Education, study and knowledge

Rebeca Sancho-Sopranis Botana

Since my childhood I have felt a great vocation to help people recover and increase their well-being. I have extensive experience in the evaluation and psychological treatment of children, adolescents, adults, the elderly, families, couples and groups; as well as, in the development and execution of psychosocial projects, therapeutic groups and psychoeducational workshops. I am a volunteer and collaborator of various NGOs that care for disability, mental illness, immigration, people at risk of social exclusion and homeless, minors, women, family and the elderly. I love to continue learning and improving as a person and professional, which is why I am in continuous postgraduate training. In addition, I collaborate in R + D + i research projects, writing scientific-professional publications and organizing national and international psychology training activities.

Every day I grow and learn to be a better person and professional thanks to all my patients, whom I consider truly brave for wanting to improve and overcome all their difficulties.

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Rebeca Sancho-Sopranis Botana

Since my childhood I have felt a great vocation to help people recover and increase their well-be...

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