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The psychological consequences of traffic accidents

The handling of vehicles is essential for the maintenance of society, because without them, any minimally distant task in space would take too long. Thanks to a car, we can cross any country in a matter of days or weeks, with minimal monetary effort. Having a vehicle grants immeasurable freedom, but also a vital responsibility that we cannot forget.

The Association for Safe International Road Travel estimates that 1.35 million people die each year in traffic accidents, which translates to almost 3,700 deaths every 24 hours. Additionally, 20 to 50 million patients suffer injuries that are not fatal in these events, but that cause long-term emotional distress or disability. For all these reasons, the traffic accident is the leading cause of death between the ages of 5 and 29.

We could go on citing studies and figures for hours, but we all keep in mind that the responsibility behind the wheel is greater than in almost any other routine activity. Based on all these ideas, we show you here the psychological consequences of traffic accidents.

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The physical prognosis after an accident

Without any doubt, physiological well-being is the first thing to consider after a collision in a vehicle, since some of the injuries produced in these events can end the lives of those involved in a matter of seconds. The Motor Vehicle collisions publication, published on the StatPearls portal, shows us some general realities regarding this topic:

  • Head-on and close-up collisions cause the steering wheel (or instrument panel) to impact the front seat passengers.
  • Injuries to the head, neck, chest, and abdomen are expected and normal.
  • It is necessary to suspect pulmonary contusions and broken ribs if the impact has occurred frontally or on the sides of the trunk.
  • Patients with a high body mass index (BMI) are more likely to be injured than the general population.
  • Misplaced belts cause the patient to suffer injuries to the lower extremities, pelvic area and abdominal area.
  • Rear impacts increase the risk of neck flexion and extension injuries and the possibility of spinal fractures.

On the other hand, all trauma that manifests with systemic clinical symptoms and signs must be considered as potentially dangerous, as you always have to suspect a spinal fracture vertebral. If the spinal cord (the body's central nervous conduit) is irreparably damaged, it is common for the patient to have complete or incomplete paralysis. Tetraplegia are the main cause of admission (48%) to specialized hospitals for patients with loss of mobility.

Traffic accidents

How do traffic accidents affect mental health?

When a human being faces a traumatic or dangerous event, it is normal for him to acquire fear and insecurity when it comes to practicing it again. There are countless testimonies from people who have suffered minor accidents with their vehicle, but who in turn feel that they "are going to crash" for a time after the event.

This is completely normal. Either by social construct or as part of an evolutionary mechanism, every species tends to avoid what has endangered its life in the first place. It is a natural protection mechanism, but if it extends over time or expands to other areas of life, it can lead to pathological symptoms. Next, we show you the main psychological conditions that people experience after a traffic accident.

1. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD or PTSD)

Contrary to popular belief, not all traffic accidents or traumatic events lead to PTSD. According to studies, 60 to 80% of the world's people deal with a traumatic event during their lifetime, but only 5 to 10% of them actually end up developing PTSD. In the automotive field, only 1 in 10 drivers who describe the crash as "traumatic" end up showing signs of PTSD.

What we mean by these lines is that every patient after a traffic accident should focus on heal physically, and not increase the emotional charge and stress believing that you will develop a picture higher. Anyway, it never hurts to know the intrusive symptoms of PTSD, stated by the American Psychological Association:

  • Recurring and involuntary thoughts associated with the traumatic event.
  • Distressing nightmares (which may be repetitive) based on the traumatic event.
  • Dissociative reactions (flashbacks) in which the patient feels that the traumatic event is taking place again.
  • Prolonged and intense psychological distress when the patient is reminded of the event.
  • Marked physiological reactivity (rapid breathing or increased heart rate) when the event is recalled.

Without a doubt, all these symptoms are a reason to visit a mental health professional, since PTSD is a clinical entity that must be treated.

  • You may be interested in: "What is trauma and how does it influence our lives?"

2. Anxiety

Defining the boundary between "trait" and "pathology" with anxiety is quite complex. Feeling anxiety after a traffic accident is completely normal, since sometimes the lives of those involved have been in danger.

It is estimated that 70% of people who have been in a serious crash have anxiety for up to a month after the event, while 15% develop a generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). The latter is characterized by the duration of the symptoms, which is at least 6 months.

In addition to GAD, anxiety after a crash can manifest itself with phobia-like disorders. Depending on how severe the blow is, the probability of developing an absolute aversion to the vehicle may be higher or lower. Still, sources argue that up to 40% of people involved in serious accidents develop persistent car-related phobias.

  • You may be interested in: "Types of Anxiety Disorders and their characteristics"

3. Depression

Depression is correlated with PTSD and anxiety, as well as the severity of the injuries and the context of the accident. As you can imagine, a person who has been left quadriplegic after a blow or who has involuntarily killed another human being will be much more likely to develop depression than someone who has had minimal shock.

In general, the chances of developing a depressive disorder are associated with the severity of the injuries and the resulting degree of disability.

Are you looking for psychological assistance?

Taking care of the body after a traffic accident is essential, but once the most important injuries have healed, it is always a good idea to explore the psychological consequences of such an intense event. After a collision with another vehicle (especially if it has involved quantifiable damage), the visit to the psychologist will be positive in all cases, both to express oneself and relativize the situation and to handle possible derived disorders.

If you are looking for psychotherapy services, get in touch with us.

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