The main TOOLS of the BRONZE AGE

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One of the longest stages in the history of mankind has been Prehistory, being a stage of great human evolution in which many of the most important inventions for the development of human beings. To know the great creations of one of the stages of Prehistory in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we are going to talk about the main tools of the Bronze Age.
The Bronze Age is he prehistoric period in which the alloy called bronze began to be used and treated, being a metal that emerged from the union of two elements such as tin and copper, changing the use of this material the world to forever.
Regarding its chronological situation, we must place it in Prehistory, this being the stage in the history of the humanity that goes before the so-called “history”, that is, human life before the arrival of the first sources written. On the other hand, setting a few years is very complicated, since bronze did not reach everyone in the same years, The Bronze Age can vary greatly depending on the area we are talking about, although we can place it between 3000 a. C. and 4000 a. C.
Stages of the Bronze Age
Although when speaking of chronology, and as with other periods of Prehistory, we can speak of a series of different stages within the Bronze Age, which are the following:
- Ancient Bronze Age: Located between 1500 a. C. and 1200 a. C. It was a time of little mastery of bronze utensils, although it was necessary to see a breaking point with respect to previous years.
- Middle Bronze Age: Located between the years 1200 a. C. and 1000 a. C. This stage was marked by the great evolution achieved by human beings, especially thanks to the greater use of bronze in many sections of human life.
- Late Bronze Age: Being located between 1000 a. C. and 900 a. C. It is considered as a kind of transitional period between the Bronze and Iron ages, appearing the first great civilizations that managed to evolve towards the tools of iron.

To better understand the importance of new tools at this stage in history we must briefly comment on some of the main characteristics of the Bronze Age, to understand like these new utensils changed the world of the time. Some of the main characteristics of the Bronze Age are the following:
- The bronze made them appear large improvements in all economic sectors of the inhabitants of the time, being clear examples fishing, hunting or agriculture.
- Society became much more sedentary, ending with the previous nomadic social model.
- Bronze helped the creation of new transports, improving trade and therefore the relationship between the different peoples. It must be taken into account that until that moment they had not been necessary, since human beings were not fixed in one place.
- The great importance of bronze for the war industry made the most advanced peoples in metallurgy achieved much more powerful weapons, ending with less developed cultures.
- One of the main characteristics of the Bronze Age is the rise of the first civilizations, some of which were vital to the thinking of the peoples of the Ancient Age.

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To conclude this lesson on Bronze Age tools we must talk about some of the main inventions, with special emphasis on those related to the evolution of bronze. Thanks to the knowledge of the tools of the Bronze Age we can understand some of the reasons for the great evolution of the human being in this stage of Prehistory.
Agricultural tools
The arrival of bronze led to the creation of a series of great tools vital for agricultural production, serving to improve production to a large extent and thereby creating the first cases of production capable of enabling a population to live without need to move their location, and even that there are cases in which they were able to get enough surplus to trade.
Weapons of war
Bronze was a much more useful material for the creation of weapons than the materials that had been used until now. The appearance of weapons like bronze swords They caused great changes in the society of the time, making the great cultures that had evolved the manufacture of weapons with bronze easily conquer the rest of the peoples.
Household products
The arrival of bronze helped to improve the manufacture of domestic products, such as the different vases, vases and other decorative products. The great artisanal manufactures increased the number of commercial agreements between the different peoples.
The creation of the different cities made it necessary to manufacture new means of transport thanks to which it was easier to trade and move from one point to another. The greater use of horses with carriages and improved navigation it was also key to the discovery of new metal mines.

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