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The best 14 Psychologists in Cornellà

The General Health Psychologist Marisa Parcerisa is a specialist in EMDR Therapy and Life Cycle Integration, therapies that address a wide variety of disorders, including including traumas, eating disorders, dissociative disorders, depression, and eating disorders. anxiety.

Her intervention is based on warmth and closeness to the person served, and her sessions are offered to children, adolescents, adults and couples.

As for the most relevant degrees of it, a Bachelor of Psychology from the University of Barcelona, ​​a Master's Degree in Clinical Practice in Psychotherapy and a Master's Degree in Intervention in Difficulties of Learning.

The psychologist Monica Dosil She has a professional experience of more than 25 years and currently she offers her sessions both of face-to-face as well as online to attend to any type of problem in people of all ages. ages.

Graduated in Psychology from the University of Barcelona, ​​this therapist has a Master in Eating Disorders, another in Gerontology and a third Master in Children and Youth.

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Among the multiple therapies that Mónica Dosil applies in her consultation, the cognitive-behavioral approach, Coaching, Applied Behavioral Analysis and Family and Couple Therapy can be highlighted.

Finally, the most notable intervention specialties of this professional are the problems of self-esteem, family and relationship conflicts, anxiety disorders, insomnia and difficulties sexual.

The psychologist Jaume esteve she is coordinator of the Center for Neuroscience and Psychology Mental Area, where she serves people of all ages who may have emotional, cognitive or behavioral problems.

Graduated in Psychology in the Clinical Specialty from the UNED, this therapist is a specialist in Child and Adolescent Psychology, in Neuro-leadership, Clinical Hypnosis and New Technologies in Neurorehabilitation.

Her intervention is also offered online and is based on the integration of therapies from psychology, meditation and neuroscience in order to treat cases of depression and anxiety, insomnia, stress, chronic pain or ADHD.

The center Mensalus of Psychology, Psychiatry and Coaching has more than 30 years of experience serving people of all ages and couples, in sessions offered in person or remotely.

The center has a multidisciplinary team of professionals specialized in different areas of mental health who work together to attend to the cases of depression and anxiety, as well as addictions, family conflicts, sexual dysfunctions, work problems and disorders neurodegenerative.

The services of the Mensalus center are adapted to the needs of each client, they are offered in different languages ​​and their professionals integrate the best therapies in each of the sessions psychological.

The Center for Psychology and Addictions Orbium Barcelona has more than 25 years of experience treating all types of addictions and addictive disorders, both chemical and behavioral, as well as dual pathologies and other associated disorders.

The center's team of professionals personalize each of the interventions, applying for each case therapies of proven efficacy such as Mindfulness, Cognitive-behavioral Therapy or Therapy EMDR.

The sessions of the Orbium center are also offered in the telematic mode and some of the areas that successfully serve their professionals are the cases of alcoholism and drug addiction, gambling, internet addiction, sex addiction and depression.

Alicia Jimenez Villafuerte is a child and adolescent psychologist who is part of the team of therapists at the Cos i Ment psychological center in Cornellà. This therapist has 20 years of experience and masters some of the most efficient therapies in psychological exercise, based on the cognitive-behavioral approach.

Among the disorders addressed at the Cos i Ment center by the psychologist Alicia Jiménez Villafuerte we find: depression, generalized anxiety disorder, phobias and fears, school performance, relationship problems, mood swings, lack of motivation, behavioral problems, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and low self-esteem.

Esther Pichardo Dorado she is a psychologist with extensive experience in the therapeutic profession and extensive training. Basing her treatments on cognitive-behavioral therapy, this psychologist treats all kinds of problems in children, adolescents and adults.

The disorders that Esther Pichardo Dorado treats the most in her consultation are: anxiety disorders, behavioral problems, depression, control of impulses, obsessive-compulsive disorder, problems in parenting relationships, phobias, addictions, low self-esteem and insomnia.

Blanca Granada Ybern she is also one of the psychologists that we must take into account if we live in the city of Cornellà. With more than 20 years of experience, this professional offers psychological therapy to children, adolescents, adults and couples.

The main disorders addressed by this psychology professional in the field of child therapy are: depression, problems with relationship and behavior, learning disorders, phobias, panic disorders, personality disorders and low self-esteem.

Mª Luisa Ara Comín She is a child-adolescent clinical psychologist, specialized in psychopedagogy and EMDR therapy. She is also a member of the Capi de Cornellà psychological and pedagogical center where she practices therapy efficiently and professionally.

There are a large number of disorders that this psychologist addresses in her workplace, below we highlight the most important ones: anxiety disorder, attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity (ADHD), sleep disorders, toilet training disorder, eating disorders, behavioral disorders, addictive disorders, and the diagnosis of autism.

Lorena Ferreiro Martinez she is an expert in child psychology from cognitive behavioral therapy. Through classical psychological therapy, this professional is able to address various disorders of different nature, we will review them below.

Some of the disorders addressed by the psychologist Lorena Ferreiro are: anxiety disorder, bullying, stress, dyslexia, addictions, ADHD, depression and autism.

Sara Amanda Feferman Algazi she is another great option to go to therapy in Cornellà de Llobregat. This psychologist is an expert in psychological therapy in children and adolescents, in which she deals with a wide variety of disorders.

Some of the disorders treated by Sara Amanda Feferman are: anxiety disorders, psychological trauma, low self-esteem, conduct disorders, psychosis, autism, post-traumatic stress disorder, and hyperactivity-deficit disorder attention.

Aitor Santos Saavedra She is a general health psychologist, specialized in child, youth, adult and couple therapy.

Among the disorders that she usually addresses in her consultation, we can highlight: phobias, especially social phobia and agoraphobia, depression, anxiety and grief.

The psychologist Helena Esquivel She is an expert in psychological treatment, and the child psychological therapy of this professional is based on his teaching ability and the establishment of a climate of trust and relaxation with the boy.

Being a psychologist and founder of the Sentit Center clinic, she offers professional treatment for a large number of disorders, among which we highlight: developmental disorders, behavior problems, psycho-affective problems, language disorders, relationship problems and problems with self-control.

The psychologist Ana Belén Royo Giner she is an expert in psychological treatment.

As the director of the Group Tandem center, she offers psychological care to children and adolescents, based on cognitive-behavioral orientation and taking into account alternative therapies.

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