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The 100 best phrases of the Day of the Dead

The day of the dead is a holiday that is celebrated in many parts of the world, but some countries celebrate it in characteristic ways, as is the case in Mexico. At this time of year, the achievements and memories of deceased people are celebrated, as a way of honoring the life they had, instead of resentful of their loss.

In this article you will find a selection of phrases from the Day of the Dead inspiring.

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Best phrases of the Day of the Dead

This form of celebration of the Mexicans teaches us that we must take death as a natural process of life, that is why we must respect it instead of fearing it. But above all, it makes a call to enjoy every moment we have, without worrying about tomorrow.

That is why we bring a compilation with the best phrases of the Day of the Dead that will make you reflect on your own life and mortality.

1. As long as I live, you too will live forever in my memory.

True death is oblivion.

2. I will always keep your body and your voice in mind, even if time passes and I don't find you among us, your soul is still with me.
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The fact that someone is not with us does not mean that love is lost.

3. There is tomorrow for everything, except for death.

Death is the only sure thing in life.

4. To live in the hearts we left behind is not to die. (Thomas Campbell)

Memory is what makes us immortal.

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5. Just as a day well spent brings good sleep, a life well spent brings a happy death. (Leonardo da Vinci)

A life lived to the fullest, he does not regret its end.

6. The dead to the well and the alive to the joy.

A popular Mexican saying, about enjoying life.

7. The pantheons are full of dead and gobblers.

There are all kinds of people in cemeteries.

8. Death does not come with old age, but with oblivion. (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

Forgetting causes something to be lost forever.

9. Day of the dead a celebration where two worlds are one.

A celebration of death and what was in life.

Reflections on the day of the dead

10. In the end, we were born to die.

It is not an end, it is a new beginning.

11. Remind me, today I have to go my love. Remember me, don't cry please. (Coconut)

The day of the dead is a tribute to the power of memory.

12. Mexican death is the mirror of Mexican life. Before both the Mexican closes, he ignores them. (Octavio Paz)

What death represents for Mexicans.

13. You only die when you forget, and we will never forget you.

The best way to honor the life of a loved one.

14. To hell with death while life lasts.

It's like worrying about the future that hasn't come yet, it's nonsense.

15. There is something as evident as death and it is life. (Charles Chaplin)

There can be no death without first a glimpse of life.

16. Don't take life too seriously, because we won't get out of it alive.

An important piece of advice about enjoying every moment.

17. He who for the pleasure of him dies to death knows him.

If you have no regrets, death is not a regret.

18. It's not that I'm scared of death. It's just that I don't want to be there when it happens. (Woody Allen)

Not all people welcome the end of life.

19. After all, death is only a symptom that there was life. (Mario Benedetti)

It is the best proof that we ever existed.

20. On the day of the dead, we honor those we love who are no longer with us.

It is a two to bring back all the beautiful moments lived.

21. Do not forget your dead because they are always close to you.

Do you believe that your deceased loved ones take care of you?

22. Death is nothing more than a turning of time towards eternity. (William Penny)

A door of infinite possibilities.

23. People who live deeply are not afraid of death. (Anais Nin)

Death should not be a fear because it is a process of life.

24. There are dead that I do not forget and alive that for me already died.

There are many ways to die.

25. The one that occupies the most is not bigger, but the one that leaves a void in its absence.

We know how important people are, when they are no longer here.

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26. People leave behind strange memories of themselves when they die.

Good or bad memories, depending on your actions.

27. Death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it. (Haruki Murakami)

They are not two separate things, but two sides of the same coin.

28. Marriage and shroud, they come down from heaven.

Nobody escapes death.

29. Better a minute late than a minute of silence.

Appreciate your life.

30. Day of the Dead is joy... For not even death separates us from those we love!

It's like distance, it doesn't have to kill love.

31. The life of the dead lives on in the memory of the living.

That is why you must be careful with your actions.

32. Death ends a life, not a relationship. (Morrie Schwartz)

Relationships are eternal if the memory and affection are maintained.

33. Everything has a remedy except death.

Death is irremediable.

34. When I lost him I cried with my soul. I didn't cry physically, I really cried, in the way that hurts the most, I cried without tears.

It is never easy to accept a death.

35. We will always honor and remember our deceased family and friends.

A tradition that is part of the culture of life.

36. To death with a smile.

An expected welcome.

37. If nothing saves us from death, may love at least save us from life. (Pablo Neruda)

Love no matter what else.

38. Death is the only certainty in this life.

It is the step to follow without planning and without delay.

39. Every man dies. Not every man lives. (William Wallace)

Not everyone does good deeds to stay on people's minds.

40. Who wants to really enjoy and have fun a mouse, come with the skulls to enjoy in the pantheon.

An invitation to enjoy the Day of the Dead with all your heart.

41. To a well-organized mind, death is nothing more than the next great adventure. (J.K. Rowling)

An excellent way to reflect on death.

42. Death is the end of one story and the beginning of another. (Philip Moeller)

No one knows for sure what awaits us after death.

43. Death smiles at us all, the only thing man can do is smile back.

If it is one more step in life, why despise it?

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44. When you are born, you cry and the world rejoices. When you die, you rejoice and the world cries. (Buddhist proverb)

The circle of life.

45. I prefer to die singing, as cicadas die. (Raymundo Perez and Soto)

To die doing what we love instead of living a miserable life.

46. What kills is not death, but bad luck.

A chain of misfortunes that are not broken, that is death in life.

47. A coward at home is worth more than a brave man in the cemetery.

Death must not come from impulsive actions.

48. Dying is nothing. The terrible thing is not to live. (Victor Hugo)

When you live desperately and resignedly, death is a gift.

49. I don't want to die without first having loved, but I don't want to die of love either.

Love isn't always rosy, but you can survive a breakup.

50. What the afterlife hides, after death will be known.

It's something we'll find out when our turn comes.

51. He who kills with iron, dies with iron.

All actions have consequences and bad deeds are paid for sooner or later.

52. Only the dead have seen the end of the war. (Plato)

A death that is rarely honorable.

53. Death is not the last sleep, it is the last awakening. (Sir Walter Scott)

It is the end of our time on this earth.

54. Death is so sure to catch up with us that it gives us a lifetime's head start.

And it is an advantage that we must make the most of.

55. Death is as certain as the uncertain hour.

We don't know when our time will come.

56. To death, neither fear it nor look for it, you have to wait for it.

You have to let it come on its own.

57. The fear of death stems from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any moment. (Mark Twain)

An interesting analysis of the true meaning of the fear of death.

58. When no one remembers you in the world of the living you disappear from this world, we call it the final death. (Coconut)

A film that led us to reflect a lot about what we do in our lives.

59. Today your ancestors will bless you and guide you... Happy Day of the Dead!

Think that the day of the dead is an excellent opportunity to meet again with those you love.

60. With flowers they receive us and among them they say goodbye.

In a way, flowers represent new beginnings and endings.

61. Love doesn't end just by saying goodbye. We must know that being absent does not buy oblivion, nor does it annul the memory, nor does it erase us from the map.

Love endures over time because it comes from within us.

62. There are three things to meditate on: life, death and eternity.

Especially what you want to do between them.

63. Let's eat and drink that tomorrow we will die. (Prophet Isaiah)

Live without remorse, but carefully.

64. Life is too short when you think about the length of death. (Sean Mangan)

Death is true immortality.

65. Don't cry for me, no, because if you cry I'll suffer. On the other hand, if you sing to me, I always live and never die. (Andres Henestrosa)

The best way to remember the dead is to celebrate their lives daily.

66. Good love and good death, that's luck.

All positive things are the result of the good luck we create.

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67. We celebrate and honor our dead, who although we do not see them continue to take care of us.

A beautiful way to have very close the memory of those we love and are no longer there.

68. We don't cry, we celebrate, because those we love most don't forget.

That is why the day of the dead is a party.

69. No one gets out of this life alive.

Death is what always awaits us.

70. The question is not whether we are going to die, but how we are going to live. (Joan Borysenko)

What do we really need to worry about?

71. He who does not fear death dies only once. (Giovanni Falcone)

This is because he seizes every moment of his life.

72. To hell with death while life lasts us!

Why worry about death if we still have life?

73. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

From the darkest moments, we take the most significant strength.

74. You act like the dead man's mother, you make yourself cry so you don't give coffee.

A funny way of saying that it is better to ignore an issue.

75. Death is a lovely hiding place for weary men. (Herodotus)

For some, death is an expected longing to rest from a terrible life.

76. Death is more universal than life.

Death has always been and always will be.

77. Death is not the greatest loss of life. The greatest loss is what dies within us while we live. (Norman Cousin)

The only loss from which we never recover.

78. Every person in life ends up the same way. It is only the details of how they lived and how they died that distinguish one from another.

What remains after death is the memory of the acts that the person did.

79. After your death you will be what you were before your birth. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

That is, something where we have no control.

80. Every night when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn. (Mahatma Gandhi)

Every day we have a new opportunity.

81. Death does not wait to see if things are over. (Kularnava)

Death is sharp.

82. Of the one who has died, we must treasure the memory of him, in a more present way than a person who lives. (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

Affection transforms into something more powerful.

83. Death is nothing more than passing from one room to another. (Hellen Keller)

We just don't know what's behind that door yet.

84. May these offerings honor the one who left, and fix the memory of the one who stayed.

The meaning behind the offerings that are placed for the dead on their day.

85. When the game is over, the king and the pawn go into the same box. (Italian proverb)

Death comes to everyone equally.

86. Death is nothing more than a dream and an oblivion. (Mahatma Gandhi)

An eternal rest that takes us with it.

87. What is death? If we still don't know what life is, how can knowing the essence of death disturb us? (Confucius)

No one can know what death really is.

88. The living lack everything and the dead have everything left over.

It is in the proximity of death, where we realize what things are really valuable and what are not.

89. In Mexico, death is living culture.

A country that teaches us to respect and celebrate the passage of life to its next stage.

90. Death is a law, not a punishment. (Jean Dubs)

No death should be a punishment.

91. With joy and love we celebrate this day so as not to forget those we love most.

The magic behind the joy of the day of the dead is the love for those who are no longer there.

92. Death is the end of a story and the beginning of another.- Philip Moeller.

Every end is just a new beginning.

93. How do you look… I saw myself. As you see me… you will see yourself.

A saying to remind us that sooner or later, death will claim us.

94. Remembering is living again, remembering those who left is keeping them alive.

The power of memories is that they can bring to life what once was.

95. He is scared of the dead man and hugs the shroud.

An irony of people's behavior.

96. Our cult of death is a cult of life, in the same way that love that is a hunger for life is a longing for death. (Octavio Paz)

Explaining the cultural tradition of celebrating the day of the dead.

97. Those who already left also deserve their parties...

A party to celebrate everything they did in this world.

98. Life is nice. Death is peaceful. The transition is problematic. (Issac Asimov)

A very successful way of analyzing the cycle of life.

99. He wasn't dead, he was out partying.

What if a great party awaits us in death?

100. May life be as beautiful as the flowers of summer and death as beautiful as the leaves of autumn. (Rabindranath Tagore)

A natural transition of life.

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