Education, study and knowledge

The 4 educational styles: how do you educate your children?

The vast majority of parents want the best for their children and tend to act in good faith, thinking that they are doing the right thing when it comes to raising them. The educational style we use when raising a son or daughter It can have both a positive and a dramatic effect on the development of these young people, and your disciplinary strategies will influence the type of relationship that is established between the two.

At the same time, parenting styles have a great influence on a child's mood, behavior and well-being both now and in the future.

There are four educational styles. In this article we will delve into their characteristics and explain their differences.

  • Related article: "Developmental Psychology: main theories and authors"

History of educational styles

Educational styles, also called parenting styles, have been extensively studied by developmental psychologist Diana Baumrind. In the early 1960s, Baumrind thoroughly investigated more than 100 preschool-age children, observing them and interviewing her parents. Her studies gave rise to what we now know as educational or parenting styles.

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Likewise, Baumrind studied four dimensions that she considered important: warmth and nurturing, disciplinary strategies, communication style, and expectations of maturity and control. In turn, in 1966, Baumrind she identified three parenting styles: authoritarian, democratic, and permissive, and published a text called: Child Care Practices Anteceding Three Patterns of Preschool Behavior.

According to the author, distrustful and unhappy children had controlling and unaffectionate parentsDependents had warm parents who did not set limits, and the self-reliant and happy had demanding but communicative parents. A few years later, in 1983, Maccoby and Martin expanded on Baumrind's work and developed the fourth parenting style, the indifferent or negligent style.

The 4 parenting styles

Each educational style has different characteristics. Below you can find a list that will help you understand the 4 parenting styles.

1. Authoritarian style

The authoritarian style relies on severe discipline, where parents set the rules and expect children to follow them without exception. It is also known as the military parenting style, because the father or mother uses very strict rules in the family, encouraging obedience.

Parents with this parenting style are controlling, provide little support to their children, and are prone to punishment, threats and can even exert violence. If the son violates family rules, he will be severely punished without listening to her explanation.

Despite the fact that authoritarian children follow the rules most of the time, they tend to develop problems self-esteem, since parents have never considered their needs or feelings and emotions. They can also become hostile or aggressive children, who do not know how to make decisions and solve problems. Several studies suggest that children raised with this style of education have good academic performance, but they run the risk of developing poor social skills, which is why it is considered a parenting style negative.

  • Related article: "The 8 reasons not to use physical punishment towards children

2. Permissive style

The permissive style can seem like a good parenting style because many parents use it thinking that this way their son or daughter will be happier; however, in the long run, it can have serious emotional consequences. Permissive parents try to protect their children from harmful incidentsThey do not set any standards for their little ones' behavior and are very tolerant.

These parents they are characterized by being unsteady and having little control over the situation. Studies show that children who grow up in this parenting style tend to underperform. academically, and may present more behavior problems, as they are likely to ignore authority and authority. rules. They often have low self-esteem and may experience sadness. They tend to become capricious and spoiled people.

3. Democratic style

This is undoubtedly one of the healthiest educational styles for raising children. Democratic parents are usually firm but also supportive and loving to their little ones. They set limits, but also consider the infant's point of view. In other words, they set rules that they expect their children to follow; however, they consider that there are exceptions to these rules.

Democratic parents often explain the consequences of their children's negative behavior instead of applying punishments. In addition, use positive reinforcement for good behaviors and they may be more willing than authoritarian parents to use reward and praise systems.

Studies show that children raised with this educational style they tend to be happier and more successful. They are often good at decision-making and have higher self-esteem, and as older they are more responsible and comfortable expressing their opinions.

4. Negligent or indifferent style

This style it is characterized by the fact that the parents are not involved in raising their children and therefore do not provide the necessary support or guide their children. They do not show any affection or discipline and, in short, they do not pay attention to their little ones.

Research shows that this is a very harmful style for young people, and parents' behavior has a global negative impact on the development of their children both in the present and in the future.

Indifferent parents put their children's emotional health and self-esteem at risk and cause serious psychological problems in different areas of their future life, for example, interpersonal relationships or work.

What are toxic parents like?

The role of parents is essential for the development of children. Although the vast majority of parents want the best for their little ones, unfortunately, some make parental mistakes that can harm growth and emotional health of their descendants.

  • If you want to know what toxic parents are like, you can read this article: "Toxic Parents: 15 Traits Kids Hate

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