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Explanation of the Balkan War

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In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain "Explanation of the Balkan War".

Explanation of the Balkan War. The Balkan wars are known as such because they were specifically two wars. They took place in south-eastern Europe in the years 1912 and 1913. I want to make a note: do not confuse them with the wars in Yugoslavia that took place at the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st.

Well... the Balkan wars were fought (in the first; the Ottoman Empire vs. the Balkan League). The Balkan league were Serbia, Montenegro, Greece and Bulgaria. That is to say, these 4 republics that were part of the Ottoman Empire, rebelled against the Turkish power and managed to drive the Turks out of almost all of South East Europe. The second war, clearly a consequence of the first, since these republics (after having won) They went to war with each other for the division of the new territories that had conquered the empire Ottoman. The origin of all these wars dates back to the SXV with the conquest by the Ottoman Empire of the entire Balkan peninsula. In the 13th century, with the flood of nationalism, all the people who lived in the Balkans saw their opportunity to achieve independence from the Turkish power, from the Ottoman Empire. In fact, the Russian Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire also played a very important role as they saw their opportunity to undermine the power of the Ottoman Empire.

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To know the subject in more depth, do not miss the complete video on "Explanation of the Balkan War"and practice with the exercises that we leave you next.
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