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Most important presidents of MEXICO

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Most important presidents of Mexico

The presidency of nations is usually in most cases the most relevant and important position of power, being those that control a large part of the decisions that are made. Mexico since its independence it has had a large multitude of presidents, but not all of them have been the same important, and to meet the most relevant in this lesson from a TEACHER we must talk about the most important presidents of Mexico.

From the first half of the 19th century, Mexico is a nation totally independent, achieving during these independence from Spain and being born the nation that we know today. From the first moment of the independence MexicoHe had presidents, being the key figure in his government, and therefore in this section we must talk about the most important Mexican presidents in the nineteenth century.

Guadalupe Victoria

A key figure during the Mexican independence process, he was appointed as the first president of the new nation. His government took place between 1824 and 1829, being a period in which he managed to abolish slavery, modify the border between Mexico and the United States and create the National Museum. He is considered one of the most important people in the history of Mexico both for his role in independence and in the early years of the new region.

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Jose Justo Corro

President between 1836 and 1837, being during his mandate that Spain recognized the independence of the Mexican nation, but also the loss of Texas and the beginning of the conflicts between Mexico and the United. His most relevant role was the drafting of the Seven Laws, being measures that shaped the Mexican nation in its early years and also served as a precursor to the Constitution of Mexico.

Antonio López de Santa Anna

He was president of Mexico up to 11 times, being the Mexican president who has held the position of the nation the most times. He is one of the most controversial politicians in the history of the American country, either for having belonged to numerous very different throughout his life, or for having been responsible for a large part of the sales of territories to the States United.

Benito Juarez

Mexican president from 1858 to 1872 he is considered the best president in the history of Mexico. His policy is considered as the one that achieved the consolidation of Mexico as a nation, carrying out major key reforms for the growth of the Latin country such as the separation of the government and the Church, the freedom of the press or the enormous Reform Agrarian.

Sebastian Lerdo de Tejada

President of Mexico between 1872 and 1876 had a continuous management with respect to that of Benito Juárez. One of his main actions was to continue the Agrarian Reform of Juárez, making it constitutional and therefore committed to a key reform for the future of Mexico. It was in a convulsed stage a politician who opted for peace and continuity, seeking to modernize Mexico.

Most Important Mexican Presidents - Most Important Mexican Presidents in the 19th Century

Image: TimeToast

The 20th century a stage of great evolution for the Mexican people, being a stage in which Mexico was consolidated as an American state of great relevance. To continue with this lesson about the most important presidents of Mexico, we must talk about the names of the most relevant Mexican presidents of the 20th century.

Porfirio Diaz

His government took place between 1876 and 1911, the period being called Porfiriato. During his dictatorship, freedom of the press was limited and he sought the end of the opposition, although he also achieved the advancement in many senses of the Mexican people and their peace with nations with which he had been in conflict. It was during his tenure that inequality between social classes began to be greater.

Francisco I. Log

Porfirio's successor was the cause of his defeat at the beginning of the Mexican Revolution. His mandate took place between 1911 and 1913, and was characterized by the revolution, by seeking measures to improve the life of the lower classes caused by the Porfirio government, and by seeking a better democracy after years of dictatorship. He was assassinated failing in his attempt to create a strong democracy, although his example would be followed by numerous people in later years.

Venustiano Carranza

President between 1914 and 1920 his role was key to start the second Mexican Revolution. He was a key figure in the history of Mexico, standing in an intermediate situation between the revolutionaries and the government, and seeking an intermediate solution for the good of the nation.

Plutarco Elías Calles

President between 1924 and 1928 he was the person who increased the term of the president's government to 4 years. Among his measures we find many anticlericals, and many other populists who sought a strong state with equality and a readjustment in the economy. His measures led him to be called a populist, but the reality is that he made great strides for the Mexican nation.

Lazaro Cardenas

President of the nation between 1934 and 1940, among his main actions is the agrarian reform, the nationalization of oil, the creation of the National Polytechnic Institute, and for its important role receiving Spanish exile after the Spanish Civil War. He also had a relevant role in the beginning of the Second World War, being he who had to decide at first if Mexico entered the conflict or not.

Most Important Mexican Presidents - Most Important Mexican Presidents in the 20th Century
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