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The 80 best phrases of Joe Biden

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr, who is more commonly known as Joe Biden, he was born in 1942 in Pennsylvania and is the current president-elect of the United States. In the past, he was vice president with the administration of Barack Obama and previously he was also a senator for the state of Delaware.

During the 2020 elections, immersed in the Covid-19 pandemic, Biden defeated Donald trump, proclaiming himself the new president of the United States of America.

Today Joe Biden is a tremendous media figure so it is very easy that we have heard a lot about him, but... Would you like to know what are his main ideas and what are his principles?

Phrases and reflections of Joe Biden, new president of the United States

In the article that you can read below you will find the 80 best phrases of Joe Biden, with which you can get a very clear idea about what his ideals are and what we should expect from him throughout his term.

1. Friends, I can tell you that I have met eight presidents, three of them intimately.

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During his career as a politician, Biden has had the enormous privilege of being able to share time with three other presidents from whom he undoubtedly learned a great deal about politics.

2. Our future cannot depend only on the government. The ultimate solutions lie in the attitudes and actions of the American people.

If the people are not consistent with their own ideas, they can never evolve towards a better future. As we can see, this politician has a way of thinking that, without a doubt, many of us can also agree.

3. If you need more than 10 rounds to hunt, and some argue that they hunt with that many rounds, you shouldn't be hunting. If you can't catch the deer in 3 shots, you shouldn't be hunting. You are a disgrace.

Biden is a tremendously competitive man, something that we can certainly see very well reflected in this quote.

4. My father used to have an expression. He said: Joey, a job is so much more than a paycheck. It's about your dignity. It's about respect. It is about your place in your community.

His principles have always been the most important thing to him, so he has never allowed anyone to tell him how far he was capable of going in his professional career.

5. The effects of climate change are real and we must act accordingly.

The fight against climate change has been one of the fundamental pillars of his candidacy, Let's hope that now as president he will make the most appropriate decisions to be able to satisfy his voters.

6. My dad always said: Champion, the measure of a man is not how often he gets knocked down, but how quickly he gets up.

We all make mistakes throughout our lives, but what differentiates us from each other is our innate ability to cope with them.

7. Corruption is a cancer: a cancer that eats away at citizens' faith in democracy, diminishes the instinct for innovation and creativity; already tight national budgets, displacing important national investments. It wastes the talent of entire generations. Drive away investments and jobs.

Corruption is an evil that attacks every country in the world, an evil that Biden is willing to fight until his last breath.

8. Here at home, when Americans stood in long lines to donate blood after the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, we squandered an obvious opportunity to make service a noble cause again and rekindle the spirit of the community American.

Unfortunately in recent years there has been a great division between the ideas of the American people, something that is undoubtedly very negative and greatly undermines the enormous capacity for economic growth that the United States has always possessed.

9. Reality has a way of meddling. Reality eventually intrudes on everything.

Even if we decide to ignore a problem, it will never solve itself, a fact that shows us that lies are never the solution to anything.

10. We did not collapse after 9/11. We did not hesitate after the Boston Marathon. But we are America. Americans will never, ever withdraw. We hold on. We overcome. We own the finish line.

The American people are a people very proud of themselves and their ideals, a way of thinking that we can see very well reflected in this phrase of the current president-elect.

11. Let's be smart this time.

Only by making the right decisions can we get to the future we deserve, an idea that many of many of us surely also support.

12. The greatest gift is the ability to forget: Forget the bad things and focus on the good.

Staying stuck in the past will never lead us to the future we want, we must work from today if we want the future to be more benevolent than the past was.

13. When the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt appeared on television and he didn't just talk about the princes of greed. He said: Look, this is what happened.

Roosvelt was without a doubt one of the most charismatic presidents in all of history, a truly iconic figure that he has inspired throughout his life to Joe Biden.

14. No fundamental social change occurs simply because the government acts. It is because civil society, the conscience of a country, begins to rise up and demand - demand - demand changes.

Society is, after all, the driving force behind all the measures that a government takes, so it is very important that we complain without doubting whenever something does not seem fair to us.

15. Failure at some point in your life is inevitable, but giving up is unforgivable.

We only fail when we give up, that is why we ourselves are the only architects of our failure.

16. Fighting corruption is not just good government. It's self defense. It is patriotism.

Corruption should never be tolerated, the corrupt should know that under current President Joe Biden they will always be persecuted.

17. My dad used to have an expression: He's a lucky person who gets up in the morning, puts both feet on the ground, knows what he's about to do, and thinks he still matters.

Having clear ideas is the first step towards meeting our objectives because we must know that anyone who is not very clear about his convictions can never really carry them out.

18. Other than being insane enough to push a button, there is nothing Putin can do militarily to fundamentally alter American interests.

Both the Russian and the American economies are strong enough not to hurt each other. another, so in practice Americans should theoretically never because they fear possible economic retaliation Russian.

19. In my heart, I am sure that he could be a good president.

The position of president has always been a highly desired position for him, a dream that at 77 has finally come true.

20. He used to stutter a lot. Everybody thinks he's funny. And he is not funny.

Stuttering has been a nightmare that has always accompanied this politician, a very cumbersome difficulty that with time and patience luckily he has learned to control.

21. Global energy security is a vital part of America's national security.

The energy sector is a totally fundamental factor for the proper functioning of the United States, which is why From now on, Biden will execute his own ideas in order to guarantee the energy supply to his fellow citizens.

22. If I don't run for president, we will all be fine.

Although being president was always a dream for him, life still already offered him a great deal of benefits so if he had not run for president for him it would not have been far from the end of the world.

23. I exaggerate when I'm angry, but I've never told people things that aren't true about me.

Lying has always been something that Biden has hated, a certain way of thinking that this politician surely has in common with many of us.

24. Frankly, the Russian aggression in Ukraine and its illegal occupation of Crimea remind us that still we have much more work to do to ensure the strategic vision of a whole Europe, free and in peace.

Like the rest of Americans Biden has great respect for the Russian nation so during his mandate, we can be sure that the military movements of the latter will be analyzed very carefully.

25. I ran for the Senate six times. And one of the things I know about Senate races, like governor races, is that everything is local. It all comes down to what the specific problems are in that, in that district, or in that state.

Politics has a large number of ranks and it is only when we are at the highest level that we begin to talk about problems that can affect us on a global level.

26. I support immediate financial assistance to the newly elected Palestinian president. Now, I don't know what those numbers will be, and I don't know how it will be framed.

International politics has always been very interesting to him, something that should not surprise anyone considering that he has held the remarkable position of vice president for quite some time.

27. No one ever doubts that what I say is serious. The problem is that sometimes I say everything I want to say.

As a man Biden is a person with really strong convictions, which is probably why he has managed to go so far throughout his life.

28. Hillary Clinton is as qualified or more qualified than I am to be Vice President of the United States of America. Let's clear it up. She is a truly close personal friend. She is qualified to be President of the United States of America.

As we can see, Biden totally seconded Hillary Clinton's candidacy for the presidency and when she was defeated, Biden He was surely one of the first who did not hesitate to support her on a moral level because between them it is known that there is a strong friendship.

29. I can die happy without ever having been President of the United States of America. But that doesn't mean I won't run.

In the end, his dream came true, let's hope that his stage as president is as positive as all his voters expect.

30. You never tease someone with a clubfoot or withered arm, but it's open season for anyone who stutters.

Respect for others has always been something very important to him, something very logical considering that he himself has been the victim of ridicule on countless occasions.

31. For any young democracy, the most difficult but important step is to bury the legacy of tyranny and establish an economy and a government and institutions that respect the rule of law. All countries face challenges to the rule of law, including my own.

The United States is a much younger country than we usually imagine, without a doubt it is quite a feat It is worth mentioning that they currently possess both the economic and social level of which they enjoy.

32. Life is a matter of really difficult decisions.

The decisions we make today are the ones that will lead us to the destination that we really deserve, so we must be very cautious when making any decision throughout our lives.

33. Two million criminals have tried to buy a gun and, due to a background check, have been denied.

The sale of arms has always been a factor of great debate among Americans, a subject on which this politician has had to show his opinion on more than one occasion.

34. Corruption is just another form of tyranny.

Both the people and the government should never tolerate corruption in any country that considers itself a country in its own right.

35. In fact, the unions built the middle class. And this is what he did. That built the United States of America as we know it.

Although unions in Europe had been in operation for much longer, in the United States they were created in In the middle of the 20th century, a fact that at that time caused a great stir among the entrepreneurs years.

36. ISIS is not an existential threat for something to happen to someone in the United States of America. It is a serious problem abroad, but it is confusing and scary.

Terrorism is a sensitive subject and has never been underestimated by any American president and we can be sure that current President Joe Biden will not underestimate it either.

37. For too long in this society, we have celebrated rampant individualism over common community.

Capitalism has over time created a very deep sense of individuality, a way of looking at life that Americans of yesteryear might not be able to understand today.

38. I have no doubt that Russia will continue to be and must continue to be an important source of energy supply for Europe and the world.

The well-being of millions of people can depend on good relations with Russia, which is why it is very important, that both Americans and Russians work together to achieve a better future for all.

39. In this world, emotion has become suspect: the accepted style is soft, antiseptic, and dispassionate.

Politics has changed a lot over the years and it even seems that politicians today are much less passionate than in other times.

40. Look, freedom is an overwhelming American notion. The idea that we want to see the world, the peoples of the world free is something to which we all subscribe.

For the American people, freedom is a totally fundamental piece in their way of life, an ideal firmly entrenched in the hearts of all Americans who will possibly never ever decide Leave.

41. We are America, unsurpassed, and we own the finish line. Do not forget.

Biden is as we can see in this quote an American proud of his own, a requirement that on the other hand is totally indispensable to be able to become president of the States United.

42. We Americans think that in all countries in transition there is a Thomas Jefferson hidden behind a rock or a James Madison beyond a sand dune.

All countries must be able to say their own destiny, interventionism is how we can see a type of politics that has never really convinced this democrat.

43. We don't want two-tier people in America. Those who are legal but not citizens, and citizens.

Immigration is undoubtedly a very sensitive issue, one of the main pitfalls Biden will have to grapple with when I finally took a seat in the presidential room.

44. Saudi Arabia has allowed the training of US forces on its territory.

Relations between Saudi Arabia and the United States have always been very positive and we can be sure that they will continue the same under the rule of this new president.

45. Romania can be a hub in supplying gas to its neighbors and even become an energy exporter for its Central and Eastern European neighbors.

As we can see, Romania is a country that can offer much more of itself to other countries, something that can only be possible if the Romanian government decides to change its energy policies.

46. In Delaware, the fastest growing population is Indian-Americans moving from India. He can't go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin Donuts unless he has a slight Indian accent. I'm not kidding.

Certainly the United States is a nation that receives a large number of immigrants each year, a fact whose management undoubtedly worries a large part of North American voters.

47. Speak to me as a father, not as the Constitution says. What do you feel?

As a politician Biden has always wanted to really know what the voters think of him because he knows that Only in this way will you be able to carry out the necessary policies to be able to comply with your expectations.

48. Most Americans think that universal background checks already exist. They don't understand why there wouldn't be a background check to buy a gun.

The possession of arms is a right that raises a great controversy between the inhabitants of the United States and Biden He is very aware that when he arrives at the White House he will have to make very sensitive decisions regarding said right.

49. Now, when I say that, people look at me and say: What are you talking about, Joe? Are you telling me that we have to spend money not to go bankrupt? The answer is yes, that is what I am telling you.

Only by spending more an economy can flow again, this has been an idea that this politician has always had in mind and whose policies they have always supported.

50. One of the things I've never been accused of is not caring about people.

Biden is an extremely committed politician, his voters know it perfectly and that is why today he has become the top leader of the United States.

51. Do not reproach me that I do not own, that I do not own a single share or bond. Don't withhold it, I don't have savings accounts.

There are many ways to save and apparently both banking formulas and stock market speculation have never been methods to the liking of this politician.

52. This nuclear option is ultimately an example of the arrogance of power.

War is something to be avoided at all costs and this has always been something that this politician has had in mind throughout his entire life.

53. In the good old days when he was a senator, he was my own man.

Being a politician is a job that actually requires having a great calling and Biden after a long career in politics, he has shown to possess that innate love for trying to help the rest.

54. No one who earns less than $ 250,000 under Barack Obama's plan will see a single penny of the increased tax from him, anymore. be it your capital gains tax, your income tax, investment tax, any tax.

As we see in this quote, this politician is an advocate of raising taxes only for the wealthiest people, an idea with which the majority of his voters completely agree.

55. The experience of the United States, like many others, teaches us that fostering entrepreneurship does not it is only a matter of drawing up the right economic policy or developing the best curricula educated. It's about creating a whole climate in which innovation and ideas flourish.

Getting a country's economy off the ground is a much harder job than some people usually do. think and this politician knows, that he undoubtedly awaits a great task when he begins the legislature of him as President.

56. Obama and Biden want to raise taxes by a trillion dollars. Guess what? Yes, we do it in one sense: We want to let that trillion dollar tax cut expire so the middle class doesn't have to bear the burden of all that money for the super rich. That is not a tax increase. That's called justice where I come from.

Biden's political ideas always try to please as many people as possible, although some always strive to say that this is not the case under his particular opinion.

57. In the 21st century, the countries that prosper will be those where citizens know that their voices will be heard because institutions are transparent.

Only by using absolute transparency can corruption be definitively expelled from the institutions, which is why all politicians should always join forces to improve the transparency of any policy at all levels. administration.

58. I used to say to my late wife: I have a lot of faith in the American people.

Americans can certainly have a bright future ahead of them, but they will only get there if they make the right choices to get there.

59. I have waited more than 40 years to come to Cyprus and I have not been disappointed: the birthplace of Aphrodite, the crossroads of civilization and, I must add, a genuine strategic partner of the United States of America.

The island of Cyprus is a place that is in the middle of the Mediterranean sea and from it, the United States exercises almost total control of the airspace in the area. Biden, being aware of that great strategic importance, had always wanted to be able to visit that island.

60. I have an expression that he used when I have traveled the world throughout my career: Never tell another man or woman what they are interested in. They themselves know their own interest better than you do.

In life, knowing how to listen is a gift that can be very useful because using it, we can obtain much more interesting information than we imagine.

61. I've been very, very lucky.

As a man Biden knows very well that throughout his life he has been very lucky, because unfortunately not all people in the world have the possibility of living as comfortably as he has done.

62. Qataris have cut off support for the most extreme elements of terrorist organizations.

In the opinion of this politician, the help of the Qatari people has been a totally fundamental factor in be able to defeat Daesh because without them, possibly said organization would be much more powerful in the present.

63. We are close friends: the American people, the Israeli people, our governments. There is absolutely no daylight, none, between us and the Israelis on the question of Israel's security.

The United States has always been very supportive of the Israeli people and as we can imagine from this appointment, this will continue to be so under this new president.

64. Nowhere is it written that there must be a conflict between the United States and China.

Relations between the United States and China have undoubtedly been very tense in recent times, something that does not really have to be the case, according to the personal opinion of this famous politician.

65. Innovation can only happen where you can breathe freely.

For a country to develop its maximum potential, it must have the most suitable economic and social climate for it, that is why we should know that the Policies that an administration takes over time actually have a much deeper impact on society than we sometimes do. we imagine.

66. The White House is not the place to learn to deal with the international crisis, the balance of power, war and peace, and the economic future of the next generation.

Being president of the United States is certainly not something to be taken lightly because only the most prepared the position must be appointed president, although unfortunately this is something that apparently has not always been done reality.

67. Given a fair chance, Americans have never, ever, let their country down. Never. Never. Common people like us. That they do extraordinary things.

In this quote we can see the great patriotism that Biden usually shows, a way of praying very passionate that throughout his career as a politician has managed to dazzle a large number of voters.

68. The 21st century will be the American century. Because we lead not only by the example of our power, but by the power of our example. That is the history of the trip of America.

In his facet as President Biden knows that the United States must preach with the strength of its own example because only in this way, other countries can have a really positive opinion about they.

69. Get an attorney whether you are in military court or federal court, number one.

Having the help of a disproved lawyer can help us greatly in the event that we decide to live in the United States, because, as we will discover, justice in said nation often tends to favor the one who has a better representative.

70. I believe the American people have a genuine and justifiable fear of government meddling in what they instinctively know is going to be an increasingly intrusive world.

Since the very creation of the United States, one of the main premises of the government has always been the minimum interference in the lives of people, a way of looking at life that most taxpayers have grown up with and which they are fully prepared to defend if necessary in full sword.

71. We must rekindle the fire of idealism in our society.

As we see, Biden has the opinion that his compatriots should once again recover some ideals that unfortunately seem to have been lost over the years.

72. Let me tell you what I literally told every world leader I met with, and I've met them all: it's never, never, never been a good bet to bet against States United. We have the best fighting force in the world.

It is known throughout the world that the United States theoretically possesses the greatest military force in the world, a power really intimidating for the vast majority of nations that as a politician Biden has always known how to exploit the maximum.

73. But I was amazed at how organized the Palestinian electoral authority was, how competent they were in setting up their polling places and how many poll workers they had.

The elections in Palestine were according to the government of the United States totally democratic, somewhat that we can see clearly reflected in this particular quote from the former vice president of those times.

74. I know I shouldn't like muscle cars, but I do like muscle cars.

As a good American Biden confesses himself a lover of fast cars, a fact that he confirms is that he owns a brand new 1967 Corvette Stingray at a particular level.

75. America's commitment to collective defense under NATO Article 5 is a sacred obligation in our view, a sacred obligation not just for now, but forever.

As we can see, this politician is a clear defender of the North Atlantic Alliance, an agreement that does not long ago, the until very recently President Donald Trump made the unilateral decision to Leave.

76. The United States, to state the most obvious, is very concerned about the staggering number of unaccompanied minors who - children and adolescents who are making a very dangerous journey through Central America to reach the United States.

Joe Biden is very aware of the great immigration drama that is currently being experienced in Central America, we hope that the recently appointed president be able to make the most correct decisions to be able to definitively settle this issue as hairy.

77. Abe Foxman has been a long-time friend and advisor to me.

Only with the most appropriate advisers a president can give the best of himself, which is why this politician has always taken great care in electing all those around him.

78. You know we are going to control the insurance companies.

Faced with a critical situation, a strong government must always act quickly and in its role as president, we can be sure that Joe Biden will never hesitate to make use of all the resources that he has at his provision.

79. The interest of the United States of America in having a secure democratic friend, a strategic partner like Israel, is overwhelming.

The alliance between the United States and Israel is stronger than ever today, and that appears to not change when this new president takes his seat.

80. You are twice as likely to be struck by lightning as you are to be affected by a terrorist event in the United States.

The probability of being involved in a terrorist attack on North American soil is much lower than what some people tend to believe but still, as is commonly said, prevention is better than cure.

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