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What is the good part of stress? 5 sources of potential

Stress is usually a concept that we associate with the negative, with an uncomfortable experience in which we would like to leave behind as soon as possible to return to a state of calm. However, this is an overly simplistic view of this question.

And it is that if stress exists, it is for something. It is the product of millions of years of evolution, during which a phenomenon as important as our mechanisms of activation of the nervous system could not have been left out of natural selection. In fact, stress exists in a large number of animals, which indicates its importance for survival.

But... What is the good part of stress, exactly? We will see it throughout this article.

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The positive aspects of stress: channeling energy to achieve goals

Stress is based on a series of biopsychological mechanisms that predispose us to be more activated in certain circumstances, more prepared to react as soon as possible to what happens around us.

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This carries with it a feeling of being "in tension", because when we are stressed, we feel as if we cannot rest with a clear conscience until we have attended a need or reached a goal, which leads many people to assume that stress is a bad thing.

But although on some specific occasions stress can become excessive, or predispose us to develop little habits healthy (binge eating, smoking, etc.), in most cases, has potential that must be exploited well. And it is that if we manage this impulse of emotions and feelings in the appropriate way, we will be helping to bring us closer to our objectives.

And this is precisely the positive potential of stress; their different ways of aligning ourselves with a series of objectives that come to occupy an important space in our consciousness, which is an opportunity to be consistent with that and give them priority not only in our thinking, but also in our Actions. Thus, The good part of stress can be divided into the following benefits.

1. It implies a source of motivation

Stress is a constant reminder that there are a number of tasks to be done; For that reason alone, it already protects us from the "forgetting" factor. For better and for worse, stress forces us to position ourselves before the prospect of taking an action that is important to us, and that greatly increases the chances that we will end up doing it.

2. It opens our minds to new possibilities

Stress causes us to think through a different perspective than we adopt in normal situations; It makes us more likely to try new things if it serves to respond to our need to do a certain action. Thus, helps us to make “accidental” discoveries, to which we would not have been exposed in normal situations.

3. Well managed, it allows us to structure our tasks

Sequencing our actions through a pattern of tasks in which one responsibility follows the next is one of the most effective methods. to manage stress, and this is something that not only serves to relieve that "tension", but also helps us to move forward efficiently and productive.

While it is true that stress can also lead us to not want to start that chain of tasks, those who have tried it know that it is a way to relieve discomfort that works, and once we are familiar with that strategy, we are much more likely to resort to it when stress acts as a trigger again.

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4. Helps us detect opportunities

Stress not only serves to quickly spot danger signs; It also allows us to identify opportunities, occasions that it would hurt us to miss because they can help us improve. Those who channel their stress well, make this act as a funnel of good luck, given that they do not lose an opportunity to position themselves in a favorable place before the turns of fortune that life gives.

5. It leads us to take the controls

When we feel stress, our desire to take charge ourselves of carrying out the responsibilities to attend increases, instead of leaving them in the hands of others. This need for control can lead us not only to obtain better results, but it is also an engine for our own learning, as it exposes us to new challenges.

Do you want to learn how to channel stress productively?

European School of Coaching

As we have seen, stress can be a source of motivation that leads us to get out of the comfort zone and engage in tasks in a more productive way. In fact, sometimes those tasks have to do with activities that we would not normally do, so we make use of our creative potential.

However, to be able to take advantage of these latent abilities in yourself you have to get used to adopting a constructive mindset when dealing with stress, and this is something that is not achieved simply reading; It is necessary to change habits and apply emotional management strategies to our day to day.

If you are interested in developing this capacity, you will probably also be interested in the training program Stress management: channeling and projecting energy, online course developed by Escuela Europea de Coaching. It is a program aimed at people with or without prior training in this field and interested in improving their ability to use the potential productive stress: consists of a total of 12 hours of duration divided into 4 sessions, which take place in a synchronous classroom (that is, live and in direct).

In the course Stress management: channeling and projecting energy, an online course developed by the European School of Coaching, taught by the psychologist and coach Patxi Rocha del Cura, content such as time management techniques, resources for correctly identify stress and its triggers, the development of skills to channel it, conversational skills in the face of expensive, and more.

To see more information about the European School of Coaching and the face-to-face or online courses it takes, go to this page.

Bibliographic references:

  • Achor, S.; Crum, A. J.; Salovey, P. (2013). Rethinking Stress: The Role of Mindsets all wrong in Determining the Stress Response. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 104 (4): pp. 716 - 733.
  • Ambriz, M.G.J.; Izal, M.; Montorio, I. (2011). Psychological and Social Factors that Promote Positive Adaptation to Stress and Adversity in the Adult Life Cycle. Journal of Happiness Studies. 13 (5): 833–848.
  • Hargrove, M.B.; Nelson, D.L.; Cooper, C.L. (2013). Generating eustress by challenging employees: Helping people savor their work. Organizational Dynamics. 42: pp. 61 - 69.
  • Quick, J. C.; Quick, J. D.; Nelson, D. L. & Hurrell, J. J. (1997). Preventative stress management in organizations. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

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