One of the most fascinating and important historical periods in the history of our species is wit...
The life of humanity is divided into two clearly different stages: Prehistory and History. The fi...
Discover the origin of dinosaurs, their classification and more details with this practical lesso...
The origin of the human being we can find it in the nomadic life, being the stage of history in w...
Image: YouTubeOf all the inhabitants that our planet has had, one of the most famous and interest...
Image: YouTubeMillions of years ago the Earth was very different from the one we know today, havi...
Image: SlideshareThroughout the centuries, the Earth has gone through many geological events, bei...
The Prehistory of Europe and Asia it tends to be divided into two large groups of technology, bei...
We call Prehistory to all that part of human life that happened before history, that is, all thos...
We can certainly say that the control of fire by human societies was a discovery of first order s...
The first ancestors of the current human being appeared almost 3 million years ago, specifically ...
Image: Media LibraryWithout a doubt, together with the domestication of fire, we must talk about ...