The Spanish Baroque sculpture is strongly related to Counter Reformation, being an artistic style...
The XV century witnessed a spectacular growth of Italian cities. Some prosperous cities thanks to...
The Gothic is not the continuation of the Romanesque, but a time of great civil, economic, religi...
Image: Top ImagesThe baroque art it is above all an artistic manifestation developed between the ...
The baroque architecture It is an artistic style that arose from late 16th century in Italy and l...
Gothic art is an artistic manifestation that arose in France around the year 1140 and from this m...
Image: Comparison ChartThe Romanesque art and Gothic art They are artistic styles where the sourc...
Image: EncicloArte.comDuring the S XI-XIII we will find a new art throughout Europe. We have to k...
The Romanesque art It could be said that it is the first international artistic style of Western ...
The Roman architecture It is perhaps one of the most important testimonies of what this civilizat...
It is attributed to Salvador Dalí (1904-1989) the phrase "the difference between me and the surre...
The broken Columnis considered one of the most charismatic and well-known works of Frida Khalo. A...