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16th century Spain

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In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain the Spain of the 16th century.

The Spain of the 16th century is that century that goes from 1501 to 1600. Known as the century of the colonies for the great importance that the discovery and conquest of the different colonies both by the Hispanic monarchy and the Portuguese monarchy. As we have commented, this century when there is the great boom of Atlantic exploration; The Spanish go west (colon discovers America) and begins to go and conquer all that territory. The Portuguese above all, the whole African Atlantic cornice to go around the continent to reach India. As you well know, it is this time when Spain conquers the Aztec empire and the Inca empire, with which, it comes to have a huge amount of territory (with all its wealth and raw materials) that make Spain the great European power in the world. moment.

In the middle of the century Spain annexed Portugal with which, now we can talk about the first super world power since, apart from the territories of the Hispanic crown, it is necessary to have all the territories of the

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Portuguese crown. That is why, in common, it is called; the empire where the sun never sets.

To know the subject in more depth, do not miss the complete video about 16th century Spain and practice with the exercises that we leave you below.
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