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Who was Carrero Blanco

Who was Carrero Blanco

Do you know the figure of White Carrero? He was a very important Spanish politician and military man within the dictatorship of Francisco Franco, even leading the government at the end of the dictator's life. In this lesson from a PROFESSOR we tell you who was Carrero Blanco, also focusing on one of the worst episodes within the Franco regime, such as the Carrero Blanco attack at the hands of the terrorist gang ETA.

You may also like: Francoism: main characteristics


  1. Birth of Carrero Blanco and his early years
  2. Political phase of Carrero Blanco
  3. Carrero Blanco attack

Birth of Carrero Blanco and his early years.

Within our lesson on who Carrero Blanco was, we must place ourselves in March 4, 1904 It is when Luis Carrero Blanco was born in Santoña, a descendant of a high-ranking military family.

His first years at school were at the Manzanedo de Santoña College, and in 1918 he became part of the San Fernando Naval School. Within this, between the years 1920-1921 he made a trip to South America for later fight in the Rif War, between the years 1924-1926.

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All these activities and his good work led to him being elected professor at the Madrid Naval War School in 1935. In this job he was until 1936, at which time war broke out and, like thousands of Spaniards, he went to France where he stayed until July 1937, at which time he crossed the border again to become a lieutenant commander in the destroyer Huesca.

The following year and until the end of the war, he became chief of staff of the cruise division, aboard the Canary Islands.

Political phase of Carrero Blanco.

Continuing with who was Carrero Blanco, we will stop in August 1939, when he became Chief of Operations of the Navy General Staff Spanish.

Thanks to him, Spain was neutral in the Second World War He, because he wrote a report in which he advocated not to enter the conflict, since the country did not have the strength to start fighting again.

This writing also served for Franco to meet him in person and in 1941 he named him undersecretary. After these first steps in Spanish politics, between the years 1941-1967 he would go through a series of charges such as:

  • Minister of the Presidency
  • Vice president

Although there are many attacks against his person today, he was one of the instigators to change the Spanish economy by helping it to modernize. On the other hand, although always within the guidelines of the party, he was one of those who prepared the entry of the monarchy in Spain by creating the Succession Law at the Head of State in 1947, by which Spain became a “Catholic, social and representative state ", that is, it became a kingdom again.

In June 1973 he was appointed president of the government, because Franco's health was critical, in this way he became the most powerful man within the regime.

In this other lesson from a TEACHER we will discover the important dates of Franco.

Who was Carrero Blanco - Political phase of Carrero Blanco

Image: manu Escrig -

Carrero Blanco attack.

To conclude with who Carrero Banco was, we will place ourselves on December 20, 1973, the year in which the terrorist group ETA carried out an attack against the president of the government, dying on the spot.

For the Carrero Blanco attack, ETA was preparing for a whole year. In the first place, they wanted to kidnap him to ask for the release of 150 ETA that the government had, but after his appointment as president they had to change their mind because it would be almost impossible to access he.

In this way, the preparations to attack him began. Thus the movements that the president made in Madrid before arriving at the ministry were studied for a whole year. Once they had the complete itinerary, they would begin phase two, which consisted of digging a tunnel from a low point to the middle of the street where they placed anti-tank mines.

On the day of the Carrero Blanco attack, the December 20, 1973 at 09:27 in the morning, after finishing mass in the church of San Francisco de Borja, the car where the president was going flew through the sky of Madrid, finishing the body of the same on the roof of the professed house of the church. In the same way, and due to the amount of explosives placed by the terrorists, a huge crater was generated in the center of the road. After this the terrorists left Madrid and took refuge in France from where they claimed responsibility for the attack.

The Carrero Blanco attack was the end of the Franco dictatorship, because from what is known, General Franco was quite shocked after the loss of this and Since then, a time of personal decline would begin that ended in his death for two more years late.

In this other lesson you will find information about stages of Francoism.

Who was Carrero Blanco - Carrero Blanco attack

Image: Rosebud - blogger

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