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100 phrases to give encouragement to someone who needs it

In life there is good times and bad times, so we can't always be happy.

Especially in those less pleasant moments, it is when we must push the most strength to move forward. There are always times when you need to remind yourself how much you are worth.

Phrases to encourage

But in those moments when you don't feel like doing anything, that's what your friends and family are for.

If you know someone who has left him with his partner, who has lost his job or, in short, who is having a hard time, in this article you can find a wide compilation with the best phrases to give encouragement.

1. It is not what you have or who you are or where you are or what you do that makes you happy or unhappy. Is what you think about it

Dale Carnegie give us this beautiful phrase to motivate us.

2. Raise your forehead before others, only those who fear falling and those who hide something look down

With the head held high and step by step the objectives are achieved.

3. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live life as you imagined it

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Ideal for those moments in which we forget our own illusions.

4. Nobody, remember it well, nobody is indispensable in our lives. Probably right now you think that nothing will ever be the same in your life. Believe me, when you least expect it, you will find someone much better than him.

When someone leaves us, it can feel like it's the end of the world. You must know that everything is overcome.

5. Use your imagination, not to scare you, but to inspire you to achieve the unimaginable

Our mind is our great ally or our great enemy.

6. A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your appearance

A clever line from Charles Gordy. The smile is a very powerful weapon.

7. Kites soar against and not downwind

When the going gets tough you have to keep fighting against the current.

8. A journey of ten thousand kilometers begins with a single step

As much as we imagine something, if we do not move, we will not achieve it.

9. After every storm the sun smiles; for every problem there is a solution and the inalienable duty of the soul is to be in good spirits

The important thing is to have the positive mentality despite things not going our way.

10. A positive attitude gives you power over your circumstances rather than your circumstances having power over you

If you want to be the owner of your life, start by having the will to think positive.

11. The more violent a storm is, the faster it passes

Paulo Coelho, author this clever and motivating phrase

12. Every minute you're pissed you lose sixty seconds of happiness

Anger and resentment do not bring anything good for us. In fact, they are bad even for our health.

13. Life has not been easy for me either, and I know how you feel. But now I am fine, because I have fought for my dreams and I have remained true to my heart

A message of encouragement that has an autobiographical basis.

14. The first recipe for happiness: avoid meditating long in the past

You have to be in the present moment. The past is not coming back.

15. There is no tree that the wind does not shake

A well-known proverb, with a motivating meaning.

16. It is not your years of life that count, but the life in your years

Abraham Lincoln did not leave this phrase for posterity.

17. Your greatness is not revealed by the lights that come to you, but by the light that comes out of your soul

One must find what is in his heart to be happy.

18. We must embrace the pain and burn it like gasoline for our journey

An original quote from Kenji Miyazawa. You have to overcome the bad times.

19. Darling, I don't like to see you like this. You are a very smiling and happy woman, and now you only stop sad and worried. I know that sometimes we are involved in terrible situations that make us think that all is lost, but never stop fighting. I love you and I wish you get over this soon

A dedication to give encouragement to a friend that you carry in your heart.

20. If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change

The great Wayne Dyer. The difference between seeing the glass half full or half empty.

21. You can't wait for victory and plan for defeat

When we do something, we have to give everything and not go halfway.

22. If you do not like something, change it; If you can't change it, change the way you think about it

Our way of thinking has great power over the way we act.

23. Don't judge yourself for your past, you don't live there anymore

You can no longer change the past, so you better spend your energy for a better future.

24. Everything you can imagine is real

A nice phrase by the artist Pablo Picasso.

25. Take your first step now. You don't have to see the entire path, but take your first step. The rest will appear as you walk

When we are on the right track, things work out by themselves.

26. Live as if you will die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever

We have to give everything while we can, because we cannot always.

27. Whatever you have decided to do, do it with all your might

What makes us happy is chasing our dreams.

28. You have to expect things from yourself before you can do them

The self-confidence helps us achieve our goals. We must trust ourselves.

29. Friend, I'm very sorry for everything you're going through. I want to tell you that you are a very strong and brave woman. A simple problem like this is not going to beat you. I know that you can come out of all this and that you will be able to smile again. I love you with all my heart, friend

When someone is having a hard time, they need more encouragement.

30. Being miserable is a habit; being happy is a habit; and you have the option to choose

The toxic habits they lead us down the path of bitterness.

31. Worry should lead us to action and not depression

Being worried can paralyze us or make us move if we have confidence in ourselves.

32. In this life you have to die several times and then be reborn. And crises, although frightening, serve us to cancel one era and inaugurate another.

Bad experiences are opportunities to grow and develop.

33. Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in getting up every time we fall

A mythical phrase of Confucius. Everyone has ups and downs in life, but you have to get over them and move on.

34. You have no control over the tastes of others, so focus on being true to yourself

The only thing we can change is ourselves. The others will do the same if they want to.

35. Your path is yours alone. That is why you must learn to travel it your way

When one discovers what he really wants, then he can strive for happiness.

36. Remember your dreams and fight for them. Know what you want from life. There is only one thing that makes your dream impossible: the fear of failure.

The fear of uncertainty and failure prevent you from moving forward with your life and achieving what you want.

37. Only one thing makes a dream impossible: the fear of failure

A phrase similar to the previous one, but this one by Paulo Coelho

38. Your present circumstances do not determine where you go; they just determine where you start

Goals must be met little by little, step by step.

39. When you think you have lost everything, people will always come who will offer you everything you thought you lost

Even in the worst of times, there are always people who are willing to give.

40. If you let your fears out of your life, you will have more space to live your dreams.

Feeling fear of uncertainty and failure can prevent you from achieving what you want in this life.

41. There are so many things to enjoy and our time on earth is so short that suffering is a waste of time. We have to enjoy the winter snow and the spring flowers

Sometimes you need to remind people that you don't live forever.

42. You will never be able to cross the ocean until you have the courage to stop seeing the coast

A nice phrase that refers to the action. Without moving we are not going anywhere.

43. The greater the difficulty, the greater the glory

Striving for lofty goals can be very motivating.

44. The prizes are at the end of the competition and not at the beginning. The winner's cup is won after much fatigue, sweating and suffering

An appointment to raise your spirits with a very sporty touch.

45. Nobody is safe from defeat. But it is better to lose some fights in the fight for our dreams, than to be defeated without even knowing why you are fighting.

It is better to fall and get up for something we dream of than for something that does not fill us.

46. Don't be afraid to give up the good to go big

A phrase that comes to say: if you want something, something costs you.

47. Bonita, you are an amazing friend, a very good daughter and the best sister. When you feel that everything is going wrong and that nothing makes sense anymore, remember what a wonderful person you are and remember all those afternoons we spent together laughing. Laughter is the best medicine for all evil

Special to raise the spirits of a good friend. To that special person in your life.

48. Use your smile to change the world and don't let the world change your smile

We have the possibility to choose the path we want for our life. .

49. There are only two days when nothing can be done, one is called yesterday and the other tomorrow. So today is the day to love, grow, improve yourself, be happy but above all things live

The present is the only time that matters. The past is gone, and the future has not yet arrived.

50. If you can't fly, run, if you can't run, walk, if you can't walk, crawl, but whatever you do, keep going

In other words, don't stop and fight for your dreams.

51. The error does not matter, as long as you know how to correct it

It is allowed to be wrong. The important thing is to learn from experience.

52. My philosophy that difficulties fade when we face them

An appointment that invites you to reflect on the ups and downs that we can suffer.

53. There will be nothing that can scare you if you refuse to be afraid

We must not let fear dominate us. You have to have guts and fight for what you want from the bottom of your soul.

54. I know that more than once you have been able to feel the most insignificant and detestable being in the world, I have felt it too. But keep going, there's a lot to fight for. This is a very beautiful world, problems are just obstacles that help us to get the best of ourselves. Always fight

Being realistic can help you to be much more aware of the limitations, but also of the virtues.

55. If you keep saying things are going to be bad, you have a good chance of becoming a prophet.

When you tell yourself that things are going wrong, it's easier for the self-fulfilling prophecy to happen.

56. The simplest things can bring the greatest happiness

You don't always have to think big. It is the simplest things that can fill us the most.

57. The curious paradox is that when I accept myself, I can change

The humanistic psychologist Carl Rogers, gave this beautiful reflection.

58. Sister, things haven't been going quite right for you. I just want you to know that you have my support and that you never hesitate to call me if you need a hug or advice, or anything else. Friends forever, never forget that. I love you"

When your sister needs encouragement, this phrase can be very helpful.

59. Never forget all the love we have for you, don't forget how important you are to us and how much we appreciate you. We will always be here

A phrase to give encouragement and love at the same time.

60. They say that one matures in the most difficult moments, that one must learn to enjoy the sad episodes of life to become stronger and learn a good lesson. Keep that in mind, soon everything will pass and you will be fine

Difficult situations push us to the limit, but they are opportunities to grow.

61. True happiness is enjoying the present, without anxious dependence on the future.

People who do not know how to take advantage of the here and now are more unhappy.

62. Every failure teaches man something he needed to learn

A deep reflection on Charles Dickens. A motivating phrase.

63. Brave is not the one who faces a problem, brave is the one who does not allow himself to be defeated by any

The absence of problems is impossible. The key is to make the effort to fix them.

64. If you fall ten times get up eleven

It doesn't matter how many times you fail. The important thing is not to give up.

65. There are no secrets to success. This is achieved by preparing, working hard and learning from failure.

Effort and persistence are, for many, the keys to success.

66. The greatest revenge is achieving what others say you cannot do.

People who don't dare to fight for their dreams often tell you that yours are impossible. Show them wrong.

67. Courage, the bad times will help you to value the happiness of living

A way of valuing what we have.

68. I am proud of my heart, it breaks, recovers and breaks again without losing its ability to love

A date to give encouragement for those people who have just broken up.

69. You know how important you are to me; you will always have my unconditional support, dear friend

A dedication to raise the spirits of an unconditional friend. .

70. Women are strong by nature, and you are one of the strongest I have ever met. You have always been there for me, picking me up when I fell; now it's my turn to do the same for you

A few words of support for a woman who needs an extra push.

71. I would like to tell you a thousand things, but I know that maybe this is not the right time. Drop the tears you want, my shoulder will always be here for you

Sometimes you have to let go of frustration to start a new stage.

72. I have always realized that wherever you go, your smile reflects happiness. Seeing you like this makes me feel very sad too. Please try to remember the happiest moments of your life, I am sure that, if you do, they will bring out that smile that I want to see so much

Life has good moments and bad moments. We must try to make the good ones more common in our life.

73. You are more important and special than you think. You are my dearest friend. Today I can only ask you one thing, and that is that you regain your joy as soon as possible

Almost out of obligation, you must always have a positive mindset about life.

74. You have always been there for me, it is something that I always have and will keep in mind. You made me see my faults when I did not see them and today I want to do the same for you, my best friend

Helping someone in need is a must when they have helped you.

75. Life goes on and I strongly advise you to go ahead with your head held high. Nothing comes out of being sad. Cheer up, friend!

Having a negative mindset towards life is detrimental to happiness. It must be remembered.

76. Little friend I know you are not feeling well and for the moment you prefer to be alone, when you feel better do not hesitate to look for me, you know that I will always be there to give you my support

A nice way to tell that person that they are not alone.

77. I recommend you to be very calm, remember that after the storm, the sun always comes out. When one door closes, a thousand more open. Trust me

When the path twists, there are other paths that it is possible to follow.

78. Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful

We learn a lot from the mistakes we make. To overcome them is to grow.

79. You are strong because you have been weak. You are not afraid because you have already been afraid. You've been through worse things, and you can get over this too

A better person comes out of the worst moments. You have to overcome difficult situations to grow.

80. As your friend, I advise you to see the positive side of what is happening to you. Life consists of that, in rescuing the best of each situation

How we interpret what happens to us and how we deal with them is essential to be able to learn from the bad.

81. Think how happy you would be if you lost everything you have now, and then got it back.

Human beings value what we do not have and we give less importance than what we do have.

82. Why do you care? If you have done the best you can, worrying will not be able to solve it

The important thing is to try to solve it, although not everything depends on us.

83. Now everything seems gray, but always keep in mind that you have someone in me who loves and appreciates you. Never forget that I will be here, always for you

It's amazing to have people that you know will be there for the good and the bad.

84. For every minute that you are sad, angry or worried, you are wasting 60 seconds of happiness

In addition to paralyzing you, a negative attitude makes you sad.

85. You are a very strong person and you have always been the first to give me a lot of encouragement so that I do not abandon myself. Now it's my turn to help you get out of the state you are in. I love you very much and I don't want to see you sad

If someone did not abandon you when you were bad, you should do the same with that person.

86. Life always has ups and downs, the ups fill us with happiness, and from the downs come the best lessons. Today I want you to know, my friend, that I will always be here for you, in both moments of your life

It is not possible to always have a perfect life. But it is possible to learn from the bad times and mistakes that have been made over the years.

87. Always remember that you are braver than you think, stronger than you look, smarter than you think, and twice as beautiful as you imagine

In other words, don't stop to regret it and move on with your dreams.

88. Dry those tears and show the world what a strong woman you are. Dear friend, all of us who know you know what you are made of; the tears that you will shed tomorrow will be those of joy and laughter

It can happen that things get cloudy. In those moments, a nice phrase of encouragement can do you a lot of good.

89. When something bad happens to you you have 3 options: let it mark you, let it destroy you, or let it strengthen you

We decide if we want to remain in suffering or to get out of it.

90. If you choose hope, everything will be possible

Hope is the last thing you lose, and it should never be put aside.

91. Suffering always teaches us something, it is never in vain

There is no sad situation that does not make us wiser.

92. In company, bad times pass better: you can count on mine

A poetic way of encouraging.

93. There is no problem that has no solution in life

Everything that happens while alive has a way out.

94. The members of your family are there for you

The family environment always cushions the blows.

95. At certain times it is better to leave things in the hands of rest

Obsessing over the bad all the time is not good.

96. Walking away to regain strength is not a sin

Know when to stop and recover

97. Taking strength again helps us to take up the challenges

Knowing how to say "this far" is not a failure, and it helps us to progress.

98. You can count on my shoulder to cry on it when you need it

A statement full of intimacy, companionship and solidarity.

99. The tears shed by a situation like this are totally worthy

There are good reasons to cry.

100. Do not worry about what is to come, worry about recovering and resting

You have to recover psychologically to give the best version of yourself.

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