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The 3 stages of adolescence

Adolescence is one of the most important phases of life. In it, the human body experiences the major changes leading to the appearance of adulthood traits, Both physically and mentally.

However, adolescence is not a unique stage in which all changes occur at the same rate. That is why it is possible to distinguish different stages of adolescence, which are setting the pace of the maturation process.

The different phases of adolescence

There are different criteria to establish when one stage of adolescence ends and when another begins. In fact, there are no entirely objective and definitive criteria for establishing these temporal boundaries, nor can there be; it all depends on what parameters we look at.

However, that does not mean that there is not a certain consensus about what these phases are. Below you can see them explained and described.

1. Pre-adolescence

Pre-adolescence goes from 8 to 11 years, and consists of the stage in which the transition between childhood and adolescence occurs. Therefore, there is some ambiguity about whether this phase belongs to childhood to adolescence. What is certain is that in most cases, pre-adolescence coincides with the onset of puberty.

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Physical changes

The physical changes that occur in this stage are remarkable and affect many parts of the body. For example, it is at this point that bones begin to grow rapidly and unevenly, which can make it a bit more difficult to coordinate movements (a feeling of clumsiness appears) and appear light discomfort in some joints.

Psychological changes

At this stage of adolescence, great progress in the ability to think in abstract terms. That is why one is better able to reflect on hypothetical situations or on logical and mathematical operations. However, normally when you leave this phase you do not have a total mastery in these areas.

In the same way, there is a tendency to try to fit into gender roles, so as not to get out of the stereotypes related to the appearance and different behaviors of men and women.

2. Early adolescence

Early adolescence occurs between 11 and 15 years, and in it the main sudden changes of hormonal type occur, to the point where when leaving this phase the body is very different from the one it had during pre-adolescence.

Physical changes

Early adolescence is the phase in which the greatest changes occur in the voice. In the same way, the muscles and sexual organs are developed until they have a much more adult appearance. The fact of having bigger muscles means that you need to eat more and sleep for a longer time.

Similarly, in many cases acne begins to appear on the face, due to an increased secretion of fatty substance in the skin.

Psychological changes

In early adolescence, the full ability to think in terms is achieved. abstracts, although this only occurs if you have practiced this skill and enjoyed a good education.

In the same way, gregariousness occupies happens to have a very important role both when interacting with others and looking for references outside the family, as well as when building one's own self esteem and self concept. At this time, they experiment with different elements that can make up an identity, such as aesthetics related to urban tribes.

In the same way, the opinion that others have of oneself tends to be highly valued. Image and aesthetics are considered to be a primary component of one's identity and well-being.

3. Late adolescence

This is the third and final stage of adolescence, and it occurs approximately between 15 and 19 years old, according to the World Health Organization.

Physical changes

People who are in this phase they tend to show more homogeneity in their characteristics than those found in early adolescence, because the vast majority have already gone through the most abrupt changes. This has led some researchers to conclude that this phase does not differ substantially from adulthood, and that it is only a social construct that exists in certain cultures and not in others. However, it must be borne in mind that the psychological impact of social constructs is totally real and, therefore, can influence the maturation process, as we will see.

During late adolescence it is customary to reach the maximum height marked by its own growth, and the complexion of the body becomes fully adult. On the other hand, the apparent disproportions that could occur in the first phase of adolescence disappear giving a much more cohesive aspect to the dimensions of arms, legs, etc. On the other hand, the body also gains muscle mass and the propensity to accumulate fat is maintained more or less stable or even reduced a little, although the adoption of better eating habits also plays a role in this.

Psychological changes

In this stage the social conscience finishes developing and a lot of time begins to be spent thinking about situations and processes that are not limited to what can be seen, heard and touched in the immediate environment. It is a renunciation of the egocentricity typical of the previous stages, although it does not disappear completely.

Long-term plans take on a much more important role than before, and the image that is given, although it is still relevant, begins to cease to be one of the main pillars of one's own identity. A good part of the egocentricity that defined childhood and the rest of the adolescence stages is abandoned, which makes it more likely that these young people will interested in politics and social processes in general, since their objectives become more related to what is beyond their circles social.

Although the importance of aesthetics tends to decline, in some cases aesthetics are still so important that in certain cases a Eating Behavior Disorder.

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