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The 10 best Psychologists who are experts in depression in Irún

Eli fisas is a center located in the heart of Irún city in which they specialize in the implementation of systemic therapy both in people individually and in couples or even in family nuclei at the same time. full.

These specialists have great skill in treating some difficulties such as anxiety disorders, depression, work stress or poor management of the emotion of anger.

Serena Psychology Online is a center specialized in the practice of psychotherapy through video calls in which they have decided that they will allocate all their efforts in the specific treatment of women who may be currently experiencing a character problem psychological.

On the other hand, we must know that these specialists also frequently perform therapy therapy among their patients. partner, something that can undoubtedly be very useful for us in the event that a possible crisis has appeared within our relationship.

Other psychological difficulties that are also treated very often in this center are anxiety disorders, depression, addictions or family conflicts.

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Blanca Ruiz Muzquiz She has a degree in Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid and a Master's degree from the center of Bertrand Russell studies, which formally accredits her as an expert in the application of Cognitive Therapy Behavioral.

Over the years, this psychologist has been able to treat difficulties such as chronic depression, anxiety disorders or low self-esteem on more than one occasion.

Andoni Ugarte She has a degree in Psychology from the University of the Basque Country and has a Master's degree specialized in her practice of psychoanalytic therapy, which was issued to her by the Complutense University of Madrid.

We can go to her consultation if we suffer from a psychological difficulty such as a serious one depression, an anxiety disorder, very high levels of work stress or very low self-esteem.

Ainhoa ​​Gurrutxaga Azurmendi She graduated in Psychology from the University of the Basque Country and later, she made the decision to get a doctorate in this same field through the same university.

This psychologist has great experience and skill in treating difficulties such as anxiety disorders, depression, low self-esteem, job stress or relationship crises.

Lorena Pidal Roa She has a degree in Psychology from the University of the Basque Country and also has a Postgraduate Degree issued by the ISEP that is specialized in the specific area of ​​Clinical and Health Psychology.

She is an expert treating some psychological difficulties such as disorders of the anxiety, chronic depression, emotional dependence, tobacco addiction or low self-esteem.

Meritxell Martinez She completed her basic studies in Psychology through the University of Salamanca and after spending some time, she had the opportunity to specialize via Postgraduate in the correct application of General Psychology Sanitary

Where this psychologist undoubtedly has greater experience, she is in the specific treatment of difficulties such as depression, phobias, low self-esteem or generalized lack of motivation.

Maria C. Torrado She has a degree in Clinical Psychology and also has a Master's degree specialized in the application of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in both children and adolescents.

After more than 10 years dedicating herself professionally to the practice of psychology, this specialist has been able to acquire a great experience treating difficulties such as depression, anxiety disorders or obsessive disorder compulsive (OCD).

Gurutze Olaizola She has a degree in Psychology and a Master's degree from the Institute of Sexological Sciences of Madrid, thanks to which this specialist was able to be adequately trained in the implementation of the Sexology.

Very often this psychologist usually treats some difficulties such as anxiety, work stress, depression or even poor management of the emotion of anger.

Carmen Morán She has a degree in Psychology with a clinical specialty and a Master's degree specifically focused on the correct use of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in people of all ages.

In the consultation of this psychologist, psychological difficulties such as anxiety, stress, phobias, obsessive compulsive disorder or depression are usually treated in a very common way.

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