Summary of Chinese civilization
In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain "Summary of Chinese civilization".
Summary of Chinese civilization. To begin with, say that China is very big and that Chinese civilization lasted for millennia. Therefore, we will make a very short summary. Chinese civilization refers to the culture that arose, that was formed, in the territory that we now know as China. We know that the human presence in this territory dates back to the Neolithic (hunter-gatherer societies) but thanks to the fertility and the rivers that bathe these territories, there were soon settlements (sedenterication). In fact, it was 2,000 BC, we can already talk about Chinese civilization, of the first dynasties. To understand a little what Chinese culture is like, we must know that it has a strongly hierarchical social structure. It goes, from bottom to top; slaves, peasants, merchants, soldiers, courtiers, bureaucrats, mandarins and above all of them the figure of the emperor. Chinese culture has always sought contemplation and spiritual balance. Chinese art is a very meticulous, very elaborate and detailed art in which everything has a strong ritual sense. Chinese culture has always had a great scientific and technological development (in fact they were the
inventors of printing and gunpowder). If we talk about religion, Chinese culture does not have the central figure of a God. But; rather they worship their ancestors. In fact, the Chinese religion is the confucianism and buddhism. In which there is no figure of a God. It is each person who for himself has to seek his own happiness and his own good behavior. The decline of Chinese culture, although it is true that it began in the Middle Ages (with the opening of the world and with the global interconnection), when it became more evident is at the end of the XIX century and already in the XX century, that due to social conflicts and revolutions, the dynasties of emperors are ended, China is democratized (until 1949 that with the communist revolution the communist regime of Mao Tse-Tung was established).To know the subject in more depth, do not miss the complete video on "Summary of Chinese civilization" and practice with the exercises that we leave you below.