Education, study and knowledge

Maria Victoria Sanchez Sanchez

I have a degree in Psychology from the University of San Martin de Porres. Interested in the Clinical, Organizational and Occupational area. My goal is to continue training as a professional and share my experience, to provide the necessary support to my patients. My skills are empathy, authenticity, observation and organization skills, as well as the application of projective and psychometric tests, preparation of psychological reports and intervention, I manage strategies for group workshops on self-esteem, relaxation and skills social. I was part of the internship team of the Department of Psychology at the Victor Larco Herrera hospital. I worked in ward 5 where I gave the social skills workshop for the family and social reintegration of patients. Then in an outpatient clinic where I provided psychotherapy with cognitive-behavioral and humanistic techniques, self-esteem and relaxation workshops. I also prepared psychological reports of various projective and psychometric tests.

My skills are empathy, authenticity, observation and organization skills, as well as the application of projective and psychometric tests, preparation of psychological reports and intervention, I manage strategies for group workshops on self-esteem, relaxation and skills social.

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Maria Victoria Sanchez Sanchez

I have a degree in Psychology from the University of San Martin de Porres. Interested in the Clin...

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