Who wrote the GENESIS of the Bible

The authorship of biblical texts It has been a great mystery, since there are so few sources on the subject, it is difficult to know with certainty each of the authors that make up the religious texts of the Bible. Of all the authorship, it is important to know that of Genesis, since being the first book of the bible it is of great relevance to know the authorship of the text that begins the religion. For this reason, in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we are going to discover you who wrote the genesis.
The Genesisit is the first of the books that make up the Pentateuch, being therefore the first of the religious texts that make up the Bible. Genesis is part of Old testament, being the first of the two parts that make up the Bible and narrating the facts prior to the birth of Jesus.
Genesis begins by talking about the origin of the universe, explaining how at first nothing existed and it was God who over the course of a week created everything that exists on our planet. The Genesis throughout this first part comments day by day what was created, clearly this being a element written a posteriori, since it is impossible that the author was present in the creation of the universe.
After that, Genesis talks about Adam and Eve, the first settlers of the world and how their sins were the reason for the expulsion of human beings from paradise. Then the text talks about their successors, the brothers Cain and Abel.
After commenting on the lives of different characters, Genesis continues talking about two actions of God against human beings, being the universal flood in which the only survivor was Noah and his family, and on the other hand the Babel Tower in which God punished human beings for their pride. Finally, Genesis talks about the person most faithful to God, called Abraham, and about the lives of those of his descendants.

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To continue with this lesson we must talk about the different theories that exist about who wrote the genesis, since it does not exist no proof about the real identity of the author and, therefore, theologians and scholars have been creating hypotheses for years to prove the authorship of such an important work as Genesis. In recent years there have been a series of theories that have had the greatest impact and are the most accepted by the community that we must talk about.
The first source where we should go to try to know the author is Genesis himself, seeing if there is any element in the writing that allows us to know the authorship. The first thing we can get out of the work is that it is not signed, that is, in no part of the text can we find even a mention of who the author was. That could mean that none of the characters in the text wrote Genesis, thus being able to discard people from religious texts such as Noah or Abraham, of which we certainly don't have enough sources to think they were real and not just characters created for him text.
On the other hand, it seems clear that the author was not contemporary to the facts, or at least not all of them, since at the origin of the world there was only God and, therefore, none of the Characters that appear in biblical texts may have a presence in this part of the history of religion. It may be that part of Genesis was written by contemporaries to the events that are narrated but it is impossible that a single author could narrate the creation from his personal experience.
New hypotheses about who wrote Genesis
Throughout the 20th century, numerous hypothetical works were carried out to search for the true authorship of Genesis. All these works focused on the fact that Genesis should be seen as a compilation of different texts and not just a set written by the same person, so we can say that according to this thought there is no single author, but is the set of many different authors. It is thought that they were different texts of Jewish origin written by different people and that, in addition, throughout the centuries they underwent numerous rewritings, being what we call Genesis the text that emerged from the compilation of all these sections.
On the other hand is the traditional versionl, the one that has been passed over the centuries and that most of the figures defend the most religious, being the one that speaks that Genesis like the rest of the works that make up the Pentateuch They were written by Moses. This is defended in the position that the communication between Moses and God could lead to knowledge about the origin of the world and other stories long before the birth of Moses.
For all this, we can talk about three main theories About the author of Genesis:
- Anonymous author we do not know
- The author is Moses
- And finally the most defended, which is the one that talks about numerous authors whose texts have merged with the passage of time.