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Inventions of the Contemporary Age

Inventions, creations and discoveries are the main way in which humanity has been able to grow, serving so that the evolution in many elements was much greater and true changes could be observed in many senses. To talk about the creations of one of the greatest genius periods in history in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we must talk about the inventions of the Contemporary Age.

The Contemporary age It is the historical stage that goes from the French Revolution in 1789 to the present; although on certain occasions other dates are used to set the beginning of the period, being the greater examples are those of the United States Revolution or in some cases the American.

To understand what we are referring to when talking about this stage we must talk about its main featuresamong which we can find:

  • A new way of thinking, living and working very different from the present in previous centuries.
  • A great technological evolution which would lead to industrial revolutions and the emergence of new sources of information, and which caused many of the inventions that we must talk about in this lesson.
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  • Appearance of the democracy, as a new system of government present in almost all nations.
  • Thanks to numerous inventions, a globalization of the world, being much easier to communicate or travel between nations.

To continue with this lesson we must talk about the main inventions of the Contemporary Age. Many of them are elements without which our current world would have nothing to do with what we know and that define the contemporary world.

Light bulb

The invention of the light bulb it generated great controversy due to the enormous number of creators who are thought to have made it. The creation of the light bulb meant that little by little in all homes there began to be light and they replaced the candles, bringing this great progress and that the night was not as dangerous as in the past.


The discovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming was essential for the health of the entire population will increase, and without it it is impossible to understand the long life expectancy that exists today and that characterizes the last century. Its use was also key in the numerous wars of the contemporary world, such as the Second World War, saving thousands of lives.


The phone's history it is very interesting. Both the landline and the mobile phone were inventions that allowed communication between people to be much easier than centuries ago, making globalization much easier due to the ease we have of communicating between points far away.

Steam machine

Arisen with the arrival of the Industrial RevolutionThis external combustion system that transforms water into energy through heat was one of the great revolutions in the history of mankind. Thanks to the expansion of this system, cars or boats emerged and a new stage of capitalism was passed in which trade was much simpler and was capable of being globalized.


Although airplanes were a much more classic invention than is usually thought, the reality is that until the Second War Mundial began to be used to a greater extent for commercial and passenger purposes, allowing globalization to be much more common.


The interconnected communication networks that make up what we know as the Internet have been the basis for many of the means of communication and services that we use every day in our day to day life and without which we do not understand today's world. Here we discover you how and when did the Internet appear.

To conclude this lesson on the inventions of the Contemporary Age, we must talk about the main spanish inventions that have their origin in this stage, being interesting to see the importance of Spanish creations in this century and to understand the relevance of Spain in world creation.


The invention of radio had great relevance both in the warlike world and in communication and it is said that it could have a Spanish origin, since various sources speak of the possibility that the military Julius cervera was the creator. Even this was not the case, it is clear that he was a Spaniard, one of the people who contributed the most to a system without which we do not understand the current world.

Astronaut suit

One of the most impressive advances in human history is the ability to reach space and even to the Moon, this being possible among other things due to the space suit created by the Spanish engineer Emilio Herrera. It is neither the first nor the last Spanish invention related to space, the European nation being vital for many of the advances in this field.


Although the calculator as such was created by other people in this section we must talk about the calculator manufactured by the Spanish Ramón Verea. The creation of him changed the world of mathematics forever, being able to perform multiplication directly.

Disposable syringe

The existence of the syringe has been the basis for the global health system, serving to cure hundreds of diseases with vaccines or to inject essential medicines. The creation of the disposable syringe was key to stopping infections in the world and making them much safer to use.

Inventions of the Contemporary Age - Spanish inventions of the Contemporary Age

Image: History Magazine


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