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The 9 best Psychologists experts in Family Therapy in Santiago de Chile

The Clinical Psychologist Marcela bulnes She has more than 12 years of professional experience behind her and throughout her career she has worked in various mental health centers, both in the public and private spheres.

Her services are offered online and are based on the integration of various effective therapies, such as Programming Neurolinguistics, Clinical Hypnosis or Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, tools with which she attends to all kinds of problems in the Familiar scope.

Regarding the main specialties of her intervention, conflicts of all kinds can be highlighted in the family bosom, emotional and relational problems, low self-esteem, stress, ADHD and Depression.

Marcela Bulnes has a degree in Psychology from the Central University of Chile, she has a Master's degree in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, a Practitioner Diploma in NLP and a Selection Diploma by competencies.

The psychologist Matías Larenas She is also a specialist in serving people of all ages, as well as couples and families, through a quality online psychotherapy service.

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Graduated in Psychology from the Universidad del Desarrollo, this professional has a Bachelor of Humanities and Sciences of the She behaved from the same university, she has a Trauma Approach Training Course and has another Training Course in Motivational Interview.

Throughout his career, Matías Larenas has specialized in successfully treating cases of addiction or abuse of substances, accompaniment in school difficulties, family conflicts, anxiety, depression and trauma.

The psychologist Samuel Hurriola Brito He has a degree in Psychology from the Santo Tomás University, he has a Master's degree in Individual, Family and Psychotherapy He couple, a Diploma in Hypnosis and Clinical Hypnotherapy and also has a specialization in Neurofeedback and Biofeedback.

His services are offered both online and in person in his private practice and some of his main specialties of intervention are addictions of all kinds, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, phobias, stress and grief pathological.

Samuel Hurriola Brito integrates various therapies with proven efficacy in his sessions, among which Mindfulness, Dialectical-behavioral Therapy and techniques from the neuropsychology.

The Clinical Psychologist Claudia Pérez González He is part of the team of professionals at The Living Room Therapy center, where he attends to people of all ages and also families, both in person and in the modality telematics.

Among his intervention specialties, we can highlight cases of domestic violence, bulimia, stress, pathological grief, depression, anxiety disorders, and sexual dysfunction in women.

Claudia Pérez González has a degree in Psychology from the University of Las Américas, she has a Master's degree in Psychotherapy Systemic, a Postgraduate Degree in Legal Psychology in Family and Childhood and is a specialist in Family Psychotherapy for Couples and Individual.

The Clinical Psychologist Adriana Medina Cañas She graduated in Psychology from the Catholic University of Colombia, she has an Official Master's Degree in Third-Party Psychological Therapies She was generated by the International University of Valencia and has a Course on Treatment of Patients with Dependence Emotional.

Her intervention is based on the cognitive-behavioral approach, integrated together with other effective orientations such as Mindfulness, with which she attends cases of domestic violence, sexuality disorders, conduct disorders, pathological grief or disorders of the personality.

The psychologist Karen Guerrero Rodriguez She has specialized in providing an online therapy service in the areas of the family and the couple from her private practice in Santiago.

Graduated in Clinical Psychology from the Santo Tomás University, this professional has a Diploma in Human Sexuality and Sexual Therapy, she is a Master in Family, Couple and Individual Psychotherapy and has a Diploma in Psychology of the Health.

Her intervention integrates various effective therapies such as NLP or Clinical Hypnosis, with which she attends individually, the cases of social phobia, low self-esteem, depression, pathological grief, sexual dysfunctions in women and disorders of conduct.

The psychologist Paolo Duran He has a degree in Psychology from the University of Valparaíso, has a Postgraduate Degree in Family and Childhood from the Metropolitan Technological University and a Course on Psychotherapeutic Intervention in Minor Victims of Assaults Sexual

Her intervention is aimed at people of all ages and also families who may have anxiety problems, psychosomatic disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder or disorders food.

Paolo Durán attends both in person and online for those people who cannot move from their homes.

The psychologist Matias Villalobos She graduated in Clinical Psychology from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, has a Diploma in Femininity, Gender and Psychoanalysis and is a specialist in Violence and Sexual Diversity.

His services are offered both in person and online and some of his most notable specialties are cases of domestic violence, depression, autism, pathological grief, anorexia and alcoholism.

The psychologist Cristopher Tapia Chávez He has a degree in Psychology from the Raúl Silva Henríquez Catholic University and is a specialist in Psychoanalysis, Vocational Guidance and Family Guidance.

His services are offered both in person and electronically in families that may have problems with domestic violence, adjustment disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, conduct disorders or problems with children.

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