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Inventions of World War II

Inventions of World War II

Not only do soldiers and politicians work in great wars, but in most of them inventors and scientists They gain great relevance, being key that they achieve great innovations to have an advantage over the countries they face. To talk about the great creations of the greatest war in history in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we must talk about the inventions of world war ii.

Before talking about the many inventions and discoveries that emerged as a consequence of the Second World War we must talk about this, to know the most relevant data about this huge conflict.

The Second World War it was a military conflict with global extension that took place between 1939 and 1945 and in which the greatest powers of the world faced each other. The both sides Main of the war were the Allies, led by the United Kingdom, France, the USA and the USSR, and the Axis Powers whose maximum powers were Japan, Germany and Italy.

The Second World War is especially relevant for being the war in history with the most deaths

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, but also because great events such as the nazi holocaust, the massive bombings and the first-time use of the nuclear weapons, which changed the world forever.

The importance of the war for all sides, being a very serious situation the defeat of any of these nations, created the absolute necessity for the engineering of each nation to be ahead of its time and that was the reason why during these few years science advanced so much and there were so many inventions that they gained so much importance.

To continue with this lesson on the inventions of World War II we must talk about all those creations and discoveries that took place during the Second World War, commenting on all those inventions that have changed the world to a greater or lesser extent.

Nuclear energy

Nuclear energy had already begun to be used and investigated in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, but it was the arrival of the World War II and the increasing relevance of seeking a greater war power than the great powers of the world were interested in the study of nuclear energy. The study of nuclear energy led to the creation of the atomic bomb, but also the beginning of the use of this energy in many areas of daily life.


Although computer-like inventions had been created before World War II, the reality is that the advances made by a number of researchers, among whom he was key Alan Turing, were the reason for the creation of modern computers. Informatics as we know it today would be impossible were it not for the creation of the Colossus, a huge computer created by the British to decipher the codes of the German Enigma.


Another of the inventions of the Second World War is penicillin, which had already been used before the war, but the need to improve the medicine of the time to be able to fight the deaths in war they caused great advances in medicine to be made. Penicillin had been discovered by Fleming, but it was not until years later that its production was made in large quantities as medicine for American and British soldiers during the war, being key to a greater recovery of these.


The radar technology it had gained great relevance in the years prior to World War II, being key for a nation to have a great advantage over the rest in any war scenario. The improvement of the radar for the United Kingdom was key to saving the lives of millions of Englishmen during the bombings of the British nation. Radar upgrade by Allied and Axis Powers changed the war foreverFrom that moment on, any war conflict is very different from how they were carried out up to that moment.

Reaction engines

Jet engines were another of the inventions of World War II and began to be used on the plane. military in the years before World War II, but it was not until the end of the conflict that they gained great relevance. The best were the english planes This type of engine proved to be far superior to other types of engine. After the war, jet engines began to be used by civilians and served as the basis for today's worldwide flights.


The technology created by Nazi Germany to create missiles and rockets that they could be guided better was key to the later creation of the American and Soviet satellites. It could be said that without this creation of the Germans it would have taken many more decades to launch satellites, thus changing to always the world, an example being the relevance of these instruments for weather forecasts or for different means of communication.

Pressurized cabins

The creation of the pressurization in cabins of aircraft to protect the crew is one of the greatest creations of the Germans during World War II, its creation being key to the subsequent arrival of commercial airplanes. The use of the airplane as transport, essential today, is impossible to understand without the invention of the pressurized cabins achieved by Germany at the beginning of the war.

Inventions of the Second World War - Main inventions of the Second World War
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