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First Spanish Republic: Summary

First Spanish Republic: Summary

Image: Eco Republicano

The First Spanish Republic It is the first republican project in the history of Spain since this political regime had never before occurred in the peninsula. This is developed in a short period of time since it was only in force for eleven months, between the years 1873 - 1874, within a stage known as the Democratic Sexennium.

Despite its brevity, they were times of great political and social tensions, since there were four presidents who succeeded each other, numerous uprisings, a war in Cuba and the elaboration of one of the most modern Constitutions that until then had been dice. Next in this lesson from a TEACHER we will show you a brief summary of the First Spanish Republic to delve more about this First Republic.

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  1. Background to the First Spanish Republic
  2. Presidents who ruled during the First Spanish Republic
  3. Armed conflicts that occurred during the First Spanish Republic and last governors

Background to the First Spanish Republic.

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Before starting with this summary of the First Spanish Republic, we are going to discover the historical background that allowed this profound change to take place in a Spain that had always been monarchical.

The antecedents to this First Spanish Republic must be sought in the reign of Elizabeth II (1868) that after his dethronement the first republican ideals began to be given due to the monarchical wear of that time. Amadeo de Saboya was chosen to take the reins of the State, however his mismanagement led to his abdication in 1873, the year in which the First Spanish Republic ended up being proclaimed.

Presidents who ruled during the First Spanish Republic.

To be able to make a summary of the First Spanish Republic It is important that we mention the presidents who were part of this new political ideal. There were four presidents who occupied the candidacies of the State during this few months, which corroborates the political instability. But, only two tried to make some important change in the evolution of the history of Spain: Estanislao Figueras and Pi Maragall.

The first one was Estanislao Figueras, who barely had social support, neither from the bourgeoisie that only wanted a democratization without drastic changes, nor from the workers and peasants who demanded a better distribution of land, reductions in their working hours, in this way there were numerous revolts that occurred by the peasantry in Andalusia and popular mobilizations in Catalonia.

At the international level, only the United States recognized this new political regime, so we could say that the Republic, from its appearance, was destined to fail. Over time Estanislao Figueras resigned passing the government to Francisco Pi and Maragall that, among other things, he was in charge of drafting a new draft Constitution, the Constitution of 1873, which was never put into effect, but it is worth highlighting some aspects such as the appearance of a Federal Republic composed of 17 states including Cuba and Puerto Rico as well as the territories of overseas.

In addition, there was also the separation of powers in executive (mayor), legislative (City Hall) and judicial (local courts), the abolition of the slaves of the colonies, freedom to worship among many others reforms.

First Spanish Republic: Summary - Presidents who ruled during the First Spanish Republic

Image: Slideshare

Armed conflicts that occurred during the First Spanish Republic and last governors.

The Republic, despite its short time, faced several problems. First, he faces the third carlist war, since the beginning of the Republic supposed the return to the conflict and during the summer of 1873 this fight spread through a good part of Cuenca, Teruel and Catalonia, which they could not control.

Like the war in Cuba that had started since many of the Spanish commercial bourgeois who lived on the island were opposed to the measures imposed by republicanism.

However, the most serious reality they faced was the cantonal uprising. The cantons were territories that wanted to disclose their independence, with independent governments and their own legislation. Until then Pi y Maragall recognized Federalism as a new form of government, however, what was to be an agreement between cantons became a real territorial disorder, since the division between the Federal Republican Party and the group of the uncompromising.

As a consequence of all this, Maragall ended and the replacement of him by Nicolás Salmerón, that, among his objectives, was to neutralize the cantonalism as well as to stop the Carlist advance, which They were obtained by the Civil Guard, however in the courts it caused great controversies that ended with their resignation.

With the last successor Emilio Castelar, the republic took a conservative turn abandoning all reformist intentions, however this did not convince the courts so that he ruled from authoritarian manner, faced with this situation, several deputies proposed a motion of censure thus forcing their resignation behind the coup by General Pavía on January 3, 1874, a fact that marked the end of the First Spanish Republic and therefore the end of the Democratic Sexenio.

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