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The 9 best Psychologists experts in Couples Therapy in Granollers

The psychologist Patricia morales He has a Master in Clinical and Health Psychology, another in Legal and Forensic Psychology, and in his psychology center in Granollers together with a multidisciplinary team of specialized therapists, attends all types of couples both in person and through distance.

Their intervention is based on joint collaboration with the center's most qualified professionals to solve in the best possible way any problem that may arise. present the couple cared for and in the integration of different therapies of proven efficacy such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy or Therapy Brief.

Some of the areas that this professional successfully addresses in the field of the couple are relationship problems, cases of separation or divorce, stress, problems in the workplace, grieving processes, and skill deficits social.

The General Health Psychologist Elisabet Rodriguez She runs her own Psychology and Psychopedagogy center located in Granollers, where she serves people of all ages and especially couples through a cognitive-behavioral approach based on modifying the person's current maladaptive thoughts and the behaviors that maintain them.

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As for her intervention specialties, family conflicts, couple problems of all kinds, low self-esteem, deficits in coping skills, and anxiety disorders, among other forms of discomfort.

Some of her most outstanding qualifications are a Bachelor of Psychology from the University of Barcelona, ​​a Master in Clinical Psychopedagogy and a Postgraduate Update in Psychopathology Clinic.

The psychologist Josep Maria Piera Lleonart He has more than 30 years of professional experience and in his practice he attends adults and couples who may need him both in person and in remote sessions.

Her interventions are based on the application of Integrative Humanist Psychotherapy and Gestalt Therapy, among others, with which she addresses eating disorders, adjustment disorders, psychosomatic disorders and dysfunctions sexual.

In addition, among her most relevant qualifications are a Master's Degree in Brief Strategic Therapy, extensive training in humanistic psychotherapy and a Training Course in Gestalt Therapy.

The General Health Psychologist Trinidad Armenteros she has specialized in serving adults and couples through the integrated application of different therapies complementary treatments of proven efficacy, including EMDR Therapy, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Mindfulness.

As for her intervention specialties, couple crises, post-traumatic stress disorders, emotional dependence, cognitive impairment and cases of trauma stand out.

Thus, some of her most notable professional qualifications are a Bachelor of Clinical Psychology from the UNED, a Postgraduate Degree in Couples Therapy and a Master's Degree in Psychogeriatrics, Dementias and Disease of Alzheimer's.

The psychologist Ismael Nogales He has a Master's Degree in Psychotherapy, a Postgraduate Degree in Couples Therapy and another Postgraduate Degree in Brief Therapy Strategic, which makes him one of the most outstanding professionals in the field of couples therapy in Granollers.

Thus, some of the disorders that this professional successfully addresses are anxiety disorders, premature ejaculation, obsessive-compulsive disorder and also the processes of mourning for the death of a being Dear.

Monica Cots Esteve She has a Degree in Psychology from the University of Barcelona, ​​has a Master's Degree in Forensic and Legal Psychology and is also a Certified Coach.

This specialist in the field of couples is also an expert in legal psychology and some of her main intervention specialties are generalized anxiety disorders, cases of depression, emotional dependence and psychological expert reports in processes of divorce.

The General Health Psychologist Iris Tolosa She is an expert in sexology, couples therapy and perinatal psychology, in addition to having a Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology and extensive experience in Coaching and Neurolinguistic Programming.

As director of the Psicoestima’t center in Granollers, this professional attends together with a team of therapists qualified, communication problems in the couple, sexual dysfunctions, social skills and cases of infidelity.

The psychologist Inés Carbó Marqués she has a Master's Degree in Sexual and Couples Therapy and a Postgraduate Degree in Systemic Family Psychology.

This expert in couples therapy works on each case from an integrative perspective, applying the therapies that best suit each person attended in face-to-face or online sessions.

In addition to that, some of her specialties are cases of separation or divorce, couple crises, relationship problems or emotional management and self-esteem deficits.

The psychologist Lucia Rodriguez Brines She is a Graduate in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and founder of the Psitam psychology center, a professional therapy space specialized in serving children, adolescents, adults, families and also couples

Her sessions are offered both in person and online and in them she applies therapies such as Mindfulness, Intelligence Emotional and Systemic Therapy to address communication problems in the couple, family conflicts or disorders of anxiety.

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