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The 10 best Psychology Clinics in Valladolid

The Institute of Psychode Psychology It is another of the most recommended clinics among those that can be found in the city of Valladolid.

The professionals at this center have specialized in serving adolescents, adults, couples and families both in person as online and applying therapies of proven efficacy such as Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, EMDR Therapy, Mindfulness or Therapy Brief.

In addition to that, the main intervention specialties that are addressed in the center are anxiety disorders, cases depression, family problems, self-esteem deficits, cases of infidelity and deficits in anger management.

The psychological clinic De La Vega has more than 15 years of experience in the application of psychological therapy for any problem that patients may present of all ages, that is, adolescents, children, adults and couples, specializing in sexology and mood disorders.

Some of the many disorders that are addressed in the Delavega psychological clinic are: depression, anxiety disorders, agoraphobia, low self-esteem, addictions, bullying, eating disorders, school failure, behavior problems in children and adolescents, sexual disorders and the disorder bipolar.

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In the clinic Norba Psychologists psychological care can be obtained in the treatment of all kinds of problems and affectations that patients of all ages may present. The professionals at this center use cognitive-behavioral therapy and also psychoanalytic technique to obtain the best results in therapy.

Some of the disorders that the psychologists at the center address are: anxiety, depression, agoraphobia, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress, addictions, relationship problems in the couple, eating disorders, problems in social skills and disorders of the type sexual.

In the Ágora Psychological Office professionals who offer group psychological therapy aimed at patients of all ages work. The treatment of this center is done from a comprehensive perspective, taking into account several different psychological techniques.

The disorders that are addressed in the Ágora Cabinet are: depression, dysthymia, anxiety, personality disorders, addictions, attention deficit with or without hyperactivity, behavior problems in children and adolescents, grief and problems as a couple.

In the psychological center of Inés González Carvallo Specialized and quality psychological treatment is offered to patients of all ages, as well as treatment in psychiatry and speech therapy.

The main disorders that this professional addresses in her psychological consultation are: depressive disorders, personality disorders, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, psychosomatic disorders, eating disorders, sexual disorders and disorders of the dream.

The professionals of the Logos Center of Valladolid are specialized in psychological care aimed at children, youth and adults, early care and speech therapy, especially in children. Through cognitive behavioral therapy, the three psychologists at the Logos center offer professional and specialized treatment for a wide variety of disorders and problems.

The main disorders addressed at the center are learning disorders, especially deficit disorder. attention and hyperactivity, dyslexia, dysgraphia, anxiety, school failure and behavior problems, among others.

The Parquesol Psychological Center offers professional and quality psychological therapy to patients of all ages, and in all types of disorders.

Among the problems that are most intervened in this psychological assistance center we find, for example, anxiety disorders, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, fears and phobias, eating disorders, self-esteem deficits, addictions, behavior problems and addictive disorders.

In the psychological clinic of Begoña Díez Soto all types of disorders are treated from a cognitive-behavioral, systemic and third generation perspective.

The main disorders that are addressed in this center are: depression, psychological abuse, child abuse, disorders of the behavior, workplace bullying, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and behavior suicide.

In the PSANIA Psychology Center you can find quality psychological care aimed at children, adolescents, adults and couples. The professionals of this clinic are specialized in the resolution of all types of disorders through the most effectively proven therapies, among which we find the cognitive behavioral therapy and the different third generation therapies.

Some of the many disorders that the professionals at the PSANIA psychology center address are: anxiety, depression, phobias, demotivation, relationship problems, behavior problems in childhood, addictions, attention deficit with or without hyperactivity, deficits in social skills, eating disorders and disorders of the sexual.

Itziar Sainz-Pardo She is a psychologist specialized in the fields of child and adolescent therapy and family therapy. She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Salamanca and a Master's degree in Child and Adolescent Psychology. In addition, she is a Certified Infant Massage Educator by the International Association of Infant Massage and a member of the Spanish Association of Perinatal Psychology.

In the consultation of this professional it is possible to have psychological assistance in the face of learning difficulties, poor regulation of emotions in children and adults, and even problems that require couples therapy, among others.

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