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The 23 best Psychologists in Buenos Aires

Melisa Mirabet She is another of the most recommended psychologists in Buenos Aires and this is thanks to the combination of studies and professional experience in the health field that she has.

She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Belgrano and also has a postgraduate degree in Psychopathology and Cognitive Psychotherapy from the Favaloro University of Argentina. This professional focuses her psychotherapy in adults and among her specialties we can find the treatment for anxiety disorders, depression problems and eating disorder behaviors such as anorexia and bulimia.

It is also worth mentioning that this psychologist is an expert in mood disorders in adults.

If you want more information about this psychologist, you can find it in her private office on Junín street, between the Córdoba and Callao metro.

The psychologist Julieta Aráoz She graduated in Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid and currently runs her own practice of professional psychotherapy, where she attends to people of all ages and couples, both in person and telematics.

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Her intervention is characterized by the integration of various therapies of proven efficacy, among which can EMDR Therapy, Mindfulness, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Cognitive-behavioral Therapy stand out.

Each of these therapies are adapted at all times to the needs of each client in order to successfully address the problems of anxiety and depression, addictions, relationship problems, divorce, deficits in anger management, and personality.

The Clinical Psychologist Maria lizza she has a degree in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires, a specialist in Neuropsychology and with extensive experience in psychoanalytic orientation.

Throughout her career, this professional has specialized in serving adolescents, adults and also senior citizens, and currently her services are offered both in person and in line.

In her consultation you will find a professional specialized in treating anxiety and depression disorders, emotional problems, cognitive disorders, low self-esteem, stress and disorders of the old age.

The psychologist Tatiana stacul She has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad del Salvador, she has a Training Course in Feminism and Psychoanalysis by the Argentine Association of Mental Health, a Gender Course by the same center and a Training Course in Therapy Dialectic-behavioral.

Throughout her career, this professional has specialized in serving adults of all ages, couples and also families who request their services, offered both online and in person.

His intervention is based on the cognitive-behavioral approach, a tool with which he attends to cases gender violence, low self-esteem, stress, divorce cases, anxiety or depression.

Marcelo sitnisky is an experienced psychologist who practices in the Villa Crespo area, near Parque Centenario.

He has a degree in psychology from the Maimonides University of Argentina, and specializes in therapy family and couples, coaching and individual therapy, being able to help patients in multiple areas of their lifetime.

Diana Kulszon She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires and also has a higher degree in Psychoanalysis of Family Relations and another in group coordination and management.

This psychologist can treat adolescents, adults, and seniors who suffer from problems related to anxiety, high-stress situations, and relationship problems. It is interesting to know that she can also assist couples in times of crisis.

The Clinical Psychologist Nehuen navarro Throughout his career, he has specialized in serving adolescents, adults and the elderly, both in person and online.

Graduated in Psychology from the UNMdP, this professional is a specialist in First Aid Psychological and has Training Courses in Psychology and Disability, Therapeutic Accompaniment and Meditation.

In his consultation you will find a therapist specialized in dealing with emotional problems, addictions, anxiety and depression, gender violence, addictions, relationship problems and stress.

Andrea Camigliano he is one of the most recommended psychologists in the city of Buenos Aires.

Among his specializations are psychological support for stress, anxiety or family conflict situations, and he combines cognitive-contextual and psychoanalytic approaches.

Juan Esteban Rodriguez He has a degree in Psychology from Kennedy University and has several courses among which the narcissistic pathologies and the New Technical Resources in the Treatment of Patients stand out Current

Juan Esteban is an expert in helping people who have problems related to anxiety and depression, lack of self-esteem or borderline personality. she can also help by assisting couples who are in the process of divorce and family conflicts. He is one of the most contrasted therapists in the Argentine capital.

Elizabeth hernandez she is another of the most prominent psychologists that we can find in Buenos Aires.

He is a specialist in family and couples therapy based on a psychoanalytic basis and among his specialties we can find the treatment for attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorders and disorders of the personality. She can also intervene in family conflicts as a mediator to bring positions closer and thus improve the situation of instability.

If you want to know more about Elizabeth Hernández, you can find her in her private office on 29 de Septiembre Street, in Lanús Este, Buenos Aires.

Facundo Estévez He is one of the most recommended psychologists that we can find in Buenos Aires and has a degree in Clinical Psychology from the University of Belgrano, in Argentina. It is worth mentioning that this psychologist also has a training course in cognitive psychotherapies contemporary and with a diploma in psychoneuroimmunoendocrinology, so he is an expert in these subjects.

This psychologist is capable of treating both adolescents between 11 and 19 years of age, as well as adults and the elderly, and can also attend, in addition to Spanish, in English. In this way, this psychologist can treat these types of people when they need treatment for problems such as bipolar disorder, personality disorders, mood disorders or suffer from insomnia and sleep problems caused by depression.

If you want to go to therapy with Facundo Estévez you can find him on Avenida Olazábal, in Buenos Aires.

Alejandra Pascual She has a degree in Psychology and can treat patients of all ages, whether they are children, adolescents and adults.

Among the specialties of this psychologist are the sessions to treat problems related to anxiety, depression, intellectual disability and lack of self-esteem. She can also intervene in conflicts that may occur in a marriage due to mistrust and inability to manage anger.

Veronica Zampach She has more than 20 years of experience helping people with psychological problems and she has a degree in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires. This psychologist has several training courses of interest, among which are psychoanalysis, systemic resources and analysis of the personal profile.

Among her services we can find psychotherapy focused on problems of anxiety and depression, family conflicts and lack of self-esteem. It should also be noted that Verónica Zampach is an expert in chronic diseases and situations of dependency in relationships and marriages.

Ileana Vanesa She is another of the best prepared psychologists in Buenos Aires and she has a degree in Psychology from the Velez Hospital in Argentina.

This psychologist is trained in child sexual abuse and new behavioral sciences. In this way, Ileana Vanesa is one of the best psychologists we can attend to if we need help for anxiety disorders, depression and high stress situations.

Priscila Bustos she has a degree in Psychology from John F. Kennedy and in her sessions part of cognitive behavioral therapy, since it is one of the most endorsed by the scientific community.

This psychologist is an expert in treating people of all ages who suffer from problems related to anxiety and depression disorders, high stress and lack of self-esteem. This psychologist is also an expert in cases of impulsivity in adolescents and addictions to new technologies such as the Internet and video games.

Paola Lopez She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires and also has a postgraduate degree in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, one of the most recommended therapy models by the community scientific

This psychologist can help adults who have problems related to the inability to manage anger, depression, and emotional problems. She is also an expert on obsessive compulsive disorder and high stress.

Diana Liniado is a psychologist from Buenos Aires who combines an eclectic therapy model, thus adapting her knowledge to the needs and characteristics of her patients.

This psychologist can help people of all ages who are experiencing problems related to anxiety, depression, and sexual abuse trauma. It is also interesting to know that she can intervene in family conflicts since she is an expert in group dynamics.

The Clinical Psychologist Graciela Novara She has a BA in Psychology from John F. Kennedy, she has a Postgraduate Diploma in Psychodiagnosis from Rorschach and has Training Courses in Mindfulness for Psychotherapists, Training in Gender Violence and Equal Opportunities and a Higher Course in Health Public.

This professional is a specialist in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Mindfulness, Interview Motivational and Neuroendocrinology, tools that she applies in an integrated way in face-to-face sessions or online.

Her intervention is offered to adults and also couples who have addiction problems, conflicts family members, cases of domestic violence or sexual abuse, depression, emotional dependence or disorders cognitive

Gabriela errazu she has a degree in Psychology from John F. Kennedy and she also has a training course in Clinical Psychoanalytic Psychology focused on adults.

This psychologist can serve adolescents, adults and seniors who are her suffering from problems related to anxiety and depression disorders, emotional problems and lack of self-esteem. It is important to know that this psychologist is also an expert in the inability to manage anger and other negative emotions.

Maria Cecilia Carnota She is another great option to go to therapy in the city of Buenos Aires, especially if we are close to the Palermo district.

This therapist has a degree in Psychology and also has a specialization in couples therapy, so she is a versatile professional who can help us in a wide spectrum of problems that we may have at any time of the lifetime.

Carla zocchi she is one of the most recognized psychologists in Buenos Aires. Her private practice is located in the city of Luján, a few kilometers from the capital.

Carla graduated from J. F. Kennedy. This clinical psychologist can help us with all kinds of emotional and relational problems, one of her specialties being the management of anxiety, ADHD, OCD and addictions.

The psychologist Oscar J. Ribes serves adults and the elderly from the psychoanalytic model, either in person or online. He has more than 20 years of experience offering his services.

As a professional, she has experience especially when it comes to supporting people with disorders and forms of discomfort such as psychotic disorders, alterations linked to chronic pain, conflicts in the family sphere, intellectual disability, divorce crises, or excessive levels of anxiety.

The Clinical Psychologist Adriana rodriguez She has extensive experience in both professional and online care for children, adolescents and adults.

Graduated in Psychology from the Metropolitan University, this therapist has a Diploma in Diagnostic Techniques and Psychotherapeutic Approaches, as well as in Higher Studies in Psychoanalysis and she has a Postgraduate Degree in Psychology Clinic.

Adriana Rodríguez is a specialist in psychoanalyst orientation and, among her intervention specialties, can be highlighted eating disorders, low self-esteem, family conflicts, cases of sexual abuse, depression and anxiety.

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