learning at all stages of life.
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The most inspiring phrases of Pedagogy
To understand the importance of this social science, we bring a compilation with the best phrases about Pedagogy and its influence on society.
1. Education is a process that never ends. (Josephine Aldecoa)
Age is not a limitation to continue learning.
2. To teach is to learn twice. (Joseph Joubert)
When we teach others we also learn.
3. Childhood has its own ways of seeing, thinking and feeling. There is nothing more foolish than trying to replace them with those of adults. (Jacques Rousseau)
Learning is different at each stage of life.
4. Play is the highest level of development for a child. It delivers joy, freedom, satisfaction, internal and external rest and peace with the world. (Friedrich Frobel)
Through play, the child not only has fun, but also learns.
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5. The goal of teaching a child is to enable him to get by without a teacher. (Elbert Hubbard)
Every teacher should focus on children learning to fend for themselves.
6. One of the worst things you can do with a child is not take care of him. (Javier Urra)
The first priority of every teacher is to attend to his students.
7. Each pedagogue is a new teacher of life.
The educator not only performs in the classroom, but in all areas of life.
8. A school system without parents as its foundation is like a bucket with a hole in the bottom. (Jesse Jackson)
Parents are fundamental pieces in the education of children.
9. To educate is not to give a career to live, but to temper the soul for the difficulties of life.
Education should not only focus on giving knowledge, but also on providing tools that allow us to face any situation.
10. With faith and adequate pedagogy, even the most rebellious spirit submits, Mr. Lieutenant Colonel. (Antonio Lobo Antunes)
With good instruction, a person becomes more docile.
11. A true pedagogue is one who not only imparts knowledge but also exerts a positive moral influence on his students. (Sōseki Natsume)
A good teacher is one who gives a little more than his duty.

12. All the ideas that are transforming education in the world have sprouted in the fertile field of experimentation and creation of the primary school. (Jose Carlos Mariategui)
Primary school is the fundamental key to a good education.
13. Common sense is not the result of education. (Victor Hugo)
Life teaches more than any school.
14. The educator is the man who makes difficult things seem easy. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
The teacher has the role of making his students learn easily and simply.
15. A map is much better understood when you can make it yourself. The best resource to understand is to produce. (Immanuel Kant)
Let children learn by doing things for themselves.
16. If you want creative workers, give them enough time to play. (John Cleese)
You have to have time to have fun and clear your mind.
17. The teaching that leaves a mark is not the one that is done from head to head, but from heart to heart. (Howard G. Hendricks)
You always have to put love into everything you learn.
18. The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery. (Mark Vandoren)
In all knowledge there is always something to discover.
19. Only those who look with the eyes of children can lose themselves in the object of their admiration. (Eberhard Arnold)
Let's never lose the inner child so that we can see with amazement everything we learn.
20. Education helps a person learn to be what he is capable of being. (Hesiod)
Self-confidence is gained through knowledge.
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21. A good education does not only have to teach how to read, but what is worth reading. (Unknown)
The important thing about a good education is to teach what is really important.
22. To teach someone who is not curious to learn is to sow a field without plowing it. (Richard Whatley)
Curiosity is the spark that ignites the desire to learn.
23. The only possible education is this: to be sure enough of a thing to dare to say it to a child. (g. K. Chesterton)
Before teaching others you have to be sure of what you intend to make known.
24. The wonderful thing about learning something is that no one can take it away from us. (B. b. King)
The knowledge acquired is never lost.
25. What is given to children, children will give to society. (Carl A. Menninger)
What you teach, others will multiply.
26. The first task of education is to stir up life, but leaving it free to develop. (Maria Montessori)
It is important to teach without impositions.
27. Children have a real understanding of what they only invent themselves, and every time we try to teach them something too quickly, we stop them from reinventing themselves. (John Piaget)
Each person has their time to learn.
28. Teachers teach more by what they are than by what they say.
Actions speak louder than words.
29. Good education is more about giving correct questions than giving correct answers. (Joseph Albers)
Curiosity is fundamental in all learning.
30. Education is the development in man of all the perfection of which his nature is capable. (Immanuel Kant)
People know what their potential is once they gain knowledge.
31. Educate the children, and it will not be necessary to punish the men. (Pythagoras)
An educated boy will be a knowledgeable man.
32. A rigorous pedagogue is something more terrible than a terrible demagogue. (Ramon Gomez de la Serna)
Imposed education does not bear true fruit.
33. It is almost impossible to become an educated person in a country so distrustful of the independent mind. (James Baldwin)
Education has to be free to generate thinking people.
34. We often give children answers to remember rather than problems to solve. (Roger Lewis)
You don't have to make things easy for children, you just have to encourage them.
35. In matters of culture and knowledge, only what is saved is lost; you only earn what you give. (Antonio Machado)
If we don't share what we know, the knowledge will be lost.
36. The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts. (c. s. Lewis)
The teacher must seek to teach even when conditions are adverse.
37. Teaching children to count is good, but teaching them what really counts is better. (Bob Talbert)
Values are also fundamental in all teaching.
38. Learning is like rowing against the current: as soon as you stop, you go back. (Edward Benjamin Britten)
When you stop learning, the setback is present.
39. Education is almost always to blame for diverting people from their talents. (ken robinson)
Talent must be worked on to flourish.
40. Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching.
Life is a continuous learning.
41. Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire. (William Butler Yeats)
Knowledge seeks to light the inner flame.
42. The principle of education is to lead by example. (Turgot)
The best way to teach is through example.
43. I go to school, but I never find out what I want to know. (Bill Watterson)
Many times what we learn in school is not what we really want to know.
44. Education is the way, not the goal.
Knowledge is not to be seen as a goal, but as the path to follow.
45. Without education you are not going anywhere in this world. (Malcolm X)
Education is a key that opens all doors.
46. He who loves reading has everything within his reach. (William Godwin)
Reading is a way of gaining knowledge.
47. The illiterate of the future will not be the person who cannot read, but the person who does not know how to learn. (Alvin Toffler)
A reference to those who prefer to remain in ignorance, instead of educating themselves.
48. The greatest sign of success for a teacher is being able to say “the children function as if I didn't exist. (Maria Montessori)
The greatest achievement of a teacher is that his students can use their knowledge.
49. Education is the best friend. An educated person is respected by all. Education defeats beauty and youth. (chanakya)
Intelligence is more attractive than beauty.
50. Education is not a problem, education is an opportunity.
Those who have knowledge will know how to take advantage of the opportunities that are presented to them.
51. The cultivation of the mind is as necessary as food for the body. (Cicero)
The mind also demands care.
52. Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, involve me and I will understand. (Chinese proverb)
Involving people in the way they are taught will give better results.
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53. Whatever the cost of our libraries, the price is cheap compared to that of an ignorant nation. (Walter Cronkite)
Reading is a base that allows to acquire more knowledge.
54. The educated man knows that education lasts a lifetime.
What is learned is not forgotten.
55. Learning never tires the mind. (Leonardo da Vinci)
The mind never tires of learning.
56. It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education. (Albert Einstein)
An education without curiosity is not education.
57. A child with a lack of education is a lost child. (JohnF. Kennedy)
That person who has no education will never be free.
58. Learning is a treasure that follows its owner throughout life.
Knowledge is a very precious commodity.
59. The object of education is to prepare young people to educate themselves throughout their lives. (robertm. Hutchins)
Young people who are academically prepared have the knowledge to face life.
60. Society pays dearly for the abandonment in which it leaves its children, like all parents who do not educate their children. (Arenal Conception)
Education from parents is essential for every child.
61. What we learn becomes part of who we are.
We are a reflection of our knowledge.
62. An educator who attempts to teach without inspiring his pupil with a desire to learn is hammering cold iron. (Horace Mann)
Inspiration is the key to all learning.
63. The purpose of education is to increase the probability that what we want will happen. (Jose Antonio Marina)
If you want to achieve your goals, then educate yourself.
64. To educate a child, the entire tribe is needed. (African proverb)
Education is a family, school and cultural obligation.
65. Do not spare your children the difficulties of life, rather teach them to overcome them. (Louis Pasteur)
Children must be taught the tools to overcome any obstacle.
66. The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet. (Aristotle)
Teaching has its difficulties, but the rewards are great.
67. Educators should guide without dictating and participate without dominating. (C.B. Neblette)
Teachers have a duty to teach without imposing anything.
68. Children have to be taught how to think, not what to think. (Margaret Mead)
Children must be taught to think freely.
69. To travel far there is no better ship than a book. (Emily Dickinson)
Reading takes you through unknown worlds.
70. If you are not willing to learn no one can help you. If you are willing to learn, no one can stop you.
The willingness to learn is the magic formula that separates a clever person from an ignorant person.
71. Not all readers are leaders, but all readers become leaders. (Harry S. Truman)
To be a good leader, you have to be a lover of reading.
72. Education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the world. (INelson Mandela)
The only way to generate a great change is by educating ourselves.
73. Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself. (John Dewey)
Without education there is no better life.
74. You can pay for people to teach, but you can't pay for them to care. (MarvaCollins)
A teacher concerned that his children learn from him is an invaluable jewel.
75. It teaches acceptance, not ignorance.
One of the premises of education must be acceptance to eradicate ignorance.
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76. What a child can do today with help, they will be able to do by themselves tomorrow. (Lev Vygotsky)
The goal of education is that children can function very well in the future.
77. The purpose of education is none other than to help the child develop and unfold its potential. It is an education in freedom for freedom. (Adolphe Ferriere)
The more things we know, our mind expands.
78. Children have a spirit of observation, it is enough not to kill him. (Ovid Decroly)
Observe, look and investigate, are three things that children should have.
79. The true education of a man begins several generations ago. (Eleutherio Manero)
Education in the family allows man to have weapons to fight.
80. Education does not create man, it helps him to create himself. (M. must)
A knowledgeable person relies heavily on his abilities.
81. Children are like fresh cement, anything that falls on them leaves a mark. (Haim Ginott)
Children are like a sponge, they absorb everything they learn.
82. Long is the path of teaching through theories; brief and effective by means of examples. (Seneca)
Practice is a better form of teaching than reading great treatises.
83. Education is about helping a child bring her talents to life. (Erich Fromm)
Through knowledge skills are developed.
84. The best way to make children good is to make them happy. (Oscar Wilde)
Happiness makes us better people.
85. What you do teaches faster and makes a more lasting impression, far beyond what you say. (T.F. Hodge)
Your actions teach more than words.
86. You know how to suggest is the art of pedagogy. (Henri-Frederic Amiel)
Insinuating something delicately is a way of inspiring.
87. A teacher is a compass that activates the magnets of curiosity, knowledge and wisdom in students. (Ever Garrisson)
An excellent teacher is one who instills in his students the desire to investigate.
88. A child can teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, to always be busy with something and to know how to demand with all his might what he wants. (Paulo Coelho)
Children are great teachers.
89. Discipline turns animality into humanity. (Immanuel Kant)
Discipline makes talent count.
90. Ignorance is the worst enemy of a people that wants to be free. (Jonathan Hennnessey)
Without knowledge there is no freedom.
91. It is the mark of a truly educated man to know what not to read. (Ezra Taft-Benson)
An educated person has a lot to give and also to learn.
92. Normal schools are everywhere the natural home of the new pedagogical ideology. (Jose Carlos Mariategui)
Schools are very important centers in every society.
93. To make good education we must close the books of psychology, pedagogy and didactics. (Loris Malaguzzi)
Each teacher must teach with his own style and values.
94. A grain of good experience at the age of nine is worth much more than a course in morals at the age of twenty. (J. snow)
In childhood you have the ability to learn many things.
95. Good didactics is one that allows the thought of the other not to be interrupted and that allows him, almost without noticing it, to go in the right direction. (Enrique Tierno Galvan)
You have to influence others, but without preventing them from flying on their own wings.
96. If a child can't learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.
You always have to adapt to the requirements of the children.
97. A man should first go where he should go. Only then should he instruct others. (Buddha)
He who wants to teach, he must first be instructed.
98. Teaching must be by action. Education is life, school is society. (John Dewey)
Knowledge can be imparted anywhere.
99. The games of childhood are the germinated leaves of a later life. (Friedrich Frobel)
The games that are made during childhood are remembered with affection and longing.
100. Life must be a ceaseless education. (Gustave Flaubert)
Throughout life, there are multiple teachings to learn.