The labor movement in Spain
In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain the labor movement in Spain.
The labor movement centered in Spain. As you all remember there is the industrial Revolution, which begins mainly in England but develops throughout Europe. It arrives in Spain (late and in very specific areas) but we finally have this arrival of the industry. The consequences are; new forms of agriculture that make it more productive (with which there is a demographic increase thanks to advances in health, higher birth rates and lower mortality). Industry also appears especially in the Basque Country (iron and steel) and Catalonia (textile), are the great industrial centers in Spain at the time (19th century). The parliamentary monarchy also appeared and we went from a system of feudal society to a class society. In Spain, the great social mass is peasantry living in deplorable conditions, poorly paid, misery, famine... and those who they exile to the cities to look for work in the factories they also live in conditions of overcrowding, misery, mistreatment, bad salaries... All this breeding ground is what makes people come together, help... find ways to change this situation. Power realizes this reality and the idea that comes to mind is to do
confiscations (seize property of the municipalities, crown, church... to sell them at public auction to raise funds for the state coffers).To know the subject in more depth, do not miss the complete video about the labor movement in Spain and practice with the exercises that we leave you below.