Modern Art - Major Artists
The modern Art is what is known for being a manifestation of artistic renewal that takes place in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the current being most prolific and productive in the entire history of art since many international movements and trends were he agglutinated. Next, in this lesson from a TEACHER, we will mention what were some of the the most important artists of modern art, as well as some of the most representative works of him.
- Paul Cézanne (1839 - 1906)
- Claude Monet (1840 - 1926)
- Antoni Gaudí (1852 - 1926)
- Pablo Picasso (1881- 1973)
- Jackson Pollock (1912-1956)
Paul Cézanne (1839 - 1906)
Paul Cézanne was a French Post-Impressionist painter considered to be one of thefathers of modern art. His works are characterized by enhancing the volume, regardless of the light that falls on it, as it was artificial, also reducing reality to pure forms, that is, cylindrical, square shapes... and that will be the what influence Picasso when it comes to creating cubism as the new art style.
Camille Pisarro helped him to clarify his palette and taught him to paint like a good impressionist that he was, his style. Impressionism for Cézanne was more than anything a practice, learning above all the technique from him that later he will do in his works, they were loose brushstrokes, very few thick where the color won purity.
His paintings lack emotion and feeling because focused mainly on pictorial language, in seeing the relationship between color and shape. His idea was the following "The drawing and the color are not different, as it is painted it is drawn; the more harmonious the color, the more precise the drawing”.
Among his most significant works we highlight Card players and the Still life with apples and oranges.
Claude Monet (1840 - 1926)
Another of the most important artists of modern art isClaude Monet, the best impressionist painter par excellence, in fact, one of his works was the one that gave the movement its name. Is about Print: rising sun, which was exhibited for the first time in 1874, without being understood by many, in fact, of all those that were exposed, it was the one that received the greatest insults.
For Monet, color did not exist in nature itself, the color was linked depending on the light, hence one of the objectives most pursued by Impressionist painters is to represent the world in a direct and spontaneous way to focus above all on the different effects of the light.
He was fortunate that, over time, the criticisms of his paintings began to disappear and therefore little by little his works regained importance. This fact made that during the last 25 years of his life he could live better economically, because If Monet was characterized by something, it was by living for more than thirty years in the most absolute poverty.
Among his most significant works we have The pond of Nymphaeas, the San Lázaro Station and the series of paintings that he made of the Rouen Cathedral.
Antoni Gaudí (1852 - 1926)
Antoni Gaudí is the greatest exponent of Catalan modernism within the field of architecture. It was characterized by its peculiar sense of volume and geometry, apart from its great capacity dreamy and creative that allowed him to project the works beforehand before he could pass them on to the flat.
Very few times he made plans and much less detailed, he used to improvise on the fly, yes, when conceiving them he studied and he analyzed even the smallest detail, details that he himself mastered perfectly as the work of ceramics with his famous technique of "trencadis”, iron forging, stained glass, carpentry ...
His style was based mainly on the nature observation and in the use of geometric shapes such as hyperbolic, cone shapes ...
Among his most important works we highlight the Guell park, the Milá House, the Casa Batlló, the Whim of Comillas and the Expiatory Temple of the Sacred Family.
Pablo Picasso (1881- 1973)
Pablo Ruiz Picasso it was nothing more and nothing less who led one of the many most outstanding movements of the artistic avant-gardes, the cubism. Cubism is characterized by representing and capturing an object or person on the surface of the painting from various points of view, simplifying the figures to geometric and highly schematic shapes.
Despite the fact that Picasso has gone down in history for leading a new style such as cubism, the works carried out before this trend has nothing to do with it, because it went through two periods known as the blue period and the pink period, among which we could highlight Life or Acrobat and young harlequin where you can see that the representations are somewhat more figurative.
He was also attributed in part the invention of collage as an artistic technique and in sculpture, since he also dared with this other specialty, assembling. Some of the most representative works of him are the Ladies of Avignon, the portrait of Ambroise Vollard and the Guernica. With regard to sculpture, we highlight his work of Goat or Bull Skull.
In this other lesson from a TEACHER we offer you the meaning of Picasso's Guernica.
Jackson Pollock (1912-1956)
And finally, another of the most important artists of modern art is Jackson Pollock. He was an American painter and the greatest exponent of abstract painting. Famous for using in his paintings the technique of dripping which consists of letting the pictorial material, usually acrylics, drip onto a canvas spread on the ground well from some kind of leaky container, spreading in this way by means of splashes, or with the same brushes, that receives the name of Sprinkle or directly with the same hands.
In the movement of the body for the creation of these works it is believed to have seen the origin of the Action Painting (Painting in action), because at the end of the day what his canvases manifest is that, a force, a violent, energetic intensity. Among his most important works we have to highlight Autumn rhythm (Number 30), Shimmering Substance Y Number 1.
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