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Brief summary and list of the Kings of Spain

In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain the Kings of Spain.

Today we will explain in a very summarized way the entire succession of the Kings of Spain. Before the Catholic kings, Spain did not exist. There was the Castilian crown, the Catalan Aragonese crown, the kingdom of Granada, Portugal... And it was not until the marriage of the Catholic kings (Isabel and Fernando) that the two great territories that made up the Iberian Peninsula (Castillla and Catalunya / Aragon) come together territorially rather than politically.

The Catholic kings; Isabel (1451-1504) and Fernando II of Aragon (1459-1516) during this time the reconquest ended, America was discovered and the Spanish territorial unification took place. Among others, his daughter Juana la loca (1479-1555), marries Felipe I-el Hermoso (1478-1506). They reigned for a very short time because Philip died. Juana is upset and her father Fernando does not want her to be queen. He locks her up in a convent and remains king regent until Carlos I of Spain (Carlos V of Germany) son of Juana, was named king.

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Carlos I of Spain (1500-1558). Fundamental facts of his reign; we would have the great European territorial dominion as well as the conquest of America (both Aztecs and Incas). His son Felipe II (1527-1598) during his reign there is the maximum expansion of the Spanish empire since Felipe II manages to Through a war to annex Portugal and all the colonies that it had, especially on the coasts of Africa and the India. The son of Felipe II is Felipe III (1578-1621) from now on they are known as the minor Habsburgs because they were less important than their father or grandfather.

What's more, from Philip III they almost no longer rule, they leave everything in the hands of his assistants. The case of Felipe III was the Duke of Lerma. In his period there is what is known as the Hispanic Pax (period without wars, with a certain economic, social and cultural) but at the end of his reign, with the 30-year war (religious war) begins the decline and fall of the habsburgos. The son of Felipe III is Felipe IV (1605-1665) in the same way that his father delegates to the Count of Lerma, Felipe IV delegates his power to the Count Duke of Olivares. At this time there are especially the wars of religion (which weigh heavily on the power of the Spanish empire and therefore the decline and ruin of the empire). France establishes itself as a great European power. The son of Felipe IV is Carlos II the bewitched (1661-1700). He is so called because it is actually said that he had many physical and psychological problems due to the consanguinity of all the kings named above. Carlos II has no descendants and this is when the war of succession arises in this period. Many European powers want to impose a king in Spain and Charles II will be the last king of Habsburg descent. that will be in Spain. After this war, Felipe V (1683-1746) became the first Bourbon king of Spain.

To know the subject in more depth, do not miss the complete video about the Kings of Spain and practice with the exercises that we leave you below.

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