Most prominent characters of the RUSSIAN REVOLUTION

Revolutions are big moves arisen in the nations and that cause great changes in many of the structures of a nation. In revolutions, many people gain prominence for one reason or another, and it is important to know these figures to understand the historical process, for all this in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we must talk about the characters of the russian revolution.
The Russian Revolution is the set of events that led to end of imperial tsarism and on the move to a new Russia based on a Leninist and Republican system. This process took place between the months of February and November 1917, ending with the arrival of Lenin to power and the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II.
The beginning of the revolution was largely consequence of World War I, since the defeat of the most traditional governments had shown Europe that it was time to change the primitive monarchies, one of them being the Russian one.
The changes brought about by the Russian revolution were key to the world, being the beginning of the USSR
and of a communist society that it would have enormous power in later years. The Russian revolution was the cause of the nation that would defeat Hitler's Germany, the first nation socialist of the world and one of the contenders of the Cold War that had so much relevance in the stage contemporary.When talking about the characters of the Russian Revolution we must distinguish them into two groups, on the one hand being the characters who defended the already primitive Russian Empire and on the other hand those who were part of the revolutionaries and who were key to the Russian revolution. In this section we must talk about the tsar and all those defenders of his absolutist system during the revolutionary process.
Tsar Nicholas II of Russia
The last Tsar of Russia, reigning between 1894 and 1917, was considered by many to be one of the main reasons for the revolution. His government was characterized by a serious economic, military and social crisis, this being together with the great crimes committed by his government one of the main reasons for the revolutionary uprising against his person.
Sergei Jabalov
Russian general during the Russian revolution, being one of the people who received the most powers to fight against the revolutionaries, being possibly the military man with the most power on the part of the tsar during the first bars of the Russian Revolution. His failure as a general was so enormous that it was the troops themselves who refused to take his orders, being one of the main causes of the defeat of the tsar in the war.
Nikolai Golitsyn
The last prime minister of Russia, occupying the position only the first months of 1917, being one of the causes of the repressions against the revolution. After resigning from him, he was arrested by the revolutionaries, who released him on the condition that he live the rest of his life. life in Russia working as a shoemaker and watchman, although it is said that he secretly collaborated with counterrevolutionaries.
Vladimir Purishkevich
Far-right politician he was a member of the Black Hundreds, being an anti-Semitic and conservative movement in Russia that defended tsarist ideals against revolutionaries. Among his actions best known to him are the murder of Rapustin and his important role in the Russian Civil War.
To continue this lesson on the characters of the Russian Revolution we must talk about the key characters of the revolutionaries, being those people who to a greater or lesser extent were essential for the revolution and for subsequent governments.
Georgy Lvov
The first president of the Provisional Government of Russia after the start of the russian nation revolution. Although he was a key figure for the revolutionaries in the beginning, as time passed he was regarded as something of a traitor and too conservative, eventually being stopped by the Bolsheviks, although his role as a moderate was key in attracting people to the revolution.
Vladimir Lenin
As leader of the Bolsheviks is considered the most important person of the Russian revolution, being his Marxist-Leninist thought key to the step that Russia took to become the USSR and possibly being the greatest ideologue of the revolution. The important role of him during the revolution made that after the process he became the first leader of the USSR.
Leon Trotsky
A member of the Mensheviks, he was one of the most important organizers of the Russian Revolution, being a key collaborator in the Bolsheviks seizing power. He held important positions during the first years of the USSR, being especially important during the Russian Civil War, but he was eventually forced to leave the nation after the coming to power of Stalin.
Lev Kamenev
Key figure of the Bolsheviks and the USSR, being a relevant member of the Politburo and the first Head of State of the USSR. Great ally of Trotsky and Lenin after the coming to power of Stalin he was executed in the so-called Great Purge, being considered by Stalin as a rival.
Joseph Stalin
Stalin was a member of the Politburo and one of the major drivers of the Russian revolution. After Lenin's death he gradually took more power within the USSR, becoming a sort of dictator of the region and defeating many of those who had been his allies during the revolution.