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8 characteristics of the PAINTING of Romanticism

Romanticism painting: characteristics

Romanticism is an artistic style and movement which lasted between the end of the 18th century and the first third of the 19th century (1780-1830), characterized by its celebration of imagination, intuition, individual freedom and creativity. Ideals that allowed the subjectivity of the artist to emerge, showing themes and scenes full of drama and emotion in his works.

In this lesson of we tell you what are the main characteristics of the painting of Romanticism.

Romanticism is an artistic movement which spread rapidly through Europe and America in response to the rationality of the Enlightenment. A bet on order and reason defended by this latest movement to give way to the senses and emotions.

Romanticism found an echo in all genres, from the literature, to music, architecture, sculpture and, of course, painting. Thus, they reacted to the sobriety of neoclassicism, of an academic nature, and they sought originality and imagination, leaving the field free to the inspiration of the author and facing industrialization as a phenomenon that disconnected the individual from nature.

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The past is idealized and nature is vindicated, in addition to linking with the idealism espoused by the French Revolution: fight for freedom, equality and justice. Some ideas and feelings that became themes and inspiration for the compositions.

Romanticism painting: characteristics - What is Romanticism?

Between the main characteristics of the painting of Romanticism we highlight the following:

  1. Is he first cultural movement to spread throughout Europe. Romanticism emerged in France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Spain.
  2. Its peak is dated between the years 1800 and 1850.
  3. The painters introduce current affairs as a topic of his paintings, with current events and compositions full of drama to reflect all the injustices and cruelties committed in wars, revolutions and other events. Subjects that did not appear in neoclassical and academic painting.
  4. The romantic painters prevail the subjectivity and individuality. Thus, it seeks to explore emotional and psychological states in order to show how the protagonists of the stories and events that they want to capture are, especially the heroes.
  5. Other painters focused on showing nature, painting outdoors and observing the landscape, the atmosphere and the sky, taking landscape painting to a higher level.
  6. Romanticism was also related to the emergence of nationalism, claiming the folklore, traditions and local landscape. The romantic painters offered an entire iconography that helped to forge a national identity. The ideals of the French Revolution of 1789 are also an inspiration and lead artists to engage politically and socially.
  7. In this vindication of tradition, romantic painters and artists valued medieval culture, introducing in their paintings all the medieval imaginary and a nostalgic tone that creates an atmosphere of paradise lost. Inspiration is also sought in Ancient Greece and all those historical moments that awaken admiration in the author, in addition to being interested in exotic places such as North Africa, South America and East.
  8. Originality and individuality are sought and, to put aside academicism and opts for unfinished and imperfect works.

These are, in general lines, the main characteristics of the painting of Romanticism.

Romanticism painting: characteristics - Characteristics of Romanticism painting

In this rejection of the conventions of neoclassicism, romanticism was a aesthetic renovation and, therefore, technique:

  • Various techniques are used, from oil to lithographs, watercolors and engravings.
  • The texture becomes important, claiming an expressive and free brushstroke.
  • Color also regains strength in front of the line. The forms are released.
  • Light takes on great importance when being used to print a greater drama and effectism to the scenes represented.
  • The compositions are full of dynamism, introducing curved lines, movement and theatricality in gestures and movements.
Romanticism painting: characteristics - Technical characteristics of Romanticism painting
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