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Types of breathing (and how to learn them in meditation)

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We all know that breathing is a vital activity for human beings, and not just because it allows us to stay alive. There are other ways in which this everyday activity influences us.

Yes, we are aerobic beings and we have the need to capture oxygen from the environment and exchange it for carbon dioxide in our lungs, but there is no one correct way to breathe in and expire. exist types of respiration alternative.

Main types of respiration

It is possible to use different criteria to define types of respiration. For example, we can differentiate by the main component that is captured from the atmosphere, or classify it according to the mechanism used to proceed with the exchange of gases. But this time I will talk about the different breath control techniques and its benefits on our health.

With the current pace of life we ​​are not aware that we perform an incorrect breath. We tend to breathe quickly and shallowly, without making the most of our lung capacity. Associated with this fact is the appearance of different common health problems in large metropolises, such as the 

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stress and the anxiety, which in turn make breathing exercise even more difficult.

Correct breathing is key to have good health. In the West, the exercise of breathing has never been given too much importance than that of sustaining our existence, but in the East we do find this. Specifically with the discipline of yoga, where they give great importance to correct conscious breathing to have a good health of our body and mind.

1. Diaphragmatic or abdominal breathing

This type of breathing is based on the movement of the diaphragm, the concave shaped muscle that separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity and is responsible for the activity of breathing. As you breathe in, the lungs they fill up little by little with air, pushing the diaphragm, which in turn pushes the organs of the abdominal cavity, giving the sensation that the belly is swelling. For this reason it is also known as abdominal breathing.

When you exhale, the lungs are emptied of air and take up less space, remaining in a more restricted area. The diaphragm returns to its initial position. In yoga it is known as low breathing.

Tips for practicing it

It is recommended that to begin with it is better to do it lying on our back, and as the technique is mastered, go to other postures, such as sitting or standing. You have to be comfortable, with your hands on your abdomen, and do the breathing exercise with your nose.

  • To start it is necessary thoroughly expel the air from the lungs, in order to cause a deep breath due to lack of air.
  • Breathe in deeply and slowly, swelling the abdomen relaxed.
  • Hold the air for an instant.
  • When you feel the need to exhale, do it long, slow and deep.
  • Run out of air in your lungs for a moment, and when you have the urge to breathe in, repeat the steps.

During exercise it is also advisable to speak (for example, use the expression OM), since sound vibrations help to control the speed and rhythm of inhalations and exhalations, as well as a relaxing effect on the snare thoracic.

Health benefits

This type of breathing allows expand the filling capacity of the lungs, which promotes good oxygenation of the blood. The impulse of movement produced by the diaphragm promotes blood flow and stimulates the movement of the heart. The constant activity of the diaphragm performs a good massage to the organs of the abdominal cavity, favoring intestinal transit.

In addition, it acts on the solar plexus, a nerve network located at the beginning of the ventral aorta artery, making a relaxing effect and reducing anxiety and the feeling of "stomach knot".

2. Rib or chest breathing

This type of breathing is based on rib separation for an expansion of the thoracic cavity. This occurs when the middle area of ​​the lung is filled, something that is achieved once the lower part has been filled thanks to diaphragmatic breathing. This kind of breathing is done very frequently without realizing it. In yoga it is known as middle respiration.

Tips for practicing it

The recommended position for this type of breathing is sitting, with the back straight but without forcing and placing the hands on the ribs.

  • Expel the air thoroughly and tightens the abdomen, which will help empty the lungs.
  • Breathe in keeping the tension in the abdomen, allowing rib expansion. You will see that it costs more than in diaphragmatic breathing.
  • Hold the air a few moments, to then expire all the slow and continuous air. Repeat process.

Health benefits

Practiced in conjunction with diaphragmatic breathing, it contributes to improving lung capacity and providing a relaxing effect.

3. Clavicular breathing

In this type of breathing we focus on the highest part of the lung, which is smaller in volume than the previous ones, so it captures less air. On inspiration, the clavicles seem to lift, hence the name. In yoga it is high breathing.

This kind of breathing can be seen in people who are suffering from an anxiety or nervous attack, having short and fast inspirations and exhalations, since they have a diaphragm blockage due to causes emotional Also predominates in pregnant women, especially in the last months, when the baby occupies most of the abdominal cavity and does not allow the diaphragm to work correctly.

Tips for practicing it

To begin, in a sitting position, we cross our arms, placing our hands on our ribs.

  • Make a deep exhalation and at the end of this contract the abdominals and apply pressure with our hands on the ribs.
  • Inspire trying to lift the claviclesbut not the shoulders. You will see that despite the effort being greater than in costal breathing, the air captured is rather scarce.
  • Expel the little air that has been captured.

Health benefits

This breathing alone has no benefit and is rather poor in ventilation. But it becomes important in the last control technique that I will now talk about.

4. Full breath

This type of breathing, also known yogic breathingIt is the purpose of mastering the three techniques mentioned above, and it is the unification of all of them, in search of a conscious control of the breath.

Tips for practicing it

This exercise can be done both lying down and sitting down, although if you are a beginner it is always better to do it lying down. The activity must be carried out in a relaxed way, breathing through the nose, and the pronunciation of the expression OM can help.

  • Empty the lungs with a deep exhale.
  • Slow inspiration begins by descent of the diaphragm (diaphragmatic breathing).
  • Keep breathing in air stretching the ribs (rib breathing).
  • Keep inspiring while lifting your clavicles (clavicular breathing).
  • Hold the air for a moment.
  • Relaxed exhalation begins the reverse of inspiration, that is, making the air come out first from the upper part, followed by the middle part and finally from the lower part of the lungs.
  • Hold on for a few seconds no air in the lungs, and the cycle begins again.

As you have seen, this kind of breathing It is carried out in three phases to inhale and another three to exhaleas it involves the combination of the other breathing techniques. Yoga experts recommend that the exhalation time is doubled compared to inspiration.

Health benefits

Being the sum of the other types of breathing, the aforementioned benefits are maintained, that is, they are increases lung capacity, better oxygenation of the blood, stimulates blood circulation and tones the heart.

It also presents other benefits such as training in self-control, and provides serenity and concentration.

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