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Achievements of the Second Spanish Republic

Achievements of the Second Spanish Republic

Image: Historiata

The Second Spanish Republic began on April 14, 1931 and it lasted until 1936 with the beginning of the Civil War. There were three well-differentiated stages that occurred during this period and all of them were characterized by presenting political, social and economic reform programs of which only a few managed to remain until the outcome. Next in this lesson from a TEACHER we will see what were the achievements of the Second Spanish Republic that were more important.

Within the achievements of the Second Spanish Republic we have to highlight those that have to do with the country's political system. One of the first obvious and immediate actions was the introduction of a democratic and parliamentary government system with which freedom of ideology and thought was recognized.

Another of the great rights was that in the elections of November 1933, for the first time in the history of Spain, the women's right to vote who until then had never participated in any of the previous elections before, the right to vote was also established from the age of 23.

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In subsequent years with the arrival of Francoism this right was annulled. The separation of powers, the canlegislative that resided completely in the Cortes formed by a single chamber, the executive power fell into the hands of the Government, made up of the head of government and a Council of Ministers, as well as the ruler of the Republic and finally the power of attorney that they were constituted by independent judges.

In this other lesson from a TEACHER we discover a summary of the Second Spanish Republic.

Achievements of the Second Spanish Republic - Political reforms in the Second Spanish Republic

Among the achievements of the Second Spanish Republic we have to point out that a great declaration of rights and freedoms in the social sphere was also recognized. Among them we can highlight the recognition of absolute equality before the law in the field of education and work between men and women, that is, non-discrimination regardless of their race, sex or wealth.

Similarly, work was defined as a social obligation.

In this section it is inevitable not to mention the Agrarian reform since this was the largest project. With her it was mainly intended improve the living conditions of day laborers (poor peasants), an essential reform considering that agriculture played the most important role important part of the Spanish economy and more than half of the population worked on farmland.

The reforms carried out were the expropriation of the large estates and the settlement of the laborers in it, analyzing the causes why some lands were not exploited or very little cultivated, thus forcing the landowners to cultivate all those lands that were suitable for do it. In the case of not carrying it out, the law allowed the expropriation of the land, compensating its owners. Also the working day was set at eight hours and a minimum wage was established.

Another of the achievements of the Second Spanish Republic have to do with the religious reform that took place in the country. Spain declared itself as a secular state, that is, no religion was proclaimed official, another of the rights was the recognition of civil marriage and divorce. In this way it gave rise to the practice of total separation between church and state by giving themselves freedom of conscience and worship.

And, another of the achievements made during this period, was that the Public healthcareIn other words, a series of conditions and rights were established for workers, health centers were built ...

Similarly there were also there were improvements in the Public education with the construction of hundreds of schools and the emergence of a rich cultural and scientific productivity that achieved a huge international recognition with great personalities among which we could highlight Antonio Machado and Federico García Lorca.

To finish saying that the right to abortion, the censorship in the media and in this way openly express the opinion that was had about any subject and the right to total freedom to manifest.

The great part of all these achievements that had been carried out during the period of this Second Spanish Republic considered as a great advance in the political, economic and social sector were truncated with the beginning of the War Civil.

In this video of a PROFESSOR we will tell you how I was Spain before the Civil War.

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