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The best 10 Sexologists in Salamanca

The psychologist Kryusman Bibiana León López she has more than 15 years of professional experience in the field of sexology and currently offers her services to adults and couples of all ages, both in face-to-face and on-line.

This therapist has a Higher Degree in Psychology from the Cooperative University of Colombia, a Master in Organizational Labor Psychology, a Diploma in University Teaching and a Higher Degree in Mindfulness and Management Emotional.

Her intervention integrates various therapies of proven efficacy, among which Positive Psychology and Mindfulness stand out, tools with which she attends to the problems of sexuality, couple crises, divorce, codependency, low self-esteem and depression.

The psychologist Veronica Mayado He has more than 20 years of experience and has a Master's Degree in Third Generation Therapies, another in Behavioral Therapy and a third in Contextual Therapies.

At the Behavior Institute, a center of which she is the director, she offers a psychological care service specialized in sexual and mental disorders. couple, through the application of Third Generation Therapies such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Applied Behavioral Analysis or Mindfulness.

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Other areas that this professional attends most frequently are obsessive-type disorders compulsive, eating disorders, self-esteem issues, and skill deficits social.

The General Health Psychologist Sara Moreno Peláz She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Salamanca, has a Master's degree in Analysis and Modification of She conduct and in her private office offers a psychology service specialized in sexual and sexual disorders. Partner.

Her intervention is also cognitive-behavioral based, consisting of modifying maladaptive thoughts and emotions to achieve total change in the person. Some of her main specialties are sexual dysfunctions, relationship problems and cases of low self-esteem.

The psychologist Ana Hernandez has extensive experience in serving both adults individually and couples in any type of consultation or problem they may have, especially in the field of sexual therapy and partner.

Through a cognitive-behavioral-based therapy, one of the ones with the best results, applied in conjunction with other orientations such as Mindfulness, its main specialties are loss of sexual appetite, anorgasmia, impotence or vaginismus.

The psychologist Cristina de Prada Nieto She has a degree from the University of Salamanca, has a Master's degree in Family and Couples Therapy and is a Specialist in Orientation, Sexual and Couples Therapy.

In the field of sexology, her main intervention specialties are sexual dysfunctions and disorders of all kinds, gender identity disorders and also relationship problems in the partner.

The psychologist Maria del Carmen Martin Limorti she has a degree from the University of Salamanca and an expert in Behavior Analysis and Modification. In her office she cares for people of all ages, especially adults and couples who may have any type of problem in the sexual and relationship sphere.

In her intervention, she applies the therapies that present the greatest scientific evidence and this is characterized by offering useful tools to the person so that she can overcome all her problems. Some of her specialties are sexual dysfunctions of all kinds, stress and self-esteem problems.

The psychologist Jose Antonio Alonso Sánchez She is a specialist in Integrative Therapy, which she applies in conjunction with other orientations such as Mindfulness and with which she deals with all kinds of disorders in the sexual and couple sphere.

Among the disorders he deals with in his workplace, the most common are sexual dysfunctions, sleep disorders, addictions and depression.

Mª Luz Cañadas She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Salamanca, she has a Master's degree in Behavior Modification and she is a psychotherapist specializing in sexual and relationship disorders, as well as gender violence.

Some of the areas in which she intervenes most frequently in her consultation are cases of male erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and aversion to sex.

The psychologist Cristina Blanco She treats people of all ages in her office and is a specialist in Sex Therapy and difficulties in the field of sexual behavior from a cognitive-behavioral approach.

Among the consultations that she attends, the alteration of female sexual arousal, erectile dysfunction or aversion to sex, among others, can be highlighted.

The psychologist Victor Alejandro Briones She has a Master's degree in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and another in Contextual Therapies. In her consultation, she attends to adults and couples who may have a problem in the area of ​​sexuality.

His intervention specialties are sexual dysfunctions, sex addiction, anxiety disorders and crises in the couple.

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