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Europe after the First World War

Europe after the First World War

On November 11, 1918, Germany finally signed the armistice putting end to World War I, in which the allied powers were victorious. In 1919 the representatives of the victorious powers met in Paris to draw up the Peace treaties; in these treaties the consequences that they had to pay to the defeated countries were shown. Next, in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we will see what those treaties were and the differences they caused in Europe after the First World War as regards territorial losses.

Map: teoblog

To know how it turned out Europe after the First World War it is essential that we know all the treaties that were signed after the conference in the capital of France. The most important of the treaties, since there were five treaties that were signed, was the Treaty of Versailles (1919), which stipulated the fate of Germany, since this agreement was made on the basis that Germany was responsible for the start of the First War World.

The Treaty of Versailles forced Germany to renounce all its colonies

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overseas and to a large part of its national territory, that is, it had to return Alsace and Lorraine to France, Upper Silesia to Poland and Czechoslovakia, the cities of Malmedy and Eupen to Belgium, the North of Schleswig to Denmark, and also meant the appearance of a new kingdom, Prussia.

Apart from what was agreed in the Treaty of Versailles, other treaties dealt with the rest of the losers:

  • The Treaty of Saint Germain signed with Austria In 1920, he transformed Austria into a small nation of 80,000 km2. The former provinces of Bosnia, Herzegovina, Croatia, and Slovenia were joined by Serbia and Montenegro to form a new nation, Yugoslavia. Hungary cedes Transylvania to Romania. The Czechs and Slovaks unite to form Czechoslovakia. Galicia passes to Poland and South Tyrol, Istria and Trentino to Italy.
  • The Treaty of Trianon signed in 1920 with Hungary, caused it to lose its access to the sea and a part of its former territories were ceded to the new Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and Romania.
  • The Neuilly Treaty signed in 1919 with Bulgaria, made it cede part of its Mediterranean territories to Greece.
  • And finally with the Treaty of Sèvres signed in 1920 with Turkey, this loses the European territories except Istanbul and the islands of the Aegean and Smyrna pass to Greece.

In this other video of a PROFESSOR we tell you how he was Europe before the First World War.

To know how it turned out Europe after the First World War, we are going to offer you a map where you can appreciate the changes in this continent. As a summary and with the visualization of a map, we will better understand how the map of Europe is modified after the First World War.

  • First of all, we see how before the First World War Germany It occupied a large piece of land and after the war it lost a part of its country and a new one, Prussia, was created. In addition, Denmark increased its territory a little, thus reducing the German territory.
  • Regarding the Austro-Hungarian Empire three independent states were formed, Czechoslovakia, Austria and Hungary. Before the First World War there were two countries called Serbia and Montenegro that after the war became part of Yugoslavia, at as well as extensive provinces of the kingdom of the Croats, Serbs and Slovenes of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire were also incorporated into Yugoslavia.
  • In the same way Greece Like the German empire before World War I, they occupied large areas within Europe, however Greece lost a small part to the north occupied by Bulgaria.
  • The Turkish empire was reduced to Constantinople, Asia Minor and lost all its Arab territories
  • And as for the Russian empire we see how before the First World War it occupied almost all of northern Europe, however after the signing of the treaty this great country lost much ground and thus led to the creation of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland, at the same time that Romania gained territory.

This is how Europe was left after the First World War, a fairly segmented Europe by the appearance of new kingdoms that before the First World War were part of the central powers.

In this other video you will discover the consequences of the First World War.

Map: josele!

Europe after the First World War - Map of Europe before and after the First World War
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