All about the death of Alexander the Great

Within ancient history, one of the most studied regions throughout time has been Greece, and within this, the classical era. But without a doubt, the period in which the great Hellenization took place was undoubtedly the Alexandrian. In this lesson from a TEACHER we bring you the explanation about the death of Alexander the Great, one of the most important characters in ancient history and of all humanity, as he has been envied by many political leaders in addition to having been imitated on more than one occasion.
- How Alexander the Great died
- Early years of Alexander the Great
- The conquests of the emperor
How Alexander the Great died.
The death of Alexander the Great occurred in 323 BC. C. When he was only 33 years old, this would prevent his Empire from reaching the necessary foothold to be able to support itself.
To which he would add the struggles to obtain power from both his sons and his generals, making that the Empire was divided into kingdoms very quickly and that, later, they would be known as the
hellenistic kingdoms.Within this point, we will focus on the three theories about the death of the monarch Well, unfortunately, it will never be possible to know for sure which of them was:
- Malaria: One of the theories states that Alexander the Great died of this disease that would catch him on his return from his trip to India.
- An excess of wine and other foods: after the banquets held in Babylon at the return of his campaigns in Asia, is another of the theories that appear in history books and which we cannot rule out, also within our Spanish proverb we have the saying "The graves are full of great dinners."
- Typhoid fever: It was undoubtedly a very widespread disease during the Ancient Age and, even today, third world countries suffer from it and it is related to the contamination of food or water.
However, as we have pointed out, it is still unknown today why Alexander the Great died and it remains a mystery to be solved.

Image: Taringa!
Early years of Alexander the Great.
Now that we know everything about the death of Alexander the Great, let's dive slightly into the life of this important historical figure to understand the magnitude of his work.
During his childhood, Alexander the Great he was educated in the art of war as well as oratory and other branches of the Greek intellectual branch at the hands of his own Aristotle. We must bear in mind that Macedonia as such was never accepted by the Greeks as an intrinsic part of Greece, but rather as a colonized place or related to their culture.
In the year 336 a. C. Philip II was assassinated and in this way Alexander the great he rose to the power of Macedonia. After the death of Philip II, some of the provinces or kingdoms that had once been subjugated under his military power, took up arms seeking the freedom of their nations.
Therefore, the first year of the reign of the young Alexander was for end these rebellionsIn this way and, making use of the armies rebuilt by his father, he entered Thrace and Illyria and later he would arrive in Thebes, a city that suffered all his wrath, the population being reduced to slavery and the city totally destroyed.

Image: Slideshare
The conquests of the emperor.
Without a doubt, one of the most important points in his life is found in the defeat of the most powerful Empire up to that time: the Persian. In the year 334 a. C. The campaigns started by Philip II against the Persians began again with an army of about 30,000 infantry and about 5,000 horsemen, the most important battles being:
- Granic (334 a. C.), it is known that in this the young king was about to die at the hands of the enemies.
- Issos (333 a. C.), battle that gave free passage to the troops of Alexander to Syria, therefore, making possible the entry to the Near East.
- Gaugamela (331 a. C.), one of the best known battles in history, being the last great battle against the Persians, in the which, the Persian army, much more numerous lost and was destroyed, by the techniques used by Alexander the Big. During the course of this battle, the young prince got so close to King Darius that he had to flee in a hurry.
After this last battle, Persepolis would be taken in 330 BC. C. thus ending the Achaemenid Empire. It was because of this that he was named emperor and, immediately afterwards, he launched new military campaigns.
Between the years 327-325 a. C. the great general undertook a new campaign that led him to him going into Afghanistan and reaching India, of which he could only obtain the western part due to the fact that his armies were diminishing. Out of fear of an uprising he decided to march again to Babylon, where he had established the center of his Empire.
During his conquests, Alexander was followed by a large number of nobles, merchants and scholars who marched alongside his troops, these, After the conquests, they were dedicated to settle in the new places taken to establish the Hellenic civilization, that is why It was the period of maximum expansion of everything related to the Greek world.
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