Education, study and knowledge

Jose Miguel Martin Vazquez

I have specialized in Online Therapy for more than 10 years. From an eclectic orientation, which considers the main currents of psychotherapy, I have achieved with my clients a multitude of effective and profound processes of internal change (some of which have been collected on One is your past, always: we seek a new past for a new future, considering that our Mind is "alpha and omega" of personality problems. The "healthy" aspects of the personality will allow us to face and resolve the "sick" ( My work with clients facilitates the clarification of the origin of mental disorders, the change in perception of the past, and the projection and experience of progressive changes. From acceptance, mutual commitment, and the gradual increase of the field of Consciousness, it is possible to achieve The Change, because Knowledge is Power.

Within the group of disorders and problems that I treat, cases of low self-esteem, emotional dependence, anguish, anxiety, agoraphobia, social phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression, addictions, psychosomatic disorders and dysfunctions sexual. I am also presented with cases of people who are in a vital crisis, either due to a sum of experiences of nature negative, such as by reason of feeling some dissatisfaction with his life from a relative psychic comfort (therapy from the wellness)

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I know and use the main orientations of psychotherapy, I am flexible and eclectic, I seek to adapt to each person, and encourage a positive growth process. If we manage to do a good psychic job, The Change will occur, which will be permanent

Jose Miguel Martin Vazquez

I have specialized in Online Therapy for more than 10 years. From an eclectic orientation, which ...

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Everything is Mind Therapy Online

I have specialized in Online Therapy for more than 10 years. From an eclectic orientation, which ...

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