The 24 best phrases of Democritus, Greek philosopher
Democritus (460 a. C. - 370 a. C.), also known as Democritus of Abdera, was a great philosopher and mathematician of Ancient Greece. Born in Abdera, in the Thracian region, he was an outstanding student of Leucippus, developed theories in various spheres of knowledge, and stood out for his atomistic conception of matter.
Although he is often regarded as a pre-Socratic philosopher, he was actually a contemporary of Socrates. Among his most studied subjects was astronomy and theology.
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Featured phrases of Democritus
To get closer to the teachings of this Greek thinker and writer, we are going to take a tour of the best phrases of Democritus.
1. All is lost when the bad serve as an example and the good as a mockery.
When ethics is lost these things happen.
2. He who postpones everything will not leave anything finished or perfect.
On procrastination, a vice that does not allow us to advance.
3. Can the one who loves nobody be loved by any chance?
In other words: can he love someone who loves no one? Probably not.
4. The whole earth is within the reach of the sage, since the homeland of an elevated soul is the universe.
Global thinking allows us to be above the material.
5. Life without parties is like a long road without inns.
You always have to have a little fun to make the road more pleasant.
6. Life is a transit; the world is a show hall; the man enters it, looks and leaves.
Great metaphor that shows us the ephemerality of human existence.
7. Nature is self-sufficient; For this reason, he conquers with the least and with what is certain, the excesses of hope.
Brief environmental reflection on the strength of mother nature.
8. Do not be ashamed to submit to the laws and to the one who knows more than you.
Knowledge and democracy must prevail over any other consideration.
9. Even if you are alone, you must not say or do anything bad. Learn to be more ashamed of yourself than others.
The public deserves our strong and confident side.
10. There are men who work as if they were going to live forever.
He remembers that your work will not make you eternal; enjoy the day to day yes.
11. Man is not unhappy as long as he is not unjust.
Honesty guarantees a good psychological state, according to this phrase of Democritus.
12. The true beauty and the most precious gala of the woman is the little talk.
The feminine beauty, ingratiated with discretion, according to the Greek philosopher.
13. Young people are like plants: the first fruits show what we can expect for the future.
A metaphor of great beauty about the potential of each adolescent.
14. Whoever acts unjustly is more miserable than the victim of his injustice.
Very along the lines of sentence number eleven.
15. Wealth does not consist so much in the possession of goods as in the use that is made of them.
Knowing how to make sense of possessions, this is true wealth.
16. Fighting desire is hard, but overcoming it is proper to a sensible man.
Good sense is the pinnacle of an individual's moral development.
17. Medicine heals the diseases of the body, but wisdom frees the soul from sufferings.
On physical and mental health, in one of the most memorable phrases of Democritus.
18. It is arrogance to talk about everything and not want to hear anything.
Knowing how to listen is the first precept of wise man.
19. Men ask the gods for health in their prayers, but they do not realize that they have control over it in themselves and in which, as they do the opposite of what is due by their debauchery, they become traitors to their health by their appetites.
It is useless to delegate our health to any supreme entity.
20. Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; all the rest are opinions.
The only undeniable thing is the particles that make up matter.
21. Parenting is a slippery business; you get a success full of disputes and sleeplessness or a failure that cannot be overcome by any other pain.
On the responsibility of parents in the thankless task of parenting.
22. Discreet is he who does not grieve for what he does not have, but is happy for what he has.
His definition of discretion.
23. The friendship of a wise man is better than that of all fools.
A great intelligent friend is worth more than all the petty ones.
24. One who is entirely dominated by wealth could never be righteous.
Austerity is a value for the sensible and just man.