Education, study and knowledge

Domestic violence and its effects on children

In the previous article, we analyze bullying from the mimetic theory. We were able to identify the bullying as part of a circle of violence that arises from mimetic phenomenon in which we are immersed, which explains a myriad of human behaviors. Now, based on René Girard's mimetic theory, human desires are conceived as impulses or motivations whose root does not arise internally, but are essentially derived, that is, its nature is external to the subject desiring.

Violence in the family: causes and effects

To exemplify the above, we can briefly mention the conflict situations themselves of mythical stories, such as that of the founding of Rome (the struggle between Romulus and Remus) or that of the Genesis (the mortal rivalry between Cain and Abel), where we can find that competitiveness not so much for getting what the other has, but for become the other, by usurping his identity, in which we see an autonomy and dominance that one lacks (let's call it the 'desire to be other').

It is in this appropriation process that

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this desire to subdue, to dominate or even to destroy, actions that are reproduced in all social spheres.

The drive for domination: a psychoanalytic approach to the phenomenon of violence

Following this line of thought we can see that if education is the reflection of society and vice versa, The problem of school violence is a cancer that afflicts not only educational actors, but the entire community. society. Having already analyzed the negative behaviors that characterize bullying, let's take a step back to have a panoramic view that allows us to study another of the components that make up this conflict. Looking past the school we find the family, the fundamental nucleus of society. It is the elemental support, base of the social structure, which refers to the systematic conformation of correlation between individuals directly and indirectly linked within a society.

Regarding the latter, in Mexico there is a popular saying: leducation sucks with milk, meaning that the development of intellectual and moral capacities of people begins at home, while this is true for better or for worse, it is also a condemnation. But what is it that our children are suckling at home?

Most research studies the effects on children of domestic violence, but not in all its aspects and dimensions, since they focus mainly on the aggressions that are directly directed towards the minors following the line of the father / mother-son / daughter relationship. However, analyzing the relationship between the different forms of aggression, abuse or neglect in families could reveal relevant data for the study of intrafamily violence and violence. its consequences, it is thus that according to an investigation carried out by the Department of Psychology of the University of Arizona, supported by the National Center of Child Abuse and Neglect, children who witness conjugal / family violence (whether seen or heard), suffer as much as those direct victims of violence, from the consideration that the consequences derived from it are the same.

The child living in a violent family environment

According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, violence between children and adolescents tends to develop mainly in an environment where the minor is in particularly stressful conditions and situations, especially those related to the family, among some examples we can mention the single parenthood, the breakdown or instability of a marriage, the unemployment situation of the parents -which in turn causes a low level of family income-, as well as different aspects of the parenting that can contribute to violent behavior among children.

Being a father / mother is a complex task, no one is born knowing how to be a father and this can manifest itself through inappropriate control (lack of vigilance, authority and responsibility of children), very strict discipline (laxity and disciplinary incoherence), dissension between parents, rejection of the child and limited participation and / or lack of interest in the child's activities, lack of communication and inconsistency in models of parental behavior.

The psychological effects of domestic violence on children

So, violence being an accumulation of uncertainty and frustrations that the minor is unable to locate. among their capabilities (patterns of social behavior) the socially appropriate and necessary means to cope, will seek to reduce tension through crisis behaviors, demonstrating different mental and emotional imbalances in their behavior such as distraction, low self-esteem, Sleep disorders, sense of guilt and aggression against their peers, family members and other people's property.

Today, children are exposed to endemic violence at an earlier age compared to a few decades ago. According to WHO world statistics, only in 2011 there were 250,000 homicides among youth ages 10-29.

With respect to sexual violence, an international study reports that between 3 and 24% of women had their first sexual experience out of obligation. Finally, a study carried out in 40 countries shows that exposure to violence and bullying affects both boys (8.6-45.2%) and girls (4.8-45.8%), without mention that 15% of children between the 1st and 8th grade, revealed that they had been the object of intimidation or harassment "more than one or two occasions" during the six weeks prior to the probe.

Although it is true that recommendations from different organizations and programs are already being carried out internationally and within each nation, the importance of eradicating violence from the home needs to be emphasized.

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