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FRIDA's broken spine

Frida's broken column - commentary and analysis

The broken Columnis considered one of the most charismatic and well-known works of Frida Khalo. A work from 1944, the last period of the artist's life, and during which physical pain was omnipresent in her day-to-day life. The Broken Spine is a self-portrait in which Frida transmits the enormous difficulties that prevent her from working, having to wear a steel corset for months.

In this lesson from we offer you the comment and analysis of The broken Column by Frida Khalo, a work in which the artist shows us her physical and emotional pain, but also the idea that it is necessary to laugh at life and have hope in the face of it.

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  1. Commentary on Frida Kahlo's Broken Column
  2. Frida's Broken Column Theme
  3. Broken spine analysis
  4. Broken Spine Technique

Commentary on Frida Kahlo's Broken Column.

Frida Kahlo(1907-1954) is one of the most interesting, passionate and intense artists of the 20th century. An unclassifiable woman, with a unique style and an overflowing creativity in which color, love and heartbreak, illness and pain are reflected in her prolific work. A rich universe, full of intense and vivid emotions that has been framed in the

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artistic avant-garde of the twentieth century, especially in the naive art, symbolism, magical realism, the surrealism and social realism.

On The broken Column, Frida shows us a self portrait which contrasts with other facts by the author, since in it she paints herself alone, crying and in a desolate setting and under a stormy sky. A painting in which she shows the pain of her body and her soul As a result of the terrible bus accident that she suffered in her youth, it left her with serious consequences for life.

She would be in those long periods she was bedridden by her when she began to paint. A) Yes, Frida had a mirror her in the canopy of her bed so he could see and paint her self-portraits.

There is another very well-known work by Frida that we have also analyzed in a Professor: The two Fridas.

Frida's Broken Column theme.

In this canvas her main theme is the physical and emotional pain that Frida felt. A pain that was increasingly disabling and present in the artist's life. A painting that seems sad and distressing, although she herself commented to one of her friends, Arturo García Bustos, in the pupils of her eyes had included doves of peace as a symbol of hope, a way of mocking the lifetime.

The work is a reflection of the artist's life in that stage of her life, 1944, at which time her physical pain prevents her from working and she has to wear a steel corset for months. Thus, if at first she had painted herself completely naked, she Frida decided to cover herself so that she was only pain is the absolute protagonist of the painting.

Analysis of the broken column.

The box is a Frida Khalo self portrait with the metal brace, showing inside her body a broken ionic spine. The leather corset keeps her body upright from hers, conveying the feeling that if she took it off, everything would crumble.

The work shows her physical pain materializing in the numerous nails that appear in different parts of her body. The largest nail is located in her heart, a reference to the pain caused by the break with Diego Rivera. Frida also shows us her body broken by the frustration generated by not being able to have children.

Frida is also portrayed further accentuating his Mexican features with thick eyebrows, without separation and with the shadow of the mustache, something that distinguished the Aztec princesses and that shows the vindication of her origins. In the background you can see a desert landscape and a stormy sky that reflect Frida's emotional state.

Her eyes are full of sadness and tears run down her face. This self-portrait is extremely different from others of the time, much more colorful and surrounded by flowers and animals. In this canvas only two doves appear in her pupils, symbol of hope amid so much pain or an irony from Frida about her destiny.

The table presents a symmetrical composition, placing herself in the center of it, turning her face to the side, following the classic style. She is only covered with a sheet, opening to the public from her neck to reveal her column. An opening that strips the body and the soul before the viewer, showing the fragility and pain that her body contains.

Frida's broken column - commentary and analysis - Analysis of The broken column

Image: Slideshare

Broken spine technique.

In this frame, Frida uses a refined technique, being already a renowned painting. Frida does not use loose brushstrokes, applying the color with great skill and using cheerful tones in contrast to the sad theme of the painting.

Frida also offers a multitude of details with a unreal light, which does not come from any visible point, giving the impression that the light comes from the white of the corset and skirt. The features of her hands and her face achieve transmit all the fragility that Frida wanted to show.

Frida's broken column - commentary and analysis - The broken column technique

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  • Herrera, Hayden, (2019) Frida: A Biography of Frida Khalo, Taurus
  • Khalo, Frida (2017), The Diary of Fria Khalo. A new look, This side up
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