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The best 16 Psychologists in León (Spain)

In Cardenal Lorenzana street we can find the office of one of the most recommended psychologists in the city of León, Ruth Fernández Matía.

She graduated in Psychology from the University of Salamanca in 2001 and has a master's degree in Behavior Therapy from UNED, in addition to being a senior technician in Health and Psychosocial Psychology.

She is the director of the Matía Psychology Center and specializes in treating mental disorders such as anxiety disorders, depression, cases of low self-esteem and drug addiction problems, among others.

The Clinical Psychologist Ignacio Saludes He is another of the most outstanding professionals in León and his services are offered to adults and also couples, both in person and online and based on the application of scientifically effective therapies proven.

Graduated in Clinical Psychology, this professional has a Master's Degree in General Health Psychology, has a Specialization in Behavior Therapy and Disorders of Personality, he is a University Specialist in EMDR Therapy and masters other therapies such as Cognitive-behavioral Therapy and Third Party Therapies Generation.

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Some of the main areas that this professional addresses in his consultation are phobias, stress, addictions, depression, anxiety, grief processes, relational problems, emotional management deficits, insomnia and problems with partner.

The online psychotherapy center Psychology 360 is specialized in serving children, adolescents, adults and also couples who may have any type of problem or psychological disorder, as well as in the field of sexology.

The main ones applied by the center's professionals are Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness and Brief Therapy, all of them of great scientific efficacy, adapted to the client's needs and at a very affordable price. affordable.

Some of the areas that the professionals at this center address are eating disorders, problems behavior, addictions, self-esteem problems, sexual difficulties, anxiety and depression.

Montserrat González She is another of the best options if we look for a mental health professional in León.

She graduated in Psychology from the University of Oviedo in 1992 and later specialized in the it is the field of emotional and dissociative disorders and emotional dependencies and attachment traumas in Adults. She also stands out for treating anxiety disorder and cases of phobias.

Mar Arias Sarmiento She is another of the most recommended psychologists when looking for psychotherapy in León.

She received a degree in Psychology from the University of Salamanca, and later specialized in Clinical Psychology. Thanks to this training and a long experience of more than 30 years, this psychologist is an expert when it comes to to treat problems such as sexual dysfunctions, panic attacks and cases of low self-esteem.

The therapist and coach Jesus Mª Pérez Santos He is another of the most outstanding professionals in León if you are looking to overcome problems related to the management of emotions and communication. in personal and professional relationships.

This professional has a Master in Couple and Family Psychology, another Master in Certified NLP Practitioner, a Training Course in Mindfulness for Emotionals and another Training Course in Personal Coaching and Professional.

Her intervention is offered both in person and online to adults, couples and families, in sessions where she attends sources of discomfort such as family or relationship conflicts, abuse of the Internet and video games, deficits in anger management, low self-esteem and stress.

The General Health Psychologist Nuria Miranda She has more than 15 years of professional experience behind her, during which time she has specialized in serving children, adolescents, adults and also families.

Her services are offered online and her intervention is based on the integration of various effective therapies such as Relational Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Cognitive-behavioral Therapy or Therapy Brief.

Some of her most notable intervention specialties are family conflicts, emotional dependence, anxiety and depression, stress and behavior problems.

Marta Garcia Cabezas She is another of the most prominent psychologists that we can find in the city of León.

She has a degree in Psychology from the Pontifical University of Salamanca and has three master's degrees, one of which is Family and Couples Therapy, another in Child and Adolescent Therapy and a Third in General Health Psychology. In this way, this psychologist is highly trained to treat people of all ages who suffer from she emotional disorders of depression and self-esteem problems that may affect the family environment and labor.

This psychologist also offers online therapy.

Another of the best psychologists that we can find in this city is Carlos Javier Alonso Carro, both for their training and for their experience.

After graduating in Psychology from the UNED in 1999, Carlos Javier specialized in cognitive-behavioral therapy. From this paradigm solidly supported by scientific evidence, this psychotherapy professional effectively treats stress problems, panic attacks and anxiety disorder, among others problems.

The psychologist Esther Perez de la Fuente He is a specialist in accompanying and guiding adults through their process of change through the application of a humanistic therapy.

His intervention specialties are anxiety disorders, cases of depression, self-esteem problems and situations of sustained stress.

The psychologist Ana Garrido Married offers a psychological care service for people of all ages, as well as couples and families who may need it through the application of Systemic Therapy, one of the most used by professionals.

Among his specialties of intervention, we highlight deficits of self-esteem, problems of relationship and intra-family relationships and bullying.

Beatriz Menendez graduated in Psychology in 2007 from the University of Salamanca and besides being a specialist in Psychodrama with a diploma in Criminology and a master's degree in Gender and Diversity from the University of Oviedo.

She is a specialist in treating eating disorders, problems in personal relationships (through couples or family therapy) and panic attacks.

In her private office on Gran Vía de San Marcos street, we found another of the best psychologists in León: Cristina Casado Rodriguez.

She graduated in Psychology from the University of Salamanca in 2002 and also has a master's degree in Behavior Therapy from UNED.

Among the psychological problems that Cristina Casado treats most effectively are conduct disorder, anxiety disorders and phobias, and cases of depression.

Laura Martin Pato It is another of the most interesting options for those looking for the best psychologists in León.

She graduated from the Pontifical University of Salamanca in Psychology in 2012 and also has a master's degree in Eating Behavior Disorders and Obesity.

Thanks to this training and her career, Laura Martín Pato can be of great help in providing psychological assistance to patients with disorders of the eating behavior such as anorexia, bulimia and obesity, in addition to other problems such as depression or difficulty regulating impulsivity and the emotions.

The psychologist Laura Rodriguez she has more than 10 years of experience in patient care.

In addition to dedicating herself to the field of psychotherapy, she also has experience as a trainer in workshops that she conducts in her practice.

Among her psychological intervention specialties, cases of addiction to all kinds of substances, anxiety disorders, depression, low self-esteem, trauma, OCD, and more stand out.

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