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Who was Nikola Tesla

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In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain a "Who was Nikola Tesla - Biography in a nutshell ".

Who was Nikola Tesla. Nikola Tesla was born in Smiljan (the Austro-Hungarian Empire) in 1856 and died in New York in 1943. He was an inventor and mechanical and electrical engineer of Serbo Croatian origin which is known especially, for his inventions and studies in the field of electromagnetism. His inventions they helped lay the foundations for modern systems for the use of electrical energy. He was the inventor of alternating current (of which we will talk later) and he is the person who has forged the "how the world is today" since almost the second industrial revolution, he was the one who fired the starting gun through his inventions in the field of electromagnetism. He was a very controversial character, very eccentric, sometimes almost branded a mad scientist for his extravagances and crazy ideas of him but still, He patented multiple inventions that are very important today to understand modernity.

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In fact, he began his career as an engineer in Europe, in different cities in Europe, and it was not until 1882 that he moved to Paris to start working at the Continental Edison Company. That is, he puts himself in the hands of Edison's company. In 1884 he moved to New York to continue working with Edison and this is where the problems begin.

To know the subject in more depth, do not miss the complete video on "Who Was Nikola Tesla - Biography Summary " and practice with the exercises that we leave you below.
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