Appearance of gunpowder on the battlefield
In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain "Appearance of gunpowder on the battlefield".
Appearance of gunpowder on the battlefield. Gunpowder is a flagrant mixture, used as a projectile propellant in firearms. That is to say, it is what makes a projectile shoot out of the barrel of a weapon to the place where the one who is aiming wants it to arrive. In fact, it was a chinese invention It was not until 1200 that, through the Byzantine empire and the Arabs, it was introduced into Europe, radically changing the way of understanding and waging war. Until then the battles were characterized by hand-to-hand fighting (with swords, mallets, spears and some weapons thrown like stones and javelins) the most cutting edge technologically speaking were the crossbows and bows and arrows. With the appearance of firearms, it is possible to shoot from a greater distance and with greater precision (not at the beginning but with the evolution of firearms). The appearance of new wounds caused by firearms and the new methods of healing these wounds, promoted and propelled many scientific advances in the field of medicine. As we said, in the early days of firearms, they had many flaws (they lacked effectiveness and efficiency) and were characterized by poor aim. They were primitive cannons that were only used in siege battles to defeat the walls in order to enter and continue with the hand-to-hand fighting of a lifetime. Over time these weapons were improved (making them smaller) even reaching, as today, individual use with
pistols, rifles, rifles... providing them with greater reliability and precision. That caused the tactics in the battles to undergo radical changes. That is, until then on the battlefield the armored heavy cavalry had preponderance. The charges of said cavalry were fearsome but... with the appearance of firearms, a single line of soldiers firing against the cavalry could decimate the cavalry with which, the infantry in front of the chivalry.To know the subject in more depth, do not miss the complete video on "Appearance of gunpowder on the battlefield"and practice with the exercises that we leave you next.