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Summary of the Yugoslav wars

In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain "Summary of the Yugoslav Wars".

Summary of the Yugoslav wars. The Yugoslav wars in the former Yugoslavia. One must first understand that, during the communist era, Yugoslavia was dominated by a dictator (Tito) who managed to hold the former Yugoslavia together. Yes indeed, When the communist bloc fell, Yugoslavia was fragmented into various republicsindependent among them with mixed population. There were areas with more Muslim prominence, others with Orthodox religion prominence... which made, this multi ethnic variety, provoke conflicts and eventually lead to the wars in Yugoslavia. These took place between 1991 and 2001 in the former Yugoslavia and in which the 6 former former Yugoslav republics took part. They are characterized by ethnic conflicts between Serbs, Croats, Bosnians and Albanians. In fact, the main trigger for the war was the suppression of autonomy in Kosobo by the Serbian government led by Milosevic. Once autonomy is removed, both Croatia and Slovenia unilaterally proclaim their independence from Serbia.

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