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What were the first agricultural civilizations

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What were the first agricultural civilizations

Image: Media Library

Without a doubt, together with the domestication of fire, we must talk about another great advance made by humans thousands of centuries ago, since agriculture has undoubtedly been the discovery that made possible that human populations went from being nomadic to being sedentary, and with it the first civilizations would appear in the world. In this lesson from a TEACHER we will talk about what were the first agricultural civilizationsand the regions where they occurred.

We began the lesson on what were the first agricultural civilizations by talking about the origin of agriculture. To do this, we must place us in the year 7,000 a. C. moment in which the first remains or notions about the beginning of this practice are known and for this, we must travel to China.

It does not seem possible at the moment to affirm that it was this people who transmitted this discovery to the rest of the world, but we have to think that the populations of other places with more or less time of difference, They were

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putting into practice a series of elements which resulted in the emergence of agriculture.

The second most important focus within the period of the emergence of agriculture was around 6,500 BC. C. being this time the Middle East and Egypt where we will find this activity.

Finally, the American focus is between 3,600-2,500 BC. C. starting from the south of the continent until reaching the north of this.

But how did agriculture start? The answer to that question seems complicated, although the answer most accepted by most researchers is that the populations discarded the seeds of the food That they collected from nature, generating a passive agriculture, these, with the passage of time, germinated and gave new fruits. From there the populations were carrying out a series of selection of the best seeds, to improve the food from offspring to offspring, thus starting an active agriculture.

What were the first agricultural civilizations - The beginning of agriculture

Once we have talked in our lesson about which were the first agricultural civilizations of the beginning, we will mention the different regions where it began to occur:


As we have mentioned before, it was in western China in 7,0000 BC. C. when a movement began that would have as an end the implantation of agriculture. Being the most cultivated products: rice, soybeans, taro or mung beans. All of them elements with large contributions of carbohydrates.

We have to say that wheat and barley in these regions do not occur normally in those times, hence the populations will look for other elements that provide this energy, therefore rice is known as "Chinese bread" by excellence.

Within this region, it would soon fade into nearby regions and even reached the islands of Oceania.

Near East

Without a doubt is the most studied region, knowing the first steps in agriculture in the year 6,500 a. C. In the mountainous region of the Zagros, from there, the populations were descending towards the plateau in search of better places where to produce more food, thus causing the colonization of all Mesopotamia, Assyria, Syria ...

It was at this time when, in addition, the first sedentary populations, which began to cultivate, saw the need to organize themselves to carry out an effective control of the products. Civilization would also emerge, which we can date to the year 3,000 BC. C. for being the year in which writing appears, an essential element to talk about civilization.

Between 6,500-6,300 a. C. We will also find the first agricultural activities in Egypt, especially centered on the Nile delta, as it is the richest place.


When we approach the study of this area, we see the great difference in years, because for practically the beginning of agriculture in the first regions, we already find that in the rest of the world there are great civilizations implanted. It seems that it was the Indonesian island populations, which were able to bring agriculture to the mainland, given that remains of possible vessels belonging to these cultures have appeared, in addition to knowing that the sea ​​currents, could transport fruits and others from one place to another, as has been shown throughout the ages.

In this way, it would be in the Andean area where the first agricultural activities would begin, it is curious to see how a place as scaled as the area of ​​the Andes, was the first to have agriculture, and more knowing that over time it would be one of the producers par excellence, in the famous terraces Inca. From there it was transmitted to the rest of the continent, reaching the north of Mexico.

What were the first agricultural civilizations - Where did the first agricultural civilizations appear

To conclude the lesson, we will mention the most important points by which civilizations appeared:

  • After starting produce and have surplus, the populations had to organize and store these products. Therefore, the first administrators would be the priests and in the warehouses we will find the temples.
  • A second step was the writing creation, an element that emerged to account for the products that were housed in the temples, and that was born in Mesopotamia.
  • The appearance of the specialistsThese were people who would get rid of the obligations to cultivate, since they began to have other obligations such as writing, being soldiers or even being craftsmen. This was because there was food surplus for it. In this way, this group that was born was paid in kind until the appearance of the currency.
  • The kingThis figure is born over time and will be in charge of ensuring the safety of his people. This at first will have rivalries with the temple for control of the warehouse and over the years, they will ally to give validity to the monarchy through the divine link.
  • With the passage of time they will appear laws and institutions that will govern the lives of all citizens.

In this other lesson from a TEACHER we will discover the Civilizations of the Ancient Age and their contributions.
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