Education, study and knowledge

Cos i ment. Olga Prada Soler

My job is to accept my patients' discomfort, expressed in its many facets, in order to jointly understand what makes them feel or act like this. My goal is that the patient can understand himself, know that his symptoms are not voluntary but the best strategies that he has found to reduce his inner suffering, cope with latent emotions or connect with painful past experiences. The relationship of security that therapy offers, allows facing conflicts, from the present, with new resources and strengths and thus contact better with oneself and with others finding new strategies of coping

I am a clinical psychologist and psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapist (Master Udg and ACPP), with training in EMDR (level I and II), pursuing a postgraduate degree in the Parcuve method.

My main quality is the desire to connect and understand the human psyche and its suffering, being open to knowledge to help its understanding and approach. For me the different theories are at the service of this objective. No treatment is the same because no patient is.

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Jose Miguel Martin Vazquez

I have specialized in Online Therapy for more than 10 years. From an eclectic orientation, which ...

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Psychode Psychology Institute

The Psicode Institute is a benchmark within Psychology in Spain. There are more than 5000 patient...

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Center Terapèutic Gena Esplugues

Center Therapeutic Gena is a center aimed at helping and treating addiction processes with the in...

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