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Abstract thinking: the keys to this cognitive process

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The complex mind of the human being allows us to carry out different forms of thought, and the abstract is one of them.

We are going to delve into this process to discover what they are the main characteristics of abstract thinking and the usefulness it has compared to other forms of thought that we also do on a regular basis.

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What is abstract thinking?

The mental processes encompassed within abstract thought refer to those whose content are not elements in front of which the individual is at that precise moment. It is also considered abstract thinking that which is aimed at reflecting on the causes or principles that underlie certain phenomena.

It is a very complex way of thinking that represents a qualitative leap compared to concrete thought, one in which the object of our reflections is before us. On the contrary, abstract thinking allows us to make a series of much more elaborate reasoning, which is based on the most recent brain structures, evolutionarily speaking.

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This type of mental processes first appear in early adolescence, approximately. The famous author Jean piaget He already spoke of processes related to abstract thinking when he established its different stages of cognitive development. Once the individual develops this capacity, he will be able to face much more intricate problems, applying logical reasoning that will make him overcome different situations.

Thanks to abstract thinking the human being is able to deliberately focus his reflections on one element or another, at will. This also gives you the ability to evaluate various objects or ideas, comparing them to each other and analyzing them at the same time, without the need for any of them to be present at the time.

Main qualities of abstract thinking

Abstract thinking has several characteristics that make it very special. We have already mentioned some of them, but we are going to see in more detail the most important ones.

1. Ideas about missing elements

We have already seen the first of the qualities in the first point. It is about the capacity that abstract thinking gives us to to be able to bring to mind various elements that we know but are not necessarily in front of our eyes at that moment. Although it seems something banal, it is not so much if we observe the capacities of a child.

In the case of the smallest, when they have not even developed the perception of permanence of the object, there may be situations in those that the adult in front of him, by simply covering his face with his hands, will seem to have disappeared before the eyes of the baby. It also happens the other way around, when the young child will think that by closing his eyes or covering them the adult will no longer be able to find him.

Returning to the ability to think and reason about elements that are not in front of us, we must give this quality the magnificent importance it has, because without it, we would not be able to make plans or interpret any idea that was separate from the objects that at a certain moment are within our reach. senses. Ultimately, it is one of the capabilities that makes us human.

2. Thinking of abstract ideas

Thinking about abstract ideas may be a redundancy of the previous point, but in reality it is not. In this case we do not mean having the capacity to power reflect on things that we cannot see or touch at that moment, elements that are intangible and therefore we could never physically perceive them.

We handle abstract concepts constantly although we do not notice it. It is common to think about the beauty of a person, acts of goodness or evil, we have feelings such as joy, anger or resentment, we know when something is fair or unfair, we have beliefs, desires, illusions or dreams Some people are mired in poverty while others have a lot of money and are therefore rich.

All of them are abstract ideas, but it is not a problem for us to reflect on each of these concepts. It is something we can do thanks to our ability to have abstract thinking, so we should not stop taking into account the importance of this second quality.

3. Deep reflections

Continuing with the skills that abstract thinking gives us, another of the most important would be to be able to make deep reflections. We can analyze in detail an element or situation and draw conclusions that make us overcome an obstacle or even anticipate a possible problem thanks to our learning.

Faced with a specific event, we can try to understand what has been the fact that has originated it, what have been the factors that have intervened in which it happened in that particular way and finally we can think about the possible repercussions that this event will have on the future.

But this quality goes further, since it opens the doors of metacognition, the ability to reflect on our own thoughts and extract another type of learning. For example, we can interpret where our mood comes from or why we adopt a certain position on a specific issue, getting closer to the origin of our beliefs or values.

4. Different interpretations

The analytical capacity that we anticipated in the previous point represents another advantage of abstract thinking that deserves a separate mention. It is about the ability we have to be able to interpret an event in very different ways. It is obvious that this happens constantly, because it is enough to imagine any event to realize that different people will have different beliefs about it.

Be it political decisions of an administration, a move during a game of any sport or a chapter in a fashion series. The abstract reasoning that we can make about it admits as many interpretations as our imagination can reach. Each person will be able to add the nuances they deem appropriate and it will be the subject of debate or even discussion, depending on the importance that individuals attribute to their position.

Sometimes even the most objective facts are controversial and disputes begin about their true meaning and repercussions. It is the other side of the coin of this inexhaustible capacity to interpret that abstract thought gives us. Double-edged weapon.

5. Detect relationships between elements

In line with the qualities we are seeing, we come to another of the main characteristics of concrete thinking. This would refer to the ability we possess to be able to think about various elements and establish relationships between them. In addition, by not needing the physical presence of these elements, we can hypothesize scenarios and thus be creative and innovative.

People who are highly developed in this quality are likely to excel in artistic disciplines, such as music, film, painting, or literature. Even in the kitchen, as it is also an activity that requires a certain abstraction that allows us to interpret what ingredients or techniques we can combine to generate new dishes.

6. Scientific thought

The previous point valued the utility of being able to grasp the relationships between different concepts and thus be able to evaluate different ones. This ability is also the door to establish scientific reasoning. Abstract thinking will allow us to hypothesize about a certain phenomenon to try to explain it in a logical way. In addition, we will be able to test these hypotheses.

Moreover, thanks to this ability we are also presented with another different ability, and that is that we can observe a specific event and draw conclusions that allow to interpret the logic behind, that is, to use inductive reasoning starting from a concrete case to find the generalities underlying. It is another of the most important methods when it comes to posing hypotheses in a scientific way.

On the other hand, we can also make use of the deductive method, which will allow us to adjust the general approaches from a phenomenon to a concrete event, that is, just the opposite system to the inductive process. We are able to carry out all these complex cognitive processes thanks to our capacity for abstract thinking.

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How to improve abstract thinking

Obviously, as with all other mental abilities, not everyone has the same basic abilities when it comes to abstract thinking. The good news is that These abilities are not entirely static, but can be exercised to a certain extent through the practice of different tasks that involve their use.

1. Reflect

The reflection exercises are very effective and also very easy to carry out, as they can be done while we are in the shower, while we are going on the subway or the bus, while we are walking down the street or in any situation in which our mind is not active in another process. It is enough to focus on a specific topic and inquire about the causes, the repercussions, the feelings it awakens in us, etc.

These reflections do not have to be an individual act. We can debate with other people and enrich each other with our arguments and force ourselves to think to clearly explain our position and what is the logic behind it.

2. The power of reading

Reading is an inexhaustible source of knowledge, but it also helps us to work our abstract thinking. We can choose from a multitude of styles and genres and thus transport ourselves to infinite situations that will make us create an imaginary scenario in our head and will lead us to reflect on new ideas or events, resulting in a most stimulating activity for our brain.

3. Create art

Reading, admiring paintings or watching movies are very enriching activities, but it is just as much or more so to be the authors of these works ourselves. Obviously not everyone has the necessary skills to carry out a masterpiece, but the process of creation is equally positive for our abstract thinking, although we are far from being experts in a certain artistic discipline.

Bibliographic references:

  • Gómez, M., Izuzquiza, D. (2004). Technology and collaborative learning in the design of materials for the development of abstract thinking in mathematics didactics. RELATEC.
  • Jaramillo, L.M., Puga, L.A. (2016). The logical-abstract thinking as support to enhance the cognitive processes in education. Sophia, Collection of Philosophy of Education.
  • Rojas-Gomez, J.T. (2017). Abstract thinking from the interdisciplinarity of Mathematics. Ecomatemático ISSN Magazine.

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